What do you mean by "a line drawn?" What do you mean by being "a good soldier" and "fights for one side?"
Mat 5:11 "Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
Mat 5:40 And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.
Luk 6:29 To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either.
Joh 15:20 Remember the word that I said to you: 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.
Rom 12:14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.
(All from the ESV.)
And 2 Tim 2:3, in context: 2Ti 2:3 Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
Free, the scriptures you gave are when evil strikes and we can`t escape, but all through the Bible we are compelled to flee from evil not embrace it. To walk with evil is the mark of a fool according to Proverbs. We need to avoid it, but to avoid it we have to identify it. I think this is what that pastor was trying to do. Talk was not working so he took a bolder action to try and make people see the evil that needs to be avoided. On the other hand, there are times evil just jumps on us and we can`t avoid it. When that happens, God tells us how to deal with it and that is where the scriptures you quoted apply. At those times we can`t let our hearts be overcome with hate and cursings, but we have to protect our hearts by forgiving and being kind and loving even in the face of evil.
As for drawing a line, I mean just that. At some point as Christians we have to decide who we want to stand up for. Are we truly a family of God? Then we need to act like it. We can`t be throwing our own people under the bus to run and support those who follow other gods. We have to draw a line and say are we going to stand by our faith, not stradle the fence with another faith. My time is limited and even if it were not, I am not sure I could articulate this thought well enough but it really concerns me that there is almost no loyalty within the Christian community. Therefore, there is no "oneness" as God calls for His people to be. He wants us to stand strong and support one another, but we are much more likely to support anyone but our own. We are very quick to throw our own under the bus to run and support a nonBeliever and ironically not just a nonBeliever but often one who is antagonistic to God and Believers. I draw a line when someone spits on my brother or sister, I`m not going to jump on the bandwagon to join hands with them. I will go wipe the spit off my brother or sister`s face with my own bare hand instead, but others choose to join hands with the spitter and say the brother deserved the spit and mock him along with the spitter. If my brother or sister is wrong, I will still go to wipe off the spit and will probably tell him/her I thought he/she was wrong, but I still will not join hands with the one who spit on my brethern. If my brethern did nothing wrong, I will not spit back at the spitter but I`m not going to join hands with him. And there is no where in the Bible I can find that says to join hands with those who despise God or His people.
Being a good solider would take time to explain but basically a good solider is one who stands loyal and strong to his country/troop. As Christians our country/troop is God`s kingdom. This is where our loyalty should unwaveringly stand---to God, His ways and His people. Think of being on the battlefield. Soldiers are working, struggling, and fighting along side each other, one is shot in the leg and falls down. A solider from the enemy side also is shot in the leg and falls down, who does the good soldier run to help? The enemy who will only rise up and shoot him or the man in his own troop? If he goes to the enemy rather than his own man, he is like a traitor. How can he run to help the enemy and leave his own man out there to be captured or killed? Would the enemy be mad if the solider went to his own man rather than him? No. He expects him to take care of his own, and if the soldier comes to the enemy instead, the enemy will have no respect for him because he will also see him as a traitor to his own. Christians running to support a nonChristian cause is not going to make the nonChristians love Christians more.
As for fighting for one side, a soldier fights doesn`t he. So it was an illustrative word. I`m not talking about literally physically fighting. I`m talking about spiritually picking a side and standing by it. This is not the time to be a wishy washy, politically correct Christian. This is the time to stand on God`s Word and stand by our brethern.