My mom led her sugar sugar (my dad) to Christ. That was after they wedded as unbelievers. One of our pastors used to always visit my parents for church stuff. Sugar sugar wasn't interested. So, most of the time the pastor only met my mom. Dad was so busy with office stuff.
Finally the Lord captured her through this man. She went to church and attended a lot of church programs. She tried to invite my dad to church, my dad was totally repulsive.
She was able to speak in tongues earlier, and this speaking in tongues thing made my dad always laugh. He was kind of: 'Where did she learn that from? This church thing is driving my wife mad' He went on laughing and mocking at her.
Most at times he stopped her from going to church or receiving church people at home. It was a big challenge on her faith.
'Please, follow me to church',
she kept pleading. He refused completley. But a day came when he made up his mind to follow her to church.
They got to church and my dad was in the midst of prayer warriors speaking in tongues. Incredible! Sugar sugar laughed until he shed tears.:toofunny :biglol
One of the reasons he went to church was not just to satisfy my mom -- he went to church to laugh at people speaking in tongues.
'Won't we go to church today?' Sugar sugar would ask. Why would he go to church if not to laugh?
Suddenly, God captured him too. My dad, today, speaks in tongues (his sounds like a mixture of chineese and deutsche, where my mom'! Booming)