I commend what you have stated. But I still offer that you would not have this luxury to perform were it not for those that have fought and died so that you could sit back in a coutry that offers the freedom of this one and be able to say these things. Escape sounds good if possible. Often however, it's not quite that simple. And if I were standing in your living room right now with a pistol pointed at your daughters head telling her to strip or die, you'd probably be wishing that you had a weapon to defend yourself, (or at least your daughter). If not, then you are certainly one of a kind.
Loving others is what we are to strive for ginger, but anyone would have to admit that there are times when this becomes 'almost' impossible. There are certainly those that push us to do what we can in order to eliminate their negative behavior. Especially when such behavior threatens the well-being of those that we love the most. I know, I know, it's easy to talk about love for our brothers and sisters, but the truth is that we love most those that are closest to us. And there is little that most would NOT do in order to protect them from those that would cause them harm.
I, for one, don't agree with the death penalty. But, let me walk into the room where someone is raping or murdering one of my loved ones and they would most likely never get a chance to be strapped into a chair and electrocuted. If possible, I would probably save the state the money and effort to bring such an individual to trial. But all this goes to show that my convictions against the death penalty are easy to voice when I am not the one being victimized. It's real easy to sit back and talk about why the death penalty is wrong, but as stated, if I were the one that had been victimized, it's quite possible that I would 'personally' bring about the death of such a perpetrator. I am not being anything other than honest. I wish we lived in a world where I could just concentrate on doing the right thing without sll the other outside influences that exist. But, I choose to be realistic in that there are many many things about which i would feel differently if I were in a different position.