glorydaz said:
So if you consider it a sin to eat meat that's been offered to idols, that means it's a sin for me, too?
Think about that, brother, and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Eating meat in of itself is not sinful. The act is sinful when we are commanded or bound by Godly authority NOT to eat it - and we do it anyways. It is the disobedience of a lawful order that makes it a sin. When the Body of Christ tells me to abstain from meat for a time, it is for my own spiritual welfare. My disobedience to that is an act of pride.
"He who hears you hears me (Jesus)".
glorydaz said:
It certainly can be an act of love. It can also be a result of someone who thinks he is the holder of all truth. I'm sure you have experienced that yourself. When someone rebukes you for "worshipping" statues, and you know that isn't what you're doing, the person rebuking you is being self-righteous and claiming you're sinning when you aren't.
When I am rebuked for such an act, it is the result of the rebuker's ignorance in not knowing what I am doing. It is an act of love when I inform him what I am doing and correct his error - as long as I can do so without attacking him. As I said in my last post, we are supposed to get the information and attempt to ascertain what is in the heart or what is behind the action of the person.
I don't think such "denominational infighting" is what Matthew 18 had in mind, anyway - the intent is when someone WITHIN the community is addressed, not someone from without.
glorydaz said:
I've certainly been accused of sinning by people who have no idea what my walk is...based on the fact that I stand on the promises of God. These people are judging without knowledge...they are not rebuking sin, they are merely showing their own carnal nature by assuming sin when none exists.
Well, I don't know if you have been accused of sinning, but perhaps being in error? Being ignorant is not necessarily being sinful, at least not willfully.
It can be difficult to separate the sinner from the sin, that is true.