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modern christian view of sexuality not realistic


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Why are you mentioning me in this post when you don't even understand what I was saying?

Please refrain from addressing me in any manner.
Trust me, I understood perfectly about your need of having your flat tire changed, and I'm pretty sure that's not what Tenchi's "eternal, heavenly experience with God" looks like.
Says the believer who's obviously studied it enough to know when it became a thing. Somehow that sounds somewhat hypocritical to me.
This thread is about "christian view of sexuality", homosexuality is a conterfeit to that. You wanna give in to that distraction and continue digging in, suit yourself, don't call me a hypocrite, I don't wanna get personal, I don't know you, and you don't know me.

A homosexual man is a homosexual man. This idea that you have that it's some kind of 'identity' is lost on me. So yes, I guess I've already lost whatever battle it is that you think I'm in over the issue.
A man is a man. If he's sexually attracted to other men, he HAS a same sex attraction, that's NOT an identity, and there's no "homosexual man", that's an artificial label. Homosexuality is consistently described as a behavior, not a label. You've lost because your language is corrupted, you're talking in Big Brother's Newspeak and you don't even know it.
This thread is about "christian view of sexuality", homosexuality is a conterfeit to that. You wanna give in to that distraction and continue digging in, suit yourself, don't call me a hypocrite, I don't wanna get personal, I don't know you, and you don't know me.

A man is a man. If he's sexually attracted to other men, he HAS a same sex attraction, that's NOT an identity, and there's no "homosexual man", that's an artificial label. Homosexuality is consistently described as a behavior, not a label. You've lost because your language is corrupted, you're talking in Big Brother's Newspeak and you don't even know it.
Hi Carry_Your_Name

Ok. Got it. Thanks.

God bless,
You keep pounding me on the “spiritual” front and denigrating any “physical” experience, how do I know that you’re not preaching the heresy of Gnosticism, i.e. spiritual and abstract things good, physical and tangible things bad? That completely undermines the incarnation of God.

Ok, yes. You are speaking on a subject of great maturity and spiritual depth. And I believe God created orgasm in the marriage bed partly to represent the euphoria that may exist when we are before the throne, and caught up in spiritual ecstasy with Him in a type of union where we are in Him and He is in us most completely.

But you appeared to make a reference to experiencing God during physical orgasm, which would be more in line with Gnostic and occultic thought. I would make a distinction there at the very least, or you could potentially become guilty of the things you are accusing Tenchi of.
The cause of it is Sin, and some beliefs give people a Percieved (not real) "justification" for sin.
So the things i listed basically, in the people's minds, let them "rationalize" violating the Law written on their heart.
Fair enough.

"Bible wrong? Christianity false? Ok then let the sin burst forth!" - Person with those false beliefs
I really disagree with this. Primarily because Christians also sin, and since we're on the topic of pornography, it has been determined that Christians watch and consume porn at roughly the same rate as non-Christians.

"More than 70% of Christian men admit to watching porn."​

Ok, yes. You are speaking on a subject of great maturity and spiritual depth. And I believe God created orgasm in the marriage bed partly to represent the euphoria that may exist when we are before the throne, and caught up in spiritual ecstasy with Him in a type of union where we are in Him and He is in us most completely.

But you appeared to make a reference to experiencing God during physical orgasm, which would be more in line with Gnostic and occultic thought. I would make a distinction there at the very least, or you could potentially become guilty of the things you are accusing Tenchi of.
No sir, I was origianlly describing the former exactly the way you put it, Tenchi twisted it into the latter, and you're being misled by him. He's the one who claimed to be married, which indicates he must've had first experience of that "whole shebang" with his significant other, and yet he called it "abhorrent" just because I mentioned it.
No sir, I was origianlly describing the former exactly the way you put it, Tenchi twisted it into the latter, and you're being misled by him. He's the one who claimed to be married, which indicates he must've had first experience of that "whole shebang" with his significant other, and yet he called it "abhorrent" just because I mentioned it.

Ok, well maybe I'm mistaken. But I thought he quoted you at the bottom of Post #95.
Ok, well maybe I'm mistaken. But I thought he quoted you at the bottom of Post #95.
Which I have explained as an honest opinion on sanctified sex WITHIN the confines of marriage. Sex isn’t just a primal animalistic instinct, it’s sacred, and usually in cults it’s used as a means of control to brainwash people, they have sex with the leader, sex with one another, only Christianity teaches and advocates good MARITAL sex. We aren’t supposed to be “anti sex” like Tenchi, we know its real purpose and we value it too much to abuse it with harlots.
Which I have explained as an honest opinion on sanctified sex WITHIN the confines of marriage. Sex isn’t just a primal animalistic instinct, it’s sacred, and usually in cults it’s used as a means of control to brainwash people, they have sex with the leader, sex with one another, only Christianity teaches and advocates good MARITAL sex.

Ok, on this much I certainly agree.

I think I would simply advise you here to be careful with teaching on the sacred that deeply. Paul in this context simply said "indeed the mystery is great," and a similar display of decorum might be in order.
Ok, on this much I certainly agree.

I think I would simply advise you here to be careful with teaching on the sacred that deeply. Paul in this context simply said "indeed the mystery is great," and a similar display of decorum might be in order.
Thanks, man. I'd add that this had been a common understanding in the early church, until St. Augustine demonized it into the original sin, a necessarily evil for reproduction, chastity was upheld as the highest virtue; then you've got the "sexual revolution", the "free love" movement when the boomers came of age, they were doing it and enjoying it not just for carnal pleasure, but as a defiant act against that repressive view originated from St. Augustine; since the #metoo movement in 2017 it took a sinister turn into the negative, sex was villified as a means of assault and power abuse - how can you not get that impression when you are being bombarded with the term "SEXual assault"? And lately, I kid you not, celibacy becomes a trendy thing, you've got influencers and celebrities forswearing sex to improve mental health and "reclaim sexuality", so we're essentially undoing the sexual revolution and circling back to St. Augustine, which I find rather funny.
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
... jumping from one sexual partner to another, that's the common practice among the Pharisees when they asked Jesus, "is it lawful to divorce for any reason?"
Oy. What do you know of the pharisees? They were trying to draw our Lord into a hot topic debate between the 2 houses of Pharisees. Much like the debates over pre-trib vs post-trib or pentecostalism vs cessationism.

It came down to the definition of one word: Ervah.

Deuteronomy 24:1
When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency [Ervah] in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out from his house,

In the 1st century Rabbi Shammai said it meant if he found her not to be a virgin on their wedding night. Rabbi Hillel said it meant if he found anything distasteful in her including routinely burning his meals. So the followers of those 2 hotly debated the issue. Our Lord came down usually on the side of Hillel (and Paul was taught by Gamaliel, Hillel's grandson) but this time HE was closer to Shammai's meaning.
This is quite abhorrent, conflating physical experience with spiritual experience, acutely degrading the latter in so doing. Yuck.
Actually God gave us physical experience to help us understand the spiritual.
To put them opposed to each other is to fall into the trap of the gnostics, an ancient heresy.

What did Paul say - that the husband/wife relationship (physical experience) was supposed to show the world Christ and the church. (spiritual experience)
In the 1st century Rabbi Shammai said it meant if he found her not to be a virgin on their wedding night. Rabbi Hillel said it meant if he found anything distasteful in her including routinely burning his meals. So the followers of those 2 hotly debated the issue. Our Lord came down usually on the side of Hillel (and Paul was taught by Gamaliel, Hillel's grandson) but this time HE was closer to Shammai's meaning
And yet he didn’t appeal to any authority by specifically naming this or that rabbi as his source, for he IS the source, he taught with authority, it was those rabbis on both sides who were schooled - “haven’t you read?”
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