My case is a little different because.... records were filled with lies and omissions. My treatment providers hated me. I was on high dose (60mgs/day) Adderall by Rx and benzos not by Rx (I got a different doc, lol). My parents were mean and frustrated. My mother is in the social sciences, so she is/was inclined to not even *believe* in mental illness at all, unless she's in a mood to be compassionate.
Plus, I was really just an out of control teen and early 20 something. I realize now that my "narcissism," such as it was, may have been situational. And made worse by drugs. My people were middle class back then, so I wasn't "important" enough for treatment providers to do anything. At all. My first shrink, the one who got me hooked on Klonopin (3mgs/day for an 18 year old? Plus Ambien at night?) told people I'd be "dead by 23." Seriously. forward. I'm 30. Receive disability for Bipolar I w/psychotic features. My people are now some kinda affluent (I don't understand the class scale, but I'd say upper middle class, maybe lower rung of the upper class). They have advanced degrees. My dad forgave me for wasting too much money and all that. I'm healthy and increasingly normal. Perhaps most importantly--I mean, besides being a Born Again Christian--my masculinity is developing. More masculine facial features, more masculine attributes, personality, etc. So... makes me wonder. What's crazy is that if my people were still "rinky dink middle class" (direct quote from the neighbors), I'd probably be on a court order...and diagnosed with schizophrenia. If my people weren't behind me, I'd probably be in the loverly state mental hospital, where losers and ne'er do wells often end up. seems like a lot of factors went into my diagnosis of NPD know...actual NPD.