I'm not saying it was deceptive... Hence the ?
Gary said in a previous post that intentionally withholding the truth was deceptive.
But I think its a bit more than critical thinking... I think its about not saying things for the sake of peace when whatever you say doesn't better the situation.
Oh ok, sorry brother, I'll pay more attention to the punctuation now, lol.
Keeping the peace
is important. But there is a way to withhold information without lying. Many ways if one thinks about it. To learn to do it (I am learning to do this right now), one has to think a little differently than what they are used to, that's all. We have to keep in mind that as New creatures in Christ, we are to be developing a renewed mind along with our brand new spirit that the Lord gives us when we received the 'Born Again' status. The renewed mind doesn't come overnight and it doesn't happen from Gods power without our effort. So we have to learn (or be willing to) learn to have a new way of thinking than the old man used. That's part of that, become as little children directive given to us.
People seek the mind of Christ, but it's like most people think it happens automatically. Like God will just go SHAZAM and here you are a new man, new mind, and all we had to do was ask...No. Diligence, search the scriptures daily, think on these things, don't think on those things, it says stuff like that all over scripture! Start paying attention to how many times that Jesus responded to the disciples with some sort of statement like, 'Don't think that way..." stuff like that. He did it a lot!
If us Christians would spend more time in the Word, and DO the things it says...we would develop a new way of thinking and achieve the renewed mind, the mind of Christ Himself! Like Philippians 4:8 says:
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me,
do: and the God of peace shall be with you./(KJV)
We think on those things. We cast down bad thoughts and do not dwell on them. Soon it starts sinking in and we start living it by instinct. What would God do? How would He feel about it? Well, I know because I have read His word so much (which were His thoughts before being written down) that I know how he would think about this or that...You start thinking like Him, acting like Him, because you've spent so much time in His Word...
I believe that's how it works. I'm not there yet, I'm not perfect, and a slow spiritual learner (cough cough)...but that's it and the way I am going...
Does that make sense brother?
I'd bet money that Jesus didn't tell little white lies. He didn't have to, He had the mind of His Father and His God and found choice words which kept the peace and also didn't make Him feel like He had to lie. We can do this if we try.