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Message to GOD"S elect

[MENTION=29288]Eventide[/MENTION] Then what's the point of preaching and evangelizing if God's saved are all predestined. That's like putting God's mercy in a box without free will to have faith.
[MENTION=29288]Eventide[/MENTION] Then what's the point of preaching and evangelizing if God's saved are all predestined. That's like putting God's mercy in a box without free will to have faith.

That's a good question, I'll just ignore it and pretend that it doesn't exist... and keep believing that I'm one of the LIMITED elect... :)

It's what I've been taught, how can it be wrong ?
Scripture says come ALL who are weary and heaven burdened. "Predestined saved" is false. We all have free will to choose faith in Jesus. God will not ignore an unbeliever who is searching for him. If it was predestined, then taking up our cross is fictional.
[MENTION=93656]Dave[/MENTION] Jesus dosen't want to save anyone. HE SAVES HIS PEOPLE and will never fail. God does not try to do anything. He does what he wills and who can stay his hand or change his mind or resist him. He is GOD ALLMIGHTY ruling on his throne right now over his creation and we beter bow down before him and worship him alone for he is a jelous God, Holy and just and he holds the power of life and death in his hands. His name is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.
Scripture says come ALL who are weary and heaven burdened. "Predestined saved" is false. We all have free will to choose faith in Jesus. God will not ignore an unbeliever who is searching for him. If it was predestined, then taking up our cross is fictional.

More good points Dave, but I'll need to ignore them and just keep believing what I've been taught... that I'm the elect and that there is a limited number of us. :)
If any obeys it is based on Gods "will" working in them (the Spirit of God), to "WILL" and to act according TO GODS GOOD PLEASURE. any who leave any room for boasting are boasting in their flesh, nothing more. I am what I am by the Grace of God and because it His Grace, I can only boast in Him.

And yet who are the ones here in this thread who believe that the atonement of Christ was LIMITED to them and the UNCONDITIONAL ELECT ?

The irony here is almost laughable.. although imo it's more likened to being hypocritical. Talking about others boasting while holding on to these man made doctrines.
I have not read that, and have for sure not promoted that. Sounds like a straw-man to me:lol

Because some do not pretend to save themselves, nor do they boast in the "will" of man and believe in the biblical term and truth of "election" you in some way attempt to twist that into your most recent dishonest statement. Again I find that all promote this "free-will" nonsense can only defend it by dishonesty.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-25

the fruit of the Spirit is self-control...

You do understand that a "fruit" does not grow by the "will of man" but by the will of God? So are you boasting in the fruits of the Spirit as if you have caused these things by your own will? If so, I doubt you really have any of these things.

Perfect example; the will of man works according to the lust and desires of the flesh. envy, strife, lying etc... all from the will of man. But what comes from the Spirit comes from God and in no way can be associated with the will of man.
you need to be very careful about how you told gave them the Gospel, you might be lying to them.

Yep, if you don't do it according to promote certain peoples ideas, you are accused of "lying" See how these "free-will" folks love to control others, and everyone must conform not to "Gods Will" but to their will.
If any obeys it is based on Gods "will" working in them (the Spirit of God), to "WILL" and to act according TO GODS GOOD PLEASURE. any who leave any room for boasting are boasting in their flesh, nothing more. I am what I am by the Grace of God and because it His Grace, I can only boast in Him.

And yet who are the ones here in this thread who believe that the atonement of Christ was LIMITED to them and the UNCONDITIONAL ELECT ?

The irony here is almost laughable.. although imo it's more likened to being hypocritical. Talking about others boasting while holding on to these man made doctrines.
I have not read that, and have for sure not promoted that. Sounds like a straw-man to me:lol

Because some do not pretend to save themselves, nor do they boast in the "will" of man and believe in the biblical term and truth of "election" you in some way attempt to twist that into your most recent dishonest statement. Again I find that all promote this "free-will" nonsense can only defend it by dishonesty.

Who here has pretended to save themselves ? Who here has boasted in free will ?

There's no need to answer George because you can't and so you wont. It will simply be more of the same.

And for the record, people like yourself and Calvinists in general... are absolutely without question the most dishonest and disingenuous people I have ever met and talked with.

So there George, your dishonest and nonsense right back to you..
Scripture says come ALL who are weary and heaven burdened. "Predestined saved" is false. We all have free will to choose faith in Jesus. God will not ignore an unbeliever who is searching for him. If it was predestined, then taking up our cross is fictional.
The scriptures show in absolute and in clear terms that all that are saved where "predestined" it cannot be challenged by such a silly term as "free-will". Now the fact that God knows the end from the beginning, He is not in "temporal" time, He abides outside of time and made time according for His own purpose. Now I really can only suggest that some STOP posting on forums, STOP trying to teach others, STOP claiming to understand the Nature of God, and go and learn by the Holy Spirit the fact that God new and loved you before time ever was. Then your "free-will" will be cast away as dung as will your self-righteousness and this false religious knowledge that some of you seem to glory and boast in.
If any obeys it is based on Gods "will" working in them (the Spirit of God), to "WILL" and to act according TO GODS GOOD PLEASURE. any who leave any room for boasting are boasting in their flesh, nothing more. I am what I am by the Grace of God and because it His Grace, I can only boast in Him.

And yet who are the ones here in this thread who believe that the atonement of Christ was LIMITED to them and the UNCONDITIONAL ELECT ?

The irony here is almost laughable.. although imo it's more likened to being hypocritical. Talking about others boasting while holding on to these man made doctrines.
I have not read that, and have for sure not promoted that. Sounds like a straw-man to me:lol

Because some do not pretend to save themselves, nor do they boast in the "will" of man and believe in the biblical term and truth of "election" you in some way attempt to twist that into your most recent dishonest statement. Again I find that all promote this "free-will" nonsense can only defend it by dishonesty.

Who here has pretended to save themselves ? Who here has boasted in free will ?

There's no need to answer George because you can't and so you wont. It will simply be more of the same.

And for the record, people like yourself and Calvinists in general... are absolutely without question the most dishonest and disingenuous people I have ever met and talked with.

So there George, your dishonest and nonsense right back to you..
Well your personal insults are just as silly as the doctrine of free-will. In every post I see the boasting of those who claim to have saved themselves.
I say in absolute terms, that no man can be saved nor walk in the will of God unless God has first given that to him.

1Co 4:7 ¶ For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?

Php 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

True growth in Christ is a continued surrender to Gods "will" that works in the believer, free-will is just religious nonsense.
Well your personal insults are just as silly as the doctrine of free-will. In every post I see the boasting of those who claim to have saved themselves.

This is certainly because you can't see beyond your own arrogance.. obviously you can't see beyond your own insults toward anyone who doesn't see things your way... and you'd rather be dishonest and tell people that you've already answered their questions and that you've added your Godly wisdom to it.

Amazing George... it truly is.

It's truly amazing how highly you think of yourself.
Well your personal insults are just as silly as the doctrine of free-will. In every post I see the boasting of those who claim to have saved themselves.

This is certainly because you can't see beyond your own arrogance.. obviously you can't see beyond your own insults toward anyone who doesn't see things your way... and you'd rather be dishonest and tell people that you've already answered their questions and that you've added your Godly wisdom to it.

Amazing George... it truly is.

It's truly amazing how highly you think of yourself.
Yes "seated with Christ" in the heavenly places is very high:biglol

I say in absolute terms, that no man can be saved nor walk in the will of God unless God has first given that to him.

1Co 4:7 ¶ For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?

Php 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

True growth in Christ is a continued surrender to Gods "will" that works in the believer, free-will is just religious nonsense
So what is the message to God's elect ?

That you're chosen by God ?

The above statement is absolutely true..

IF.... and only if you're no different than any other man in the first Adam and must deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him..

Because if you'd been led to believe that God chose you unconditionally, then you're gravely mistaken.

That's the crossroad every last one of us faces... no man is any different... thinking that you're the elect of God in Christ according to the scriptures is one thing.. thinking you're the chosen of God for no reason (unconditionally) is absolutely ridiculous in light of the gospel of God's only begotten and beloved Son..

SO the choice is yours...

Are you chosen by God because you believed in His Son... or will you insist that God chose you unconditionally ?
The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God. They are all gone aside. They are all together become filthy, there is NONE that doeth good NO not one. This is repeated in the 2nd and 3rd verses of plsm 53 When you read scriptures like these where do you see someone who will do good or ask God to come into thier hearts?

When you see scriptures like this, it is clear that they are no elect ones to be found anywhere.

If your doctrine was true then there would be elect ones who understand and seek God.

By using these scriptures to make a point against one doctrine, you have unwittingly been a witness against your own belief.

The Gospel of election does not stand up to the light of the scriptures, as you have been shown already in your statement that "God does not love everyone, because He hated Esau".

May God bless you as you seek Him with a heart that desires the truth.

@Dave Jesus dosen't want to save anyone.
He does what he wills and who can stay his hand or change his mind

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

The Gospel of election is not scriptural.

The Gospel of election is "another Gospel".

I would encourage you to turn away from teaching or promoting "another Gospel".

That's what I think shes means.. and I could be completely wrong here lol...

You are completely right. I thought of this because I was reading some history from the reformation. There were those who were against going to the missionfield. And some who avoided teaching a straight forward gospel. I was wondering about what Ruthie was thinking when she witnessed to me.
That's what I think shes means.. and I could be completely wrong here lol...

You are completely right. I thought of this because I was reading some history from the reformation. There were those who were against going to the missionfield. And some who avoided teaching a straight forward gospel. I was wondering about what Ruthie was thinking when she witnessed to me.

:) That's pretty cool..

I was thinking along the same lines.. and it's a valid illustration (imo) of how awful this type of teaching can be, how it LIMITS the work of Christ to these unconditionally 'elect'.. and which would make gospel preaching untrue to untold multitudes in Adam.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-25

the fruit of the Spirit is self-control...

You do understand that a "fruit" does not grow by the "will of man" but by the will of God? So are you boasting in the fruits of the Spirit as if you have caused these things by your own will? If so, I doubt you really have any of these things.

Perfect example; the will of man works according to the lust and desires of the flesh. envy, strife, lying etc... all from the will of man. But what comes from the Spirit comes from God and in no way can be associated with the will of man.

You miss the point.

I'm not saying the fruit comes from man.

I'm saying the fruit or by product of the Spirit is self control.

That means a person has self control.

When a person has self control that is a fruit of the Spirit.

That does not mean they are self willed.

That means they can control themselves.

That means they have a free will, not self will as you keep saying.

They have been liberated
from the bondage and dominion of the enemy. Jesus came to restore what was lost in the garden.

Adam and Eve were created in the Image and likeness of God, sinless.

Adam and Eve had a free will and ability to choose.

Were Adam and Eve elect?

Or do you believe God made a mistake in who He chose to create?
