francisdesales said:
Leave the harlot means leave the ways of the world, do you agree?
I really see the Harlot, not as the "world" because God actually uses "Babylon" for a type for the world. The Lord has two types that are opposites : 1) Virgin 2) Harlot because it is easy to understand . Both images are female (church) and both references (virgin and harlot) has to do with 1) not receiving seed of many men 2 ) receiving seed from many men. So these are two opposites in spirit.
If we look into "seed" we see that in Matthews the word "sperma" is translated for "seed". We , the children of the Kingdom are the "sperma" of God that goes into the wold. We are "sown" as living seed (living Word) into the world to produce after our own kind.(making disciples in the image of Christ )
The virgin will only receive Word (seed) from her husband and then she will produce (like Mary) the Chirst, when Christ is finally manifested (when she has reached the maturity that Ephesians speaks of)
When we mix the Word with anything else, it becomes powerless . This is seen as the Harlot. Its when Christians allow the teachings of men to enter and mix with the seed of God.
That is a very clear and simple picture that God paints with these two "women" In fact, they are both mentioned here as well :
Mat 24:41 two women shall be grinding at the mill; one is taken, and one is left.
Both are at the mill : milling the seeds that will be made into bread. The Bride is making Bread from the Words of God and the Harlot is milling her mixture and is also producing bread. God is only going to take one of them :The Bride.
We then also see that God has two men in the field ( We know the field is the world , because we are told here : Mat 13:38
and the field is the world; So here we have what you are referring to as
coming out of the world Notice that there are in fact only two groups (men) in the world as a whole 1) those for Christ and 2) those NOT for Christ (antichrist ) So these two men are two bodies of people: 1) The body of Christ 2) The body of antichrist (which will include the Harlot as a smaller group)
Mat 24:40 Then shall two men be in the field; one is taken, and one is left: