That verse doesn't specify the degree of the suffering. I'm suffering every day when I see the world around me being corrupted with darkness. When I know people are living in poverty, when I know almost all of us have enough money to spare to give a bit to charity every week instead of being guilted into putting it on the offering platter. I suffer when I see people saying they could enjoy heaven when they think people will be suffering for an eternity in hell. I suffer when I see teenagers getting drunk and sick with alcohol poisoning. I suffer when I see teenagers and men alike addicted to Oxycontin. I suffer when I see teen pregnancy because we've taught people that sex is ok, and abstinence isn't that important as long as we practice it safely. I suffer when I see people buying lottery tickets, scratch tickets and playing the slots because I know there are so many people out there with gambling addictions and Christians who contribute to that industry (which more people have to lose in to make people winners) are only feeding the problem. I suffer when I know 76% of the American population are Christians, and yet the American dream is still the prevalent attitude.
The list can go on and on, but you know what? I also try to enjoy life. I enjoy spreading love. And i appreciate every ounce of it that I get in return. As much as I "Suffer" I don't let it get me down, because I am a Christian, and my light shines bright enough that it can drown out that darkness within myself so I can help make a difference.The kingdom of God is supposed to be all around us but instead a lot of us have given up on this world and are just looking forward to the next life. Our mission is to act like Christ, and make love our #1 objective.
"And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21 KJV).
"This world in it's present form is passing away." They were right! The world was soooo dark back then. And they helped change the world forever. We just need to uphold it now, and not give up the good fight. So again I reiterate, when we suffer we're suffering because of our own sins, AND the sins of others.