What is listening prayer? Also, could you name some of the things that I can do as I wait for God or to do my part if God has already done his?
Hi Sushilp
I'd like to say that God has a different relationship with each one of us.
What is good for one person may not be good for another person.
However, there are some ideas in Christianity that are good for all of us.
One is to understand what God expects from us...which is what the prior posts are about.
But we do have to be ready to accept what God wants.
I've found that some persons can accept this and understand this immediately,
and some persons take more time. It doesn't mean God love one person more than another,
or that He reveals Himself to some more than to others...it has more to do with our character, our
personality, our ideals, and the such.
Also, it's not like we go to God and ask Him for things,,,like kids do to Santa Clause.
Jesus gave us rules to live by, and when we live these rules life turns out better for us
and when we break those rules we end up paying for them one way or another.
For instance,,,the biblical teaching on divorce is that we're not supposed to get divorced.
If we can have a pleasant relationship with our spouse and we're not being beaten or cheated upon, we're supposed to stay together till death separates.
There's a reason for this. If we devote ourselves to one person we end up being happier and the other person can be happier too.
After a divorce problems can happen because we find ourselves alone and our humanity wishes to have companionship...after all God did say that it is not good for man to be alone.
We are to examine ourselves every now and then.
Are we showing a type of character that would please God?
Do we use persons, or do we truly value them?
Maybe we shouldn't be happy to be friends with just anyone...
maybe we should look for someone we really care for and respect and can appreciate.
Valuing another human being is very important.
Perhaps if we take this type of attitude our entire outlook might change and maybe we would
begin to attract a different type of person...or maybe WE could be a different type of person!
I would try to please God and try to understand what He wants from me.
I'd try to make life and this world a better place simply by being a better person...
by better I mean a more pleasant person. Just being pleasant to people makes their life
better and ours.
I don't know you and am not referring to YOU specifically, just speaking in general.
As you read through Matthew you'll come upon scripture that seems to be referring just to you.
Heed everything Jesus says and become a follower of His ...a disciple.
I find that even in hardship and difficult times, God gives us the strength if we look to Him for it.
The Holy Spirit is seeking to make His dwelling with you.
Welcome Him.
It's nice to have you here.
Our walk with God is a journey.