glorydaz said:
It's interesting how you claim Rom. 3 is about the unregenerate but you deny Rom. 2 is.
Well Paul was very clear about this.
The person in the first half of Romans 3 is
hopelessly incapable of doing good. Now gd, are you saying that the Christian is incapable of doing good? Well, remember Romans 8 - the believer is pre-destined to be what? Hopelessly lost in sin? No. Conformed to the image of the Son. And if the believer is conformed to the image of Jesus, that believer obviously can do good works.
As for Romans 2, Paul clearly is describing a judgement for all humanity. Some get eternal life, some get condemnation. I know that your argument is that no Christians will be at that judgement. Well (1) you have no evidence for this and (2) even if you did, we would have to explain why Paul repeatedly says that people will get life and be declared righteous at a judgement where
zero Christians will be present.
Now it is true that, in Romans 3, Paul never
explicitly says that he is only talking about the unregnerate. But when we get to Romans 8, we are
forced to conclude this. Do I really need to explain why?
I guess I do - the person in Romans 8 can walk in the Spirit and be conformed to the image of Jesus. Is such a person in the same hopeless state as the person in Romans 3? Obviously not.
glorydaz said:
It's the same way you take this very clear verse from Eph. and claim it is only for the Jews.
Now how you can do that and still look in the mirror is beyond me.
Ephesians 2:8-10 said:
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
What an outrageous statement. I have twice, yes
twice posted a detailed argument to support my take on Ephesians 2. And you simply refuse to engage it. Why? I suggest the reason is obvious – you cannot find an error in that argument so you simply ignore it. It is clear that in Ephesians 2:8-9, Paul is talking about Jew trying to get justified by doing Torah. I am not going to waste my time re-posting arguments that you repeatedly ignore.
I may post this again for the benefit of others, though.