Well if this is a theology forum then "theology" is the study of God, right? And Jesus is God, right? So my example that I study is Jesus. In scripture when I study the healings of Jesus, if someone is laying down it's because they are crippled or dead, and when Jesus performs His miracles, they get up and run to tell others (in an intelligible language) what God had just done. Not the other way around.
I see no examples in scripture of this crazy and wild shaking and falling on the ground and uttering of gibberish after a healing from God like what this video shows. People are even disrespectfully laughing at the show they put on! Did Moses or anyone else in scripture laugh at God when He revealed his great power to them? No, they did not. They stood in holy fear and awe and worshiped Him or they bowed down in holy fear and awe and worshiped Him. They didn't laugh at Him.
As I said before in this thread, I was an active participant in a real healing that was complete and instantaneous of an injury that was well verified, and the healing itself was well verified by doctors who stated there was no logical medical or human explanation for what happened. Also, as in Jesus time, the person that was healed has gone on to a lifetime of glorifying God and giving testimony as a result. This was a real healing from God, yet there was no "speaking in tongues" needed (in this video in particular clearly violating scripture calling for interpretation), no violent and crazy shaking and falling to the floor and acting like Linda Blair in The Exorcist, and no big show to glorify anyone present but God Himself. There was deep reverence for the power of God Almighty in that room that NO ONE ever forgot. There was NO laughing at it!
So regarding what I see in this video, theologically speaking I do not believe what we are witnessing in this video comes from God. If there is more to the story that would say differently but isn't shown here, that's fine, but I don't see it in the video.