1Tim.3:6. ..'.not a novice lest he become arrogant and come under the same condemnation as the devil.'
This is talking about one of the conditions for being recognized as an elder. Do not allow a newbie to throw his wait around which can only lead to pride. Newbies need teaching and instruction in righteousness in order to grow up into maturity. Elders r to c to their education. True elders r to run as fast as they can from elevation and the pride that goes with it.
So lets look at Isaiah 14. Lucifer, instead of wanting to be a humble servant, wanted a higher rank, above the stars and the congregation. He was the first cleric, the first clergy. The iniquity in his heart was pride. God cast him down to the earth and his arrogant influence on man kind has been a disaster ever since unto this very hour. Need I go into history? I think not.
Jesus said that 'the Gentiles have rulers that reign over them, but it shall not be so among you, the brethren.'
The fall of man influenced by satan in the beginning was all about pride, lifting oneself above others which is contrary to God's economy, His original eternal plan. Adam and Cavah wanted knowledge which puffs up. They did not want the tree of life, which is life in the Spirit as we crucify that old man Adam, pride.
Diotrephes in 3 John pulled the same devilish dung when he lifted himself up above the others to take control.
Lucifer was not happy just being a servant and neither is mankind. When we were kids we played 'king of the mountain', just a game you say but quite telling of the condition of mans heart. I'm not advocating not keeping score in our sports games. I am saying that as born from above believers, we cannot continue in this church hiearchy mentality. We are all to be servants one to another, bound with the servants apron, ready to wash each others feet, not plan and scheme how to vy for that coveted position behind a pulpit...above the congregation. Read Isaiah 14 and see where this clergy system all started.