- Sep 23, 2012
- 395
- 81
When did you become saved?
i do not recall a time in my life that i did not know Jesus. My mom when she was in her teens was called to be a NUN. Then she met my dad and married him. She felt so bad about failing to do what God called her to do, that she prayed to God that she would dedicate her first born son to the Lord. my mom read the Bible to me while i was yet in the womb. Stories that i went to bed with were from the Bible as a kid. i have now read the entire Bible over 50 times in my life. and listen to it for 8 hours a day at work.
I have the same experience as you do.
Praise God. i have ran across a few others with this same experience as well.
I met Jesus in about 1974.
It was just as you've stated...questions, answers, conversations. One time I was driving in my car, and I can remember exactly where...on the Clearview Expressway in Bayside, Queesn....the Holy Spirit was so present in the car that it literally scared me.
Wow, same here. When i was a teenager, i worked two jobs plus went to school. Did not want to drop out of school because it was easy, NOT work. But after work one day around 11:30 at night, i was driving home, (had to get home, had school in the morning). But as i was driving. i heard "DAVID" scared me something awful. i thought someone was in the back seat and quickly looked. No one there. then i realized it is the Lord again. i said "Yes Lord" He then said something strange "Turn left at the next road". The next road left was a gravel road. so i turned on it. Driving on this road away from Home for about 20 minutes i believe. i started to have doubts. Maybe i am just hearing things, i am tired, need to get home to go to bed. Yeah, the next driveway i see, i am turning around and going home. Then i seen there was a bridge coming up and as i drove on the bridge there was a girl sitting on the edge of the bridge, and when she looked at me when i drove by, i can tell she was crying, mascara running all over her face, actually she looked kind of scary. So i pulled over on the other side of the bridge and walked to her to see what was wrong. She was crying, she asked me to just leave her alone. i sat down beside her, that was scary too. And asked her what happen, she did not want to talk about anything. nor tell me what was wrong. i then went on to talking about God and that God has a plan for her. Then she got real mad at me saying that God just allowed her to be Raped by her boyfriend and FOUR of his friends, and they just dropped her off out in the middle of nowhere. And she was going to kill herself. She made it quite clear that she did not want to talk about God in any way whatsoever. So i am sitting there having no ideal what to say to try to help. i mean if i can't talk about God, im at a loss as to what to say. Then God told me what to say "Tell her to join the military" i then said to her "What you need to do is join the military" She laughed at me and said that was the stupidest thing she ever heard. i told her, well that is what you need to do. She repeatedly asked me to leave. i told her that i was not going to go anywhere unless i was dropping her off at a house somewhere. i did not want her death on my conscience. So i waited there for what to me felt like an eternity. She finally said "Fine, and gets up and starts walking to my car" Then i took her to a house, turn this way, turn that way. i was so lost as to where i was at. i dropped her off and watched her knock on the door and then go in.
Now jumping years later. i am in the Air Force and i get a call, it is from her, the girl on the bridge. She was thanking me for her life, and has been looking for me forever. She never knew my name, only that i drove a Red Charger, She finally found out who i was, and then tracked me down and called me. Apparently she went and joined the military the very next day, She is married to a wonderful Christian man, and they have a baby on the way. i told her she should thank God, not me. She said she thanks God every single day, but that she felt compelled to find me and tell me what happened. And because she did, you are now hearing this story as well, how wonderful God is, and can be.
That is one example. God is so awesome.
I've had a couple of other experiences I'd rather not get into because it might sound like bragging or something.
You really should not care what people from this generation thinks or don't think about you. If you think it will please Jesus Christ by revealing those other experiences, then do so, and people from this generation will most certainly say you are boasting, or arrogant, or self righteous. But if God is pleased, who cares if they are not pleased?
Now, it's been years since this has happened.
It might be the natural way.
I've heard this from others too.
Anyway, we can't go by our feelings,,,
but by our knowledge of Him...just as you've stated.
Cling to that and be happy you know Him...
that's what I've come to understand.
Amen, that is True.