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Bible Study Lets Talk About God's Will to heal.


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Brother, this is one that i disagree with you in.

Matthew 15
7 Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:
8 ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.

9 And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ”

Words are just words.

So, I guess, those kids with cancer made a bad choice.
Christians that get killed in car wrecks, not being their fault, made a bad choice.
Christians being killed by tornadoes or some other things they can not control, made a bad choice.
It rains on the just and unjust.[
Does Jesus have all power? I see no scripture that tell us mankind is in control of His power... Can you show me a passage telling us He abdicated His power. I do not see mans will 'stronger then the will of God.

Mat 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

Reba You misunderstood what I was saying. Here are some scriptures

I said God has given things on earth to the control of man
Psalm 115:16 NKJV
The Heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's BUT the earth He has given to the children of men.
Meaning God is in full control in Heaven...there is no crime ,poverty, rape, murder etc.
Here on earth, there is all sorts of evil.....this is why we are told to separate our selves from the world and He will be our God.

Deuteronomy 30 :11-15 and 30: 19-20
These passages state it is our choice. It clearly states that it is up to us to make the choice of life or death, blessing or cursing. This has to be an every day thing. Not I did that when I got saved and thats it. We have to chose to walk in His ways daily....

Revelation 3:20 states He is at the door knocking.......IF you answer....He Will....

Our entire life with God is full of IF'S....If we do this then we will see these results. Everything is a choice. God decided to give man free will and so man has free will. This means we have the right to choose His way or our way. If we chose His way then He will be involved in it but if we do not chose His ways then He is not going to be in it.

When you walk with God you must learn to hear His voice. Remember 9:11?
There was a born again man and spirit filled Godly man working on this day.
God spoke to Him and told him to get every one out now and run. He knew Gods voice so he began to do this....Now the authorities were saying stay put everything will be fine. God said GO NOW.

He tried and tried to get people to leave with him. Most made the choice to listen to the authorities and NOT what God had been saying. So a few people believed what this man had said and they climbed down the stairs and once out side he heard the Holy Ghost say RUN NOW....They did and then the second plane I believe hit and the building went up and all the people that stayed DIED....

Now don't you think there were some good people in there ? Some were Christians too....They made a choice and their choice cost them their lives...

God is NOT in control of everything here on this planet. Yes He is God and can do what ever He wanted to...HOWEVER....He decided to NOT ever go against His word. He decided to give man free will or the freedom to make choices.....He wont go against His word.....

Have you ever been rushing around trying to get ready to go some place and everything seems to keep slowing you down ? Stop and pray......Do not ever get frustrated with delays if you are walking with God.....He is trying to keep you from something.... I have seen many times.....those who stop to listen missed a big wreck or a fire or what have you.

It's when we do not give His voice a thought that we make poor choices and get into trouble. If you are walking out side of His blessing you are not protected as much as you think. Doubt, unbelief, UN forgiveness, not walking in Love and so forth will place you out side of His blessing....

This is all I was saying...
Matthew 15
7 Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:
8 ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.

9 And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ”

Words are just words.

. might want to do some research in the word of God before you make this claim.....
Matthew 15
7 Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:
8 ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.

9 And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ”

Words are just words.


I did not say that the heart being right is not important, because it is, but if you do a study on will see that words are not just words.

Good verse for the point though!
It's not the words that are important. It's the motivation behind them.

Gary where do you get these things from ? Motivation behind the words......Words are the power of life and death.
Every word you speak is either working for you or against you and your words will dictate how your life will be this time next year......Please study the scriptures
Hey folks. I recognize the natural aging process that we all must endure. And that aging process finally ends in old age with death. Today death is around 70 to 80 for a normal lifespan....I'm speaking about a disease that comes upon us early in life. In other words, robbing us of a full life.

Amen Brother Chopper for God has alotted man 120 years on this earth and we should be living all of them. might want to do some research in the word of God before you make this claim.....
Gary where do you get these things from ? Motivation behind the words......Words are the power of life and death.
Every word you speak is either working for you or against you and your words will dictate how your life will be this time next year......Please study the scriptures

Here's a thought. Why not post some of those scriptures you say I should be studying. The ones that say God doesn't search the heart prior to His judgments, because that's all I've said here. God searches the heart. You disagree with that. Show me where I'm wrong.
sometimes in primitive cultures and third world nations the normal life span is about 50 at the most. ie Afghanistan and that area and parts of Africa and india. we cant just ignore what sanitation and sewer grids do. we cant ignore that also modern food codes also have played a part. those the gmo thing is for another thread.

You are right Jason. What is God's will to do, man in his foolish thinking messes up this world that we live in. It was God's intention, in the Garden of Eden, not to have what you have mentioned, but thanks to Adam, it got all messed up.
Chopper, It is not negative. It is biblical. God heals and sometimes He does not. Physically God has never 100% healed anyone. We all die.

Sometimes it is His will for us to suffer.
1 Peter 4:19 (NASB95)
19 Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.

16 but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name.

What we may be doing here is shaming those that suffer. By saying things like," they have sin in their life,they don't have enough faith,God ALWAYS wills that we are healed." And in reality they are Glorifying God in their suffering. We are on a very slippery slope as Christians to say "God wills everyone to be healed." It can actually shame a Brother that is truly glorifying God through their suffering.

On the other side of the Coin, sometimes it is Gods will that we are sick or even to die. Divine discipline.
1 Corinthians 11:30 (NASB95)
30 For this reason many among you are weak and sick, and a number sleep.

It is in our nature to want all the Good that Christ has brought us. But we can't forget that we share in His sufferings also.

13but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.

1. Rejection by His own people, Isa.53:3; cp. Jn.1:11.
2. Could not tap into His deity for His own benefit, Phil.2:5-8.
3. Betrayal by a close associate, Ps.41:9; cp. Mt.10:4.
4. Forsaken by His disciples, Zech.13:7; cp. Mk.14:50.
5. Accused by false witnesses, Ps.35:11; cp. Mt.26:5961.
6. Hit and spit upon, Isa.50:6; cp. Mt.26:67; Lk.22:63.
7. Mocked, Ps.22:7,8; cp. Mt.27:31.
8. Scourged, Mt.27:26.
9. Hands and feet pierced, Ps.22:16; cp. Lk.23:33; Jn.20:25.
10. Crucified with thieves, Isa.53:12; cp. Mt.27:38.
11. Rejected by His own family, Jn.7:5.
12. Hated for no reason, Ps.69:4; cp. Jn.15:25.
13. Friends stood at a distance, Ps.38:11; cp. Lk.23:49.
14. People shaking their heads, Ps.109:25; cp. Mt.27:39.
15. Garments removed and divided, Ps.22:18; cp. Jn.19:23,24.
16. Stared at, Ps.22:17; cp. Lk.23:35.
17. Suffered thirst, for which gall and vinegar were offered Him, Ps.69:21; cp. Mt.27:34; cp. Jn.19:28.

Rom 5:3~~New American Standard Bible
And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;

We are only going on Scripture in this thread. Therefore I'd like you to provide Scripture for your statements. Lets remember, we are speaking about bodily healing when someone gets sick before his death date set by God. NOT trials of pain brought on because of persecution because of our Salvation.

1. Show me Scripture that shows that God does not heal. You say, sometimes He heals and sometimes He doesn't. Can you provide Scripture that proves He doesn't?

Sickness because of sin, such as in James 5 can be healed.

There is suffering because of our position in Jesus brought on by God haters. This is not what we are addressing.

We basically are looking at disease brought on, like cancer etc.
Love through dove, you have said right....we can learn from pain and heartache. But God is not the one who brings the pain and the heartache. God has ways that He wants us to follow, because they bring about peace and righteousness, they are all written in the Bible. Now if we choose to not obey, or we are having a difficult time training our flesh from worldly ways, then because we are out of God's will, we bring the pain on ourselves, because when we are in sin we open the door to the devil to come in to mess with us so to speak. James 3:16 nlt says for wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find every evil work.

In the verses that you listed above, do not say that he brings pain or bad things, only that he does correct us. God uses His Word to correct in Hebrews 4:12...for the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. And in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 it says that the scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

If we would use the Word as a road map, we could live the way that God desires. Some of us (like i was) sometimes mistakenly allow the devil to bring about the bad things. The sad part is that the devil wants us to believe that it is God's fault, because if that is what we believe then it brings doubt to God's character.

Blessings to you! Thanks for bringin these verses up! I surely appreciate you!
You are so right! Today we have all of these New Covenant and modern day New Testament Christians that never read the Old Testament. Sadly, most of the Church Membership of, even, whole Bible Churches do not teach and do not read the Book of Job and the few that do miss the lessons taught, therein. So many never seem to understand that God permitted the testing of Job and He did not order it. They never even want to go that deep into the Word of God.

Good post!
God cannot do for us what we do not believe He can do.
Wise words. My missionary friend in Antigua Guatemala routinely sees miraculous events because the people there do not rely heavily on science and thus permit God to work for and through them There are the rare events here in the US and rarer in Europe but they are normal in the Third World nations.
Couple thoughts;
God created our bodies so they often heal themselves. Sometimes with a little help
1Ti 5:23 Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

God does not heal every one the same as the other guy.

2Ki 5:14 Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.
Mar 8:25 After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.
Joh 9:6 When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, . . . And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam
God cannot do for us what we do not believe He can do. So only after we have renewed our minds to the Word, that says that we are healed by Jesus' stripes, and we believe that what God said is true, then He can in His power heal us.

Our words play a huge part in this, for out of the abundance of our hearts does the mouth speak.
God cannot do for us what we do not believe He can do.
I dont believe this... This idea puts man over God...
Not all were given the same talents .
We should do our best with the talents given... we should not covet the talents of the other guy.. Ol Taylor has the talent to praise the Lord through MS... Bro Mike was given e talent to see his son through deadly cancer... Grandpa prayed Grandma back to life.

When I laid hands on the sick and they were healed that would be the lords talents.
Making apple pie would be our talent. Right? The lord performs his word with signs following.
Here's a thought. Why not post some of those scriptures you say I should be studying. The ones that say God doesn't search the heart prior to His judgments, because that's all I've said here. God searches the heart. You disagree with that. Show me where I'm wrong.
I'm going with Gar on this one. The tongue is an extension of the heart. And so it is in that sense that our words have power.

Just the simple fact that you can pray for healing out loud and not have faith in your heart, and thus not receive the healing because of a lack of faith, shows that the power is not in the leagalism of words, but in them being an expression of what's in the heart.
God cannot do for us what we do not believe He can do. So only after we have renewed our minds to the Word, that says that we are healed by Jesus' stripes, and we believe that what God said is true, then He can in His power heal us.

Our words play a huge part in this, for out of the abundance of our hearts does the mouth speak.

The question in peoples minds is will he do it for me?
Most are ignorant of the covenant as Abraham seed. Our words must line up with his words though the abundance in us.

Show me a good Christian that died sick and early and I'll show you someone who's words were not in line with Gods words.

Even my friend who was a wonderful person, prayed for my son in agreement with me said I will beat this brain cancer publicly in church. Looked like faith, sounded like faith.

Should have been dead months ago.

With the cancer gone he said to my wife in the store. "I don't know if I am healed yet."

The wife told me and the lord spoke to me. He shall surely come home to me for my people do not understand how to believe in me. Teach my people faith.

I was mad because he was in complete remission. A miracle, should have died 6 months ago.

He died the next month.


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