This is how we know you're teaching is error, you change your tune and you refuse to listen.
There is no changing the facts here. They are already set in writing:
Romans 3:23
all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
1 John 3:8
He that committeth
sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
If you figure out a way to extract the devil from the equations of sin, let me know. Of course you'll have to eliminate 1 John 3:8 to do so and that ain't happening.
At what point have we gone from the 'lust' toward your wife that you portray as sin, moving over to adulterous thoughts about other woman?
There mere thought remains a sin, period. Jesus showed us this fact clearly as well. You may certainly deny it happens in your mind.
Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That
whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
We know adultery is a sin. We also know that the devil, the tempter is involved with all sin in whatever form it takes. Do with the facts what you will. They don't change.
Nobody in this thread has ever said that they are not tempted by thoughts, not I nor anyone I have seen post here so far?
And you would also admit the involvement of the tempter in that? This is the 'fact' I'm waiting to hear truthfully cross your lips. If and when you do, then you will be speaking truth on this matter.
But to excuse these types of sin is to excuse the tempter in his role, and that is flat out wrong.
Perhaps you need to review the 'source' of these thoughts that you are having so that when you pray you may seek forgiveness and deliverance from this snare of the fallen man.
I am very familiar with the tempters role to blame and accuse only mankind and cover his own role within peoples minds. That is in fact your reflection at this point...and
you just admitted your own tempting thoughts. What makes yours any better than anyone else's?
The fact remains that the tempter enters the minds and hearts and steals which is a sin, lies which is a sin and tempts in thought which is also a sin.
How much of this activity are you going to 'excuse' the devil for? For me it is exactly zero. There is no such measure available to that working.
Then Satan wouldn't have such a playground in your mind to swing around in
Claiming immunity now are you?
Any believer engaged will experience these facts:
Ephesians 6:12
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
These are largely internal matters of the heart and mind and those powers are engaged therein.
"He roams around like a hungry lion looking for someone to devour"
Not all men are going to stand before Christ and escape the second death small!
Never said otherwise. Our understandings of whom 'men' are however will depart company.
Lucifer was called 'a man.' Satan is 'the man of sin.' Which 'men' do you speak of? Only those you see with flesh eyes more than likely.
Some 'men' are not seen openly.
There are two body's at work in creation and there are two natures at work in the redeemed. Which ever one you feed and nurture is the one that will win out at the end of the day.
Yes, I'm familiar with that indian folklore. It's not the Gospel.
If you missed the fact that Satan and devils were revealed to be IN MAN on nearly every page of the Gospels I'd suggest a closer read.
We do not have to live according to the desires of the fallen nature. We can be Holy and set aside.
This was a fact for Paul. It has been cited to you many times. If it was a fact for Paul it is also a fact for you and I:
Romans 7:21
I find then a law, that, when I would do good,
evil is present with me.
If you truthfully acknowledge the tempter in mind, then you'll understand 'who' was the evil present with Paul and that against which he continually battled. That fact never changed for Paul nor is it changing for anyone else in this present world, believer or unbeliever.
Peter sat in a seat of judgment and spoke, when he did so a man fell dead, he did it again and a woman fell dead.
Peter saw the facts quite clearly as well. Perhaps you missed the other party AGAIN?!
Acts 5:3
But Peter said, Ananias,
why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?
The death sentence for Satan is still on hold. God can take out any 'tool' of the devil and we are ALL taken out in death because of the presence of SIN.
Romans 8:10
if Christ be in you,
the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is lifebecause of righteousness.
Note IS. IS turns into reality of death for ALL in the flesh.
Because he was living according to the will of the Spirit, he knew what God's will was and power flowed out through him just as it did through Jesus.
"and I say unto you there are those that are coming after me that will do even greater things than I have done"
Heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the hungry, cloth the poor, tear open the very fabric of the sinful nature and expose the lies therein.
We do not have to live according to the nature of the flesh, we can say:
"get behind me Satan!"
You can make any claim of immunity of intrusion into your thoughts, deny they are of Satan, the tempter and smooth that fact however you will.
This fact also remains:
1 John 1:
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and
the truth is not in us.
Have is a present tense application.