Actually I didn't dare to ask for prayers or help in my church. I don't feel I'm worth that much attention and I shouldn't be so reckless to ask for attention in the first place. Also, when I'm afraid I will disappoint them when I'm still mentally ill afterwards despite the prayer.
Part of me is thinking that those thoughts may be lies put into my head either by our adversary, or by the dysfuntional parts of my own mind.
If I'd read those lines I wrote in the first paragraph of this posting written by anybody else I would clearly think that those are dysfunctional negative thoughts, aka lies, and it doesn't matter where exactly they come from, they need to be treated as lies.
But when I think that stuff in my own head it feels real, of course.
So can you tell me that those thoughts are lies?
It seems silly to ask for a confirmation of something I already know. But I can't trust myself.
Feeling really bad again these days.
But unlike others that I know are suffering from similar problems - feeling unloveable and worthless, and being tormented by one's own negative thoughts all the time - I am aware that it's only in my head. That doesn't mean I can switch it off, but at least I can watch how it controls me.

*sarcasm* But actually I'd like to think that being aware of what's going on with (which is more an exception than normal for people with personality disorders) means that God has destined me to overcome it. Sometime when I feel like I'm not making any progress at all this idea helps me to gain new hope.