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[__ Prayer __] Letters in the mail.


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I got a handwritten letter from a Jehovahs' Witness who wants to talk to me about the Lord. My neighbor across the street said she got one too not a copy but hand written and one of her friends down the street also.
I called the number and left a message for the guy to call me. I want him to come to my house so I can show him the truth that Jesus is God.
I got a handwritten letter from a Jehovahs' Witness who wants to talk to me about the Lord. My neighbor across the street said she got one too not a copy but hand written and one of her friends down the street also.
I called the number and left a message for the guy to call me. I want him to come to my house so I can show him the truth that Jesus is God.
I like to give it a shot.
I'm sure our prayers are with you.
I'm not going to fight with them . I just want them to think for themselves.
You won't change their minds .

No one debated me into salvation. I was raised a jw .it doesn't take long for me to go into the old cult stuff to remember.i have debated them hear.

If God leads you that's one thing .I don't suggest if not . They have a whole school on Christendom .irc it was called the pioneer for woman and men were called another word .they would read a book on the basic of their version of apologetics and then head out to witness.

They study our theology and poke holes at it .
You won't change their minds .

No one debated me into salvation. I was raised a jw .it doesn't take long for me to go into the old cult stuff to remember.i have debated them hear.

If God leads you that's one thing .I don't suggest if not . They have a whole school on Christendom .irc it was called the pioneer for woman and men were called another word .they would read a book on the basic of their version of apologetics and then head out to witness.

They study our theology and poke holes at it .
Thanks jasonc.
I have spoken to many JW's over the years and you're right about one thing none of them changed their minds but God has been showing me some new things about scripture and maybe something will take hold who knows.
Would you mind me asking how you came to leave their church? Did they try to get you back in there?
Thanks jasonc.
I have spoken to many JW's over the years and you're right about one thing none of them changed their minds but God has been showing me some new things about scripture and maybe something will take hold who knows.
Would you mind me asking how you came to leave their church? Did they try to get you back in there?
Kingdom hall . In short , the fact I joined the army . I wasn't like my siblings ,save Bridget who remained ,always faithful .she too ar times has gone back.i nor my brother and dad as well.

My nephew all if them like me raised into it have bi love for it and stopped going as an adult.

Until about two years ago .my sister lived north of the kingdom hall and would walk to it .at times I would see them as 20 th ave was and still is my way to down town .

Her second child tried the path I went by joining the corps but it failed for him .he isn't cut out for it

Her oldest ugh .I will say no more . The youngest seems ok.
Kingdom hall . In short , the fact I joined the army . I wasn't like my siblings ,save Bridget who remained ,always faithful .she too ar times has gone back.i nor my brother and dad as well.

My nephew all if them like me raised into it have bi love for it and stopped going as an adult.

Until about two years ago .my sister lived north of the kingdom hall and would walk to it .at times I would see them as 20 th ave was and still is my way to down town .

Her second child tried the path I went by joining the corps but it failed for him .he isn't cut out for it

Her oldest ugh .I will say no more . The youngest seems ok.
But did you or your mom and dad or other siblings ever question the beliefs in the JW kingdom hall?
We just stopped going .
I left the Baptist church because I couldn't reconcile God putting His innocent Son to death instead of me. I was taught that for decades. I preached it myself for that long, but I just could not understand how a loving could be merciful to everyone, except his own Son?
I sincerely asked God why he did that.
That was the beginning of understanding how our Savior is truly, completely and immutably One with His Father,

(The Father speaking)
Behold,these three years I come seekingfruit on this fig tree, and find none:cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? Lk.13:7

(The Son speaking)
And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it: And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.

If the Father and Son are perfectly One, why don't not have the same thoughts about what to do with the fruitless tree?

Answer: They do. The Lamb who is the One True God in human flesh is contemplating in His Mind whether to destroy wicked men or continue showing His love and mercy and goodness to sinners so we might repent and bear fruit.

Even as imperfect sinners, we understand injustice. We see terrorists (wicked sinners) killing harmless children on the news and are rightfully horrified. People ask, "Why doesn't God take these evil men out?"

Answee: Because if God chose to end all wickedness, you and I wouldn't be having this conversation. Right?
I left the Baptist church because I couldn't reconcile God putting His innocent Son to death instead of me. I was taught that for decades. I preached it myself for that long, but I just could not understand how a loving could be merciful to everyone, except his own Son?
I sincerely asked God why he did that.
That was the beginning of understanding how our Savior is truly, completely and immutably One with His Father,

(The Father speaking)
Behold,these three years I come seekingfruit on this fig tree, and find none:cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? Lk.13:7

(The Son speaking)
And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it: And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.

If the Father and Son are perfectly One, why don't not have the same thoughts about what to do with the fruitless tree?

Answer: They do. The Lamb who is the One True God in human flesh is contemplating in His Mind whether to destroy wicked men or continue showing His love and mercy and goodness to sinners so we might repent and bear fruit.

Even as imperfect sinners, we understand injustice. We see terrorists (wicked sinners) killing harmless children on the news and are rightfully horrified. People ask, "Why doesn't God take these evil men out?"

Answee: Because if God chose to end all wickedness, you and I wouldn't be having this conversation. Right?
The jw dont deny that Jesus died for us they just deny the biblical nature
Hey All,
Journeyman, here is a quick way to show Jehovah's Witnesses that their bible proclaims Jesus is God. Have them show you Revelation 1:8, and 1:11 in their bible.

Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Revelation 1:11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

Ask them who is speaking here? They have to admit that it is God (the Almighty). They will not admit this is Jesus. That's OK. Show them the messages to the churches in chapters 2-3, and ask if these are the messages that God is referring to. They should agree that they are. Now let's take them to Revelation 22 where their bible tells us who it is.

Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Show them these verses. Ask them if this is still God speaking here. They should admit that this is God speaking. Now this:

Revelation 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

This verse identifies who is speaking. Jesus sent His angel. Only God has angels. He is both the creator of, and the descendant of David. Only God can create. Jesus is the descendant of David through the Holy Spirit and Mary. He is the bright and morning star (the light of the world). Jesus is the light of the world.

Now you can take them back to John 8:12.

John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

There you have Jesus speaking, claiming the attributes of God, applying them to Himself. It is hard for Jehovah's Witnesses to deny this as it is written in their own bible.
Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
You won't change their minds .

No one debated me into salvation. I was raised a jw .it doesn't take long for me to go into the old cult stuff to remember.i have debated them hear.

If God leads you that's one thing .I don't suggest if not . They have a whole school on Christendom .irc it was called the pioneer for woman and men were called another word .they would read a book on the basic of their version of apologetics and then head out to witness.

They study our theology and poke holes at it .
You shouldn't give up.
You know what they're going to try to prove...
so study up on that.

I feel sorry for them if they meet up with Free !
I got a handwritten letter from a Jehovahs' Witness who wants to talk to me about the Lord. My neighbor across the street said she got one too not a copy but hand written and one of her friends down the street also.
I called the number and left a message for the guy to call me. I want him to come to my house so I can show him the truth that Jesus is God.
Praying God gives you the right words and helps with the responses
You shouldn't give up.
You know what they're going to try to prove...
so study up on that.

I feel sorry for them if they meet up with Free !
And endlessly debate him ?

I get these letters ,my church teaches one point you can't argue forever.even Jesus said if they don't receive you shake the dust off your feet


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