ObjMoVa, your rationalization betrays your honesty of learning; it appears to come straight from books promoting atheism. You claim to not believe in God but state: "God said that murder is evil, therefore murder is evil."
Planting doubt seems to be the mainstay of ungodliness. Satan used it right off as he asked, "Hath God said?"
ou also say, "We're working really hard to re-draw the line on homosexuality." Yeah, that's a wonderful thing to brag on. You seem to have definite opinions of what sin should be if any.
You seem to be drawing your accusations of God from the ministration of death, and in context there is no satisfaction, nor will be. You like the majority attempt to confuse grace and law, and without being born of God have no way to understand Him though led word by word, and concept by concept. The same sacrifice at the cross was made for you ObjMoVa as it was for me. It is free, provides freedom from sin, and eternal life. Haven't you fought the battle of attempting to be good when we know by nature there are none righteous. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
May you be blessed in Christ Jesus,