When I was with Campus Crusade for Christ several eons ago, our local group was close-knit and harmonious - but that was because, by definition, we were all singing out of the same hymnal. You cannot be part of Campus Crusade and sing out of a different hymnal. I'm not sure I could honestly say it was "Spirit filled," as opposed to merely "harmonious." I'm not sure I could say it struck me as more Spirit-filled than, say, golf associations of which I've been a member. Ditto for the various Southern Baptist churches of which I've been a member over the years.
A forum such as this has its own specific creed, partly to ensure some level of harmoniousness (which doesn't work very well, but at least they try). It develops a culture, and disagreements are acceptable within the framework of that culture. It's all kind of an illusory, enforced harmoniousness that I wouldn't describe as Spirit-filled.
I can truly say that I have seen the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in my own life over the past 46 years, so I don't doubt that it is real. My guess would be, 98% of the people at this site would not characterize me as Spirit-filled - indeed, they routinely question whether I am even a Christian. Some people here do strike me as genuinely Spirit-filled - Chopper, for one - but not enough to make this a place I would want to routinely spend time or to which I would feel comfortable steering my non-Christian friends and saying, "Go there, you'll see what real Christians are like." (For that matter, among the people in my life who have struck me as being genuinely Spirit-filled, a sizable percentage weren't even Christians and would have had no idea what I was talking about if I had suggested they seemed Spirit-filled.)
I have decided that, for me, following Christ in my own life (as I understand the phrase "following Christ") is really all that is important. My guess is, following Christ has almost nothing to do with fine points of doctrine.