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Are you telling me you never feel anger and feel a desire to lash out and hurt others even if you then catch your emotions before you do such an act. emitting an exasperated sigh, rather than chewing your annoying friends eyeballs from their head.If a man looks upon a woman and (desires in his heart, i.e. he would if he could, have intercourse with her beyond a shadow of a doubt) lusts after her, Jesus will convict him of adultery because he has committed the act in his heart and mind already.
Be hard on yourself sure, but be careful what you put forward as a standard onto another when it comes to an issue of the heart that only God is qualified to judge.
The key issue here that we need to focus on teaching is 'respect', respect for our own bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit, respect due to others and the rights of potential husbands or wives and above all respect for the Word of God.
A person who looks at another's body and desires to have illegitimate sex with him or her is akin to a person that looks at a house and wants to ransack the contents that belong to another. A robber so to speak!
Some people who know the Lord can look upon all manor of things and have no guilt in their hearts, it has to be this way or else no ministry could get done in the world.
In fact this is a mature heart and mind that can do these things, it is an immature mind skewed by sin that entertains the immoral as an option, and even worse it is a fallen heart that lusts for it.
"be in the world but not of it"
Your desires are biochemical and neurological, you can override them as a sentient and sapient begin but its how your brain is physically built to experience them.
The animalistic conciousness processing dealing with Fear, Anger, Joy, Pleasure, Hot, cold are the oldest and most central compartments of your brain found even in lower vetebrates and thus are so fast and powerful in your conciousness the part of your brain that make you human, future planning, conciousness, reasoning, are recently evolved complex and slower, your brain has limitations and operational capacities it's not a magic box. your guilting yourself for no reason at all.
but you know if you want to alter your brains operational capacities you can do so with mind altering drugs... That's what your talking about isn't it your blaming yourselves for commiting thought crimes.
Swallow a buttload of hormone blockers like I do in order to destory your male hormones that male you feel sexually driven. you can be a modern day eunich.
Cyproterone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
trust me as someone who's taken hormone blockers. as your males hormones are eliminated from your body your sexuallity is reduced to childlike function and falls asleep. Of course it returns in a subtly different fashion if you take estrogens. aquiring a female type libido. presumibly you skip the second step.