Originally Posted By Davies,
What we don't understand is the holiness of God. To many, Hades and the lake of fire seem to be cruel because there is no leaving, there is always existing, and there is always torment. Add to the physical nature of the lake of fire, there the conscience will spurn the sinner because he could have been forgiven and spent eternal bliss with the full weight of Jesus' inheritance! In Hades or the lake of fire, they'll both be one and the same in the future, it will take an eternity to understand what it means to reject the blood of the Lamb. This is the only thing a person has to look forward to who hasn't repented and put their trust in Jesus in this life. This is why we should be able to be more patient with those who laugh Jesus to scorn.
Absolutely no understanding, or willingness to understand the clear Scripture provided in my previous post. I'm not surprised at all actually.
The position of
"eternal torment" is the least defensible of all presented in this forum. Not only do those who subscribe to this abomination profess the existence of a horrendous eternal punishment for what is done in this brief, frail life of less than 100 years..... but they also profess that it is because of an
'ego-problem' that Jesus has for anyone who won't
'believe' in Him while in their
'state of darkness':
Job 37:19 "We cannot arrange our case because of darkness"
Proverbs 20:24 "Man's steps are ordained by the Lord, how then can man understand his way?"
Proverbs 16:33 "The lot is cast in the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord"
Proverbs 16:9 "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."
Romans 11:32 "God locks up ALL together in unbelief, that He should be merciful to ALL"
The existence of this debate reveals the differences that spiritual maturity produces. One who accepts
Eternal Torment as logical, reasonable and just..... and sees it as a legitimate motive for being
'blackmailed' into professing belief and love for God..... reveals a rather low level of spiritual maturity. It is and has been quite a prevalent state of mind..... witness the many individuals who seek to
'force someone' to love them..... or in jealous rage believe that they can violently retain the love of someone against all rivals. For someone at this stage..... the idea of
"set them free and if they love you they will return" is impossible. The unwillingness to accept that love is proven
NOT by speech but by actions seems also to be associated with this stage of immaturity. A lot of abuse is, and has been perpetrated on those with this mindset
(recall the Dark Ages)
Fear and eternal torment have nothing to do with God who is
perfect love, period. There are certainly negative consequences for our failures to spiritually mature, but they are neither punishments nor eternal.
"Weeping and gnashing of teeth" is reflective of remorse and self-loathing for one's stupidity.....
NOT torture or torment. For such remorse would not be possible.
TRUE NATURE of God is revealed to us unambiguously
by Jesus. Those who promote
"eternal torment" have corrupted His message and have shamelessly petitioned to keep their man-imposed doctrines and beliefs about what God
MUST be like from descriptions and interpretations from savage, power hungry men. They have misused the prophesies designed
ONLY to tell us about Jesus and validate His coming and actions. They elevate to infallible and literal inerrant status the primitive, savage, pagan interpretations and understandings of God to twist their understanding of Jesus to accommodate those heinous descriptions! They blaspheme God and Jesus and grossly malign His character by their retention of those primitive misunderstandings and outright misinterpretations of God that completely contradict Jesus' clear and unambiguous example of the
TRUE NATURE of God and
Very sad indeed!