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[__ Science __ ] Noahs Flood explained and Evolution refuted.


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Thus kindness is just sex. Isn’t this what evolution reduces kindness and generosity to? They reduce altruism to just a “fitness benefit,” i.e., some trait that helps you pass on your genes.
There is a fitness benefit to altruism. Kindness to your friends and family will generally be reciprocated, which is to your benefit. Jesus' great revelation to man was that the answer to "who is my neighbor" is "everyone."

The point to the Good Samaritan was not merely "it's good to help those in need"; it was Jesus telling His people that it's better to emulate a heretic who loves and cares for all people, than to be like a religiously-correct Levite who does not.
Your guy has completely lost sight of God's message in scripture and wants to downgrade it to a science textbook. How sad.
It's not JUST

1. a message,
2. not JUST science, or history, etc, but

God's way,
Do you truly believe God's Way is by using ....
.... "death and suffering over millions of years?"

the way that seems right to him
Evolutionary tinkering and genetic mistakes is the creation method that seems right to Barb.

There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one
Darwin gave no Bible verses to prove that family-to-family evolution was true.

What is he saying were 'breathed by the Creator'? That view of life? The several powers? Life? Clarification needed.

we can't really find any apomorphic characters to distinguish birds from other dinosaurs.
does THIS

Green Bird · Free Stock Photo

look like THIS?

Discuss Everything About Dinopedia | Fandom

Looks pretty different, wouldn't you say?

Mabye youll state that i'm ""interpreting"" the images ""too literally"", theyre ""JUST an alligery""!! :lol
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Sounds interesting. Name us one process, required for evolution, that is prohibited by thermodynamics or "information-conservation." What do you have?
Whichever genes are creating the "arms" that never existed in the dna are impossible, for instance.
Like a snake populations dna gaining the info for , say, arms, all by itself (no intervention by God or by man), over 500 (or ANY number) generations of arm-evolving snakes.
Thus kindness is just sex. Isn’t this what evolution reduces kindness and generosity to? They reduce altruism to just a “fitness benefit,” i.e., some trait that helps you pass on your genes. This is not only dumb, it’s ugly. It sweeps away any truly unselfish actions based on morality, and colors it as purposeless survival of the fittest. It is grunge reductionism, turning the beautiful into the raw, throwing mud on the bridal gown. Recall how the PBS Evolution TV series portrayed evolution: over images of an Apollo rocket launch and a choir singing the Hallelujah Chorus, the narrator claimed that all human activity, however sublime, stems from our inherent urge to reproduce. This is reductionism at its most absurd.

It’s also junk science. The students signed up to play a game, and were getting paid! How do their actions in this staged setting have anything to do with real life? Do you play Monopoly the same way you operate your daily affairs? I’ve see the gentlest preacher’s wife take great glee in loading Boardwalk with hotels and stomping her competitors out of business in Monopoly, who in real life is the kindest and most unselfish, hard working person you could know. These scientists also failed to demonstrate that their conclusions were not Lamarckian, and that somehow the most altruistic would actually cause genetic changes, or would help the population pass on improved genes. Evolutionists have this kinky idea that human beings are just lab rats under forces of mindless evolution with nothing but sex on their minds, and that somehow an experiment like this tells them something about how human behavior evolved.

These scientists have way too much time on their hands. Here’s how they should learn about altruism. They should go visit a widow in a nursing home and show genuine kindness to her, listen to her tell about her life, and meet her physical needs. They should visit a disabled child or orphan, or adopt one from a totalitarian country, someone that has no hope of passing on his genes, and give him encouragement and love and hope of a better life. They should join the fight against evil and suffering and unbridled lust and selfishness in the world. Enough of this nonsense about altruism being an evolutionary game played by selfish genes.

The Epistle of James in the New Testament presents a very different, un-Darwinian view of altruism, as does all the Word of God. Altruism is not a game played for the advantage of the individual, the group, or the genes; it is human behavior nearest to the image of Jesus Christ, the most altruistic of all, who gave His life for the very, very unfit
You mightve missed this part.
emulate a heretic who
Ahhh, so that's the- or a- reason why you seek common worldview ground with the World's view of origins (evolution and millions years) and prefer to ""juggle"" the Bible and naturalism at the same time. Ok.

Yes/no: Do you believe that it is "caring" to share the origins beliefs that nonbelievers have? (ie, family2family evo and million years)

Sounds interesting. Name us one process, required for evolution, that is prohibited by thermodynamics or "information-conservation." What do you have?
The fact nobody, NOBODY has seen any reptile populations over ANY SPAN of time create birds. Guesses but no observations.

I'd like to see reptiles in a closed, sealed lab reproduce for millions of years giving rise to birds. That won't happen, because the Bible is right.
There is a fitness benefit to altruism. Kindness to your friends and family will generally be reciprocated, which is to your benefit. Jesus' great revelation to man was that the answer to "who is my neighbor" is "everyone."

The point to the Good Samaritan was not merely "it's good to help those in need"; it was Jesus telling His people that it's better to emulate a heretic who loves and cares for all people, than to be like a religiously-correct Levite who does not.

Ahhh, so that's the- or a- reason why you seek common worldview ground with the World's view of origins
I can only accept that Jesus is right. You should, too. Since the world is God's creation, it can't contradict His word. And it doesn't. It contradicts the revisions of Genesis by YE creationists. But that's a different issue. But to update the parable, it would be better to emulate a YE creationist who loves and cares for all people, than to be like a Biblical Christian who does not.

Yes/no: Do you believe that it is "caring" to share the origins beliefs that nonbelievers have?
I don't regard YE creationists as "nonbelievers." It is caring to extend help to all who are need, even if they don't share our beliefs, and it's what matters to our salvation. That is the message of the Good Samaritan.

YE is not a heresy, BTW.
Sounds interesting. Name us one process, required for evolution, that is prohibited by thermodynamics or "information-conservation." What do you have?

The fact nobody, NOBODY has seen any reptile populations over ANY SPAN of time create birds.
You were going to show us how thermodynamics or "information conservation" ruled out a process required for evolution. So nothing but "if it takes too long for humans to observe, it must be impossible"? Do you now see why so few scientists and informed Christians take YE seriously?

I'd like to see reptiles in a closed, sealed lab reproduce for millions of years giving rise to birds.
As your fellow YE creationist, Dr. Kurt Wise admits:
Evidences for Darwin’s second expectation — of stratomorphic intermediate species —include such species as Baragwanathia27(between rhyniophytes and lycopods), Pikaia28 (between echinoderms and chordates), Purgatorius29 (between the tree shrews and the primates), and Proconsul30 (between the non-hominoid primates and the hominoids). Darwin’s third expectation —of higher-taxon stratomorphic intermediates — has been confirmed by such examples as the mammal-like reptile groups31 between the reptiles and the mammals,and the phenacodontids32 between the horses and their presumed ancestors. Darwin’s fourth expectation — of stratomorphic series— has been confirmed by such examples as the early bird series,33the tetrapod series,34,35 the whale series,36 the various mammal series of the Cenozoic37 (for example, the horse series, the camel series, the elephant series, the pig series, the titanothere series,etc.), the Cantius and Plesiadapus primate series,38 and the hominid series.39 Evidence for not just one but for all three of the species level and above types of stratomorphic intermediates expected by macroevolutionary theory is surely strong evidence for macroevolutionary theory.
YE creationist Dr. Kurt Wise, Toward a Creationist Understanding of Transitional Forms
You mightve missed this part.
It's not just about sex. Even the most sexually-obsessed scientist wouldn't say so. For example, (as Darwin pointed out in The Descent of Man) caring for unrelated children in one's tribe would have nothing whatever to do with sex, but would have a selective advantage for survival. Your guy just didn't get that altruism is a valuable trait in any social species. As Arnold Toynbee wrote, Jesus extended that concept to all of humankind and cut through the "death spiral of harm and revenge."

Like most of God's rules for us, they aren't arbitrary commands, but reasonable rules that lead to greater good for us in this world as in the next. Altruism has a selective value. Why wouldn't it? Your author is way too focused on sex and not enough on the Good Samaritan.
Your guy has completely lost sight of God's message in scripture and wants to downgrade it to a science textbook. How sad.

t's not JUST

1. a message,
2. not JUST science, or history, etc, but
No. It's not. There's no science in it. Can you learn about God from His creation? Of course you can:

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they are inexcusable.
"From the invisible things of Him" Not science, but a mind attuned to God. If your faith can't do this, science can't help you.
Do you truly believe God's Way is by using death and suffering over millions of years?
God could have made world with no death and suffering. He is omnipotent and eternal. No one and nothing can make him do or even allow anything He does not want. I don't second-guess Him. No one should.

Evolutionary tinkering and genetic mistakes is the creation method that seems right to Barb.
Well, that's the big thing here. Engineers are now copying evolutionary processes to solve problems that are too difficult for design. These "genetic algorithms" use random variation and natural selection to more efficiently solve complicated problems.

Once again, God knew best. We shouldn't be surprised.
Darwin wrote:
There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one

Darwin gave no Bible verses to prove that family-to-family evolution was true.
Newton gave no Bible verses to prove that gravitation was true. For the same reason.

Point being, we can't really find any apomorphic characters to distinguish birds from other dinosaurs.

does THIS

Green Bird · Free Stock Photo
Look like this?


Yeah, kinda does. The second is a bird-like dinosaur and the first is a bird. But as you seem to now realize, there are no apomorphic characters in birds that can't be found in other dinosaurs. Since you've declined to name even one, I think we're done here.

Mabye youll state that i'm ""interpreting"" the images ""too literally""
I'm just showing you the evidence. As you see, dinosaurs were a pretty varied lot. But birds really have no evolutionary novelties not found in other dinosaurs.
Sounds interesting. Name us one process, required for evolution, that is prohibited by thermodynamics or "information-conservation." What do you have?

Like a snake populations dna gaining the info for , say, arms, all by itself (no intervention by God or by man), over 500 (or ANY number) generations of arm-evolving snakes.
Snakes have genes for limbs. Some of them even retain vestigial limbs.
Burgess, D. Sonic snakes and regulation of limb formation.
Nat Rev Genet 17, 715 (2016).

But you still can't show us even one process that is required for evolution, that is prohibited by thermodynamics or "information conservation." What's the hold-up?
I can only accept that Jesus is right. You should, too.
Already am, you seem to be asssuming i don't.

Since the world is God's creation, it can't contradict His word.
Family-to-family evolution aint the world, in any sense of "world". Planet earth or the majority of people.

John 15:19-21

The "world" I was referring to was not the Planet Earth. These John verse's aren't either. 'World' in my and John's context is "the majority of people" or "mainstream culture".

The world's way is OEE. The Biblical way gives YEC.

And it doesn't. It contradicts the revisions of Genesis by YE creationists. But that's a different issue. But to update the parable,
You'll have to specify which verses were "revised". As you may have learned, that's a pretty serious charge.
How can something supposedly "nonfactual" as Genesis (you believe it's allegory) contradict anything at all? Are you implying Genesis isn't allegory after all?

it would be better to emulate a YE creationist who loves and cares for all people, than to be like a Biblical Christian who does not.
Biblical Christian and YEC Christian are the same unless that YEC has compromised elsewhere, such as being a Unitarian. I regard unitarianism as compromise because the islamic god is a 1person god.

I put in "Christian" above, because there can be YEC muslims (wholl inevitably have a different view, not just the one detail of "earth young" ), etc. too.

Me: "Yes/no: Do you believe that it is "caring" to share the origins beliefs that nonbelievers have?"

I don't regard YE creationists as "nonbelievers."
In my self-quote, I was referring to "evolution and big bang" in "origins beliefs".
So you don't have a solid answer. You don't want to admit that OEE beliefs are simply compromise with Athiesm.

If your claims about "evolution is creation" were true, don't you think Athiests would be hating on evolution and organizations like AIG would defend it?

It is caring to extend help to all who are need, even if they don't share our beliefs, ........
Amen 100%
.. and it's what matters to our salvation
What are you saying is what matters?
YE is not a heresy, BTW.
Neither is OEE. OEE is simply a error.
Still waiting for how the datings are trustworthy in spite of all evidence otherwise. (like outside of shell being dated as older/younger than its inside!)
Sounds interesting. Name us one process, required for evolution, that is prohibited by thermodynamics or "information-conservation." What do you have?
Do you know any that are allowed?

So nothing but "if it takes too long for humans to observe, it must be impossible"?
This is neither YEC's only nor main argument.
Do you now see why so few scientists and informed Christians take YE seriously?
Because of Athiests, peer pressure, the school system, and the evolution-promoting, but Christ-less (wow big surprise!! not!) culture.

So few people, in general, take what the Bible says seriously. Not surprised they'd take the Bible's stance on origins and age lightly too.

John 15:19-21
19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you as well; if they followed My word, they will follow yours also. 21 But all these things they will do to you on account of My name, because they do not know the One who sent Me.

WorLdlines and Darwin or Wordliness and Jesus. Choose 1.

Snakes have genes for limbs. Some of them even retain vestigial limbs.
This is yet another "loss", you demonstrate exactly the opposite of what i asked. You showed no gain.
Genetic entropy stabs f2fe (Family-to Family Evolution) yet again!

I'll call it "f2fe" for short.

YEC 1 OEE 0.

PS: OEE means Old Earth Evolution. Belief in millions years universe+earth & belief in f2fe .

Even if those were "limbs", and not just grasping for straws/wishful thinking, the Bible is still superior to F2FE.
If there's any allegory here, it's F2FE, not Genesis.

But you still can't show us even one process that is required for evolution, that is prohibited by thermodynamics or "information conservation." What's the hold-up?
Can you show us three that are permitted?

Yeah, kinda does. The second is a bird-like dinosaur and the first is a bird. But as you seem to now realize, there are no apomorphic characters in birds that can't be found in other dinosaurs. Since you've declined to name even one, I think we're done here.

Ever seen any dinoes with REAL wings, and not just art?

And besides, that's clearly a bird and not a dino. Everyone who doesn't already think F2FE is legit knows that.
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But as you seem to now realize, there are no apomorphic characters in birds that can't be found in other dinosaurs. Since you've declined to name even one, I think we're done here.
I have. Beaks, wings, and feathers. Filaments are not feathers, no matter how hard one stretches.

What about strong pectoral muscles demonstrably for flight?
  1. Powered Flight: Birds are capable of powered flight, using their wings to generate lift and propel themselves through the air. Dinosaurs, on the other hand, were not capable of powered flight, although some may have had the ability to glide.
  2. Endothermy (Warm-Blooded): Birds are endothermic, meaning they can regulate their own body temperature, unlike the ectothermic (cold-blooded) dinosaurs.
  3. Egg-Laying: While both birds and dinosaurs lay eggs, the way they do so differs. Birds have a specialized reproductive system that allows them to lay eggs with hard, calcified shells, whereas dinosaur eggs had softer, leathery shells.
  4. Beak: Birds have a beak, a specialized structure used for feeding, preening, and other functions. Dinosaurs had jaws with teeth, not a beak.
  5. Respiratory System: Birds have a unique respiratory system with air sacs that allow for more efficient oxygen exchange, a feature not found in dinosaurs.
  6. Metabolism: Birds have a higher metabolic rate compared to dinosaurs, which is necessary to support their active lifestyle and powered flight.
  7. Parental Care: Many bird species exhibit complex parental care behaviors, such as nest building, incubation, and feeding of the young. Dinosaur parental care behaviors are less well-understood.
  8. Social Behavior: Birds often exhibit complex social behaviors, such as flocking, courtship displays, and vocal communication, which may have been less developed in dinosaurs.
  9. Adaptations for Flight: Birds have numerous anatomical and physiological adaptations that enable flight, such as lightweight bones, strong flight muscles, and specialized wing structures. Dinosaurs lacked these adaptations.
  10. Crop and Gizzard: Birds have a crop, a specialized pouch in the esophagus used for storing food, and a gizzard, a muscular stomach that grinds food. Dinosaurs did not have these adaptations.
  11. Preen Gland: Birds have a preen gland that secretes oils used for feather maintenance and waterproofing. Dinosaurs lacked this specialized gland.
  12. Avian Immune System: The avian immune system is distinct from that of dinosaurs, with specialized features such as the bursa of Fabricius, which plays a crucial role in the development of the immune system.
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But as you seem to now realize, there are no apomorphic characters in birds that can't be found in other dinosaurs. Since you've declined to name even one, I think we're done here.

I have. Beaks, wings, and feathers.
Many dinosaurs had beaks.

Lots of dinosaurs had wings. Archaeopteryx, Microraptor, etc. And these even had asymetrical flight feathers.

What about strong pectoral muscles demonstrably for flight?
Both Microraptor and Archaeopteryx could fly. And strong pectoral muscles are found in a good number of dinosaurs. Compsognathus even had a wishbone like birds, indicating large pectoral muscles needing a stronger attachment. And it didn't even fly.

Powered Flight: Birds are capable of powered flight, using their wings to generate lift and propel themselves through the air. Dinosaurs, on the other hand, were not capable of powered flight, although some may have had the ability to glide.
See above. There were flying dinosaurs. We know they could fly because they had asymetrical flight feathers.

Endothermy (Warm-Blooded): Birds are endothermic, meaning they can regulate their own body temperature, unlike the ectothermic (cold-blooded) dinosaurs.
Most, if not all dinosaurs were endothermic. That's why they originally had feathers. They needed to keep warm, unlike other reptiles. They had Haversian canals in their bones, like other endothermic animals.

It's likely that they weren't as endothermic as modern birds, probably like monotreme mammals. But the evicence is clear.

Egg-Laying: While both birds and dinosaurs lay eggs, the way they do so differs. Birds have a specialized reproductive system that allows them to lay eggs with hard, calcified shells, whereas dinosaur eggs had softer, leathery shells.
For a long time, all the dinosaur eggs known to scientists were hard-shelled. Recently, the eggs of a primitive dinosaur were found and were soft-shelled. But almost all dinosaurs had hard-shelled eggs when birds evolved.
The first dinosaur eggs had a soft shell, say paleontologists from Yale and the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH).

The finding upends decades of conventional wisdom by the scientific community. For many years there was scant fossil evidence of dinosaur eggs, and all known examples were characterized by thick, calcified shells — leading paleontologists to speculate that all dinosaur eggs were hard-shelled, like those of modern crocodiles and birds.

In a new study published in the journal Nature, researchers used a novel geochemical approach to show that the earliest dinosaur eggs had soft, leathery shells. Yale paleontologists Jasmina Wiemann and Matteo Fabbri are co-corresponding authors of the study, along with first author Mark Norell of AMNH.

Beak: Birds have a beak, a specialized structure used for feeding, preening, and other functions. Dinosaurs had jaws with teeth, not a beak.
See above.
Respiratory System: Birds have a unique respiratory system with air sacs that allow for more efficient oxygen exchange, a feature not found in dinosaurs.
Wrong again:

Birds and dinosaurs: High-performance breathing in bones

Origin of unique respiratory system of birds and dinosaurs

Metabolism: Birds have a higher metabolic rate compared to dinosaurs, which is necessary to support their active lifestyle and powered flight.
See above. Microraptor did just that. And the bones and respiratory systems as well as the endothermy of those dinosaurs shows a high metabolic rate.

Parental Care: Many bird species exhibit complex parental care behaviors, such as nest building, incubation, and feeding of the young. Dinosaur parental care behaviors are less well-understood.
Your guy is a few years behind the curve...

Social Behavior: Birds often exhibit complex social behaviors, such as flocking, courtship displays, and vocal communication, which may have been less developed in dinosaurs.
"May have been?" Herd behavior in dinosaurs has been evident in fossils:
It should not come as a surprise that Deinonychus was a social animal, because many animals today are gregarious and form groups. Fossil evidence documents similar herding behaviour in a variety of dinosaurs. The mass assemblage in Bernissart, Belgium, for example, held at least three groups of Iguanodon. Group association and activity is also indicated by the dozens of Coelophysis skeletons of all ages recovered in New Mexico, U.S. The many specimens of Allosaurus at the Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry in Utah, U.S., may denote a herd of animals attracted to the site for the common purpose of scavenging. In the last two decades, several assemblages of ceratopsians and duckbills containing thousands of individuals have been found.

Hadrosaurs evolved resonating chambers that made vocalizations louder.

Crop and Gizzard: Birds have a crop, a specialized pouch in the esophagus used for storing food, and a gizzard, a muscular stomach that grinds food. Dinosaurs did not have these adaptations.
They even ate stones as modern birds do, to make their crops work more efficiently:
The gizzard, also referred to as the ventriculus, gastric mill, and gigerium, is an organ found in the digestive tract of some animals, including archosaurs (birds and other dinosaurs, crocodiles, alligators, pterosaurs), earthworms, some gastropods, some fish, and some crustaceans.

Preen Gland: Birds have a preen gland that secretes oils used for feather maintenance and waterproofing. Dinosaurs lacked this specialized gland.
Sorry, wrong again:

“If we find more of these lipids, we will be able to better reconstruct the lifestyle of these animals,” said coauthor Jakob Vinther in a statement. “For example, it would be interesting to find out whether feathered dinosaurs, as the ancestors of birds, already possessed uropygial glands and preened their plumages.”

Again, your guy assumed things not in evidence.

Avian Immune System: The avian immune system is distinct from that of dinosaurs, with specialized features such as the bursa of Fabricius, which plays a crucial role in the development of the immune system.
And your evidence that dinosaurs lacked them is...? For years it was thought that dinosaurs didn't have flight feathers, were ectotherms, lacked the "avian" respiratory system and so on. And now we know they had all of those. What you don't know, is a very shaky place on which to stand.

As you see, it's better to rely on the scientific literature to learn about these things. Your source seems profoundly ignorant of dinosaur anatomy and physiology.
The point to the Good Samaritan was not merely "it's good to help those in need"; it was Jesus telling His people that it's better to emulate a heretic who loves and cares for all people, than to be like a religiously-correct Levite who does not.

Ahhh, so that's the- or a- reason why you seek common worldview ground with the World's view of origins
I can only accept that Jesus is right. You should, too.
Already am
If you were, you'd just accept His word on it. Find a way to do that.
Family-to-family evolution aint the world, in any sense of "world".
It's just God's creation. Why not just accept it on His terms? You won't go to hell for rejecting evolution; He really doesn't care if you approve or not. But don't make an idol of your new doctrines.

In my self-quote, I was referring to "evolution and big bang" in "origins beliefs".
It's a common dodge among creationists. Conflating theories might seem like an easy deception, but it never works.
You'll have to specify which verses were "revised". As you may have learned, that's a pretty serious charge.
Around the turn of the century, the Seventh-Day Adventists, on the visions of a "prophetess" invented YE creationism. It was proselytized to fundamentalists who founded the first YE creationist organizations like the ICR and Creation Research Society.

How can something supposedly "nonfactual" as Genesis (you believe it's allegory)
If you regard God's word as "nonfactual" if He chooses to use allegory in His word, there isn't much I can do to get you to believe Him.

So you don't have a solid answer. You don't want to admit that OEE beliefs are simply compromise with Athiesm.
In fact, Darwin wrote that God just created the first living things.
There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.
Charles Darwin, last sentence of On the Origin of Species

Doesn't sound like atheism to me. Why deny something so manifestly obvious?

If your claims about "evolution is creation" were true, don't you think Athiests would be hating on evolution
No more than you'd expect them be hating on electricity.
and organizations like AIG would defend it?
AIG accepts the Adventist revision called YE creatinism. Why would they accept evolution?
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Still waiting for how the datings are trustworthy

Precise dating of the destruction of Pompeii proves argon-argon method can reliably date rocks as young as 2,000 years​

(like outside of shell being dated as older/younger than its inside!)
Mollusks get their carbon from geological sources, not plants. So C14 dating won't work for them. But the second error is to suppose that C14 is used by paleontologists. Did they guys who told you that story know better? They probably did, but they correctly supposed that you didn't.

(claims about "information-conservation" ruling out evolution)
Sounds interesting. Name us one process, required for evolution, that is prohibited by thermodynamics or "information-conservation." What do you have?

(no response; just an attempt to dodge)

But you still can't show us even one process that is required for evolution, that is prohibited by thermodynamics or "information conservation." What's the hold-up?

Can you show us three that are permitted?
All of them are permitted. As you now realize, there isn't even one. They lied to you. Or is it possible you don't even know what processes are required for evolution? Would you like me to show you what they are?

So nothing but "if it takes too long for humans to observe, it must be impossible"?

This is neither YEC's only nor main argument.
It's the one they trot out when all their other objections fail. Behavior is more convincing than talk.

Do you now see why so few scientists and informed Christians take YE seriously?

Because of Athiests, peer pressure, the school system, and the evolution-promoting, but Christ-less (wow big surprise!! not!) culture.
The professor from which I took my first course in evolution, was on the board of vestry for his local church. Don't be so gullible.

So few people, in general, take what the Bible says seriously.
YE creationism is a great atheist-maker. But it's not the only reason. For years, fundamentalist ministers were howling that "race mixing" was against God's law. It's more than just YE creationism, but YE creationism is a major contributor..

(argument that evolution only involves loss and snakes lack genes for limbs)

Snakes have genes for limbs. Some of them even retain vestigial limbs.

This is yet another "loss"
Nope. It's an addition. A gene that suppresses the gene for limbs. Sometimes, as in some adaptations in humans, evolution simplifies things. Sometimes, it adds things.

Ever seen any dinoes with REAL wings, and not just art?
You just showed us one. Parakeet. But here's a really old one:



And besides, that's clearly a bird and not a dino.
Nope. Dinosaur. Show me one apomorphic character it has that isn't found in other dinosaurs.


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