Pick one? Only one?
Ok let's start with the Great Commission our calling as Christians and what we do in the world around us. On the other hand that's a little foggy. Is it still foggy? Fog is water can you be babitized in fog? It's past 7:45 AM here but if it is foggy lets just stay in and maybe study. That'll help when we do go out.
In or out what do we do? Faith or works? Well faith works doesn't it. So no mater what we have faith and trust in God. Trust in God's wisdom more then man's wisdom. More then we trust our own wisdom. Doctrine and study and knowing what's right and what's not sounds like a lot of work. Almost more then just following the parts we already understand and walking out in the foggy morning and spreading our great commission to the world from what we already know in God's word.
Talk and pray. Tongues, unless you know sign language, and pray any way you know how, silently or out loud. But expecially pray the LORD's prayer. Pray always, but pray more in the holy holidays. The days we celibate our faith.
Hmmm a lot to think on. Do I go out? In the mist of the world with my own inner fog and act in the way I already know God called us to be? Or stay home and study, to know better how God wants us to believe, and how God wants us to represent Him in our Great commission when we go out. I think both, study and act on what I already know. That's what we need to do.