CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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- Thread starter
- #41
Jesus went to dinner at the sinner's house....I believe that not all is as it seems in earthly music and you have raised good points. But I think part of it at least takes us back to why did Jesus go to dinner at the sinners house? Well because He did not come to save the righteous but the sick. Those who need a physician.
but He didn't join in and sin with them...He was trying to teach them something.
What are WE older Christians teaching the young by applying their rules to God's rules? By this I just mean that I truly doubt God is happy about this type of music....it just is not a healthy type of music.
Is rap a healthy type of music?
It speaks of violence, harm to women, and uses the most foul language. Should we also take this and apply it to God, as has already been done?
If teens want to join the church,,,they should join the church of God...not the church of metal music.
I'm not sure about the idea that the world is more evil now than ever...that could be debated.At this time in history it's an even bet that the world is more evil now than ever before in previous history. So obviously there are many places where anything approaching traditional hymns and so forth are not welcome and would never be played. So rock bands who play rock music but it's members and songs are Christian is a way for the Lord to, get His foot in the door over there and plant seeds through the songs to these unbelievers.
There are bands whose members say they are Christian....
How about U2?
They feel spiritual at least (I mean the band).
And the music shows this.
I'm not very familiar with Skillet, but to me they have a softer sound than some music that I'm discussing. If a person likes rock, they can't listen to opera music...but it crosses a line somewhere.Bands like, Skillet for instance, nothing traditional about them and yet their music does give God glory. And there's many other bands who are not necessarily a Christian rock band but blurbs of their lyrics are spiritual in nature. So it really comes down to the piece itself and discernment. The lyrics and yes, even the tuning carries weight. There are good tones and bad tones. I sort've grew up with Iron Maiden in the mix, and I never seen their music as satanic.
And if Skillet is allowed to play in churches --- I'm still opposed to that.