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I know that you believe that Jesus is a created being, and I know that you believe that Jesus did not create all things, and I know that you have compared Jesus to angelic beings. I apologize for saying that you spoke that Jesus could be Michael the archangel, but I thought that you had posted that back when. My mistake.Imagican said:Many worship Jesus but they do not know him; for if they really knew him, they would know that he is Immanuel. Those that are unfortunate and have been taught that Jesus is a created angel named Michael do not get that teaching on their own. They get that teaching from a group or from a spirit other than the body of Jesus Christ of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the Saviour, and God says that he is the only Saviour, John says that Jesus is God and all things were created by him, nothing was created except that that which is created by Jesus. No angels were created except Jesus created them. Jesus created satan. Jesus was God in the beginning. I have shown you many times where Jesus is Jehovah God. You do have a bias. It seems to me that your bias is the same bias that the Jehovah Witnesses teach.
24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, 25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Jude 1:24-25
You have NEVER heard me offer that Christ IS AN ANGEL by ANY NAME. Christ IS the Son of God. Not A son, but THE SON. So, please don't indicate that I am offering ANY SUCH NONSENSE. Thank you.
Again, I have NOT accused YOU of 'being a CATHOLIC' simply because you believe in 'trinity', so PLEASE, don't go accusing me of being the 'same' as the JW. I am NOT the 'same' as ANY 'man-made' church. Sorry, but these tactics will NOT work in defense of ANYTHING, for I UTTERLY deny these insinuations. Nada. NOT ME, my friend.
And God IS able to choose WHO represents Him and IS able to offer ANY amount of information or power to WHOMEVER He chooses. So, to say that God is the ONLY Savior so Christ MUST be God is 'weak' at best. For God IS the ONLY Savior in that He offered HIS SON as sacrifice for OUR SINS. That does NOT make Christ God by ANY stretch of the imagination. So, the act of dying WAS performed by Christ yet the Sacrifice was made BY GOD. Christ '
gave up' His life willingly, but it was God that allowed the sacrifice of HIS SON. So, you see, your reasoning is not as solid as you may have previously thought.
The King of any nation IS the ultimate rule. Yet HE IS capable of allowing that which HE CHOOSES to represent HIM. We see that in Egypt, Joseph was allowed ALL BUT The KING HIMSELF to be UNDER HIM, an Hebrew. How? IT WAS the WISH of THE LEADER OF THIS NATION.
Just as EVERYTHING IS UNDER GOD, even His Son. Yet He IS able to bestow ANY amount of authority to This SAME Son. If that be the authority to lay down His life for the sake of mankind, that is CERTAINLY within the realm of God's Power. HE chooses WHO, WHEN and WHERE, NOT us.
And this is 'where' the problem lies, the HEART of the matter at hand. Did God teach us that His Son were HE HIMSELF, or was this decided by men that had their OWN agenda in offering such teaching? I believe that turning Christ into ANYTHING 'other than' what He IS, is to create a false Christ or false God. It's really that simple. No different than carving an 'image' of Christ and bowing to it. Most KNOW that this is a 'false god' and of NO power whatsoever to alter or offer ANYTHING of God.
And Solo, please realize that I AM able to understand without JW's teaching me 'their truth', or Baptist teaching me 'their truth', or Catholics teaching me 'their truth', or Mormons,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PERIOD. I follow NO denomination other than the doctrine offered through the Word and Spirit. I am affiliated with NO denomination. I recognize that each has it's share of the 'truth', but have found EACH lacking in an 'entire' truth. Only bits and pieces are they able to teach along with a BUNCH of 'man-made' stuff that TAKES away from the 'truth' rather than defining it.
And guys and gals, to even 'think' that there has been NO altering of the 'original writtings' in FAVOR of 'man-made' doctrine is to choose to be ignorant of the 'truth'. Yes, there is ENOUGH in The Word that HAS been preserved, but when we compare the ORIGINAL writtings to the KJV authorized version of the Bible, we DEFINITELY see that much has been altered in favor of doctrine that was NOT originally offered. That is the nature of ANYONE that wishes to interpret ANYTHING. It is interpreted or translated according to the understanding of the inrerpreter.. But, for the sake of this discussion, suffice is to say, that there is NO statement in the Bible that Christ offers that HE IS GOD. Inuendo maybe, but this certainly seems an 'underhanded way' to offer 'truth' concerning ANYTHING. My God IS a God of LOVE, NOT deception. My Savior, Jesus Christ, (the LAMB OFFERED), is His Son. Full of the SAME LOVE that the Father IS.
And let us NOT forget EXACTLY what was offered when Christ's followers asked Him HOW we should pray, 'Our FATHER, who ART in heaven...........THY WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.......... FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM, POWER, AND GLORY FOR EVER. This offered from the mouth of Christ Himself. Nothing in this offers that we are to PRAY TO HIM. Kind of FUNNY, huh? I mean funny not in a ha ha sort of way, but funny as in STRANGE.
And PLEASE note that this is CHRIST praying. He offers quite plainly, OUR FATHER. not just His Father but OUR FATHER. The Father of man and of Christ Himself.
Now, considering we KNOW WHO THE FATHER IS, we have here Christ offering that Our God IS His God as well. For His Father IS Our Father as well. And who IS God? God IS The Father of both man AND Christ.
Since you claim that Jesus never claimed to be God, and that the Apostles did not claim Jesus to be God, what Bible translation do you use to formulate your doctrinal beliefs, so that I can speak to you from your preferred scripture. This is for the purpose of using a translation that you trust as not being written by the Roman Catholic machine that you distrust. What Greek texts do you trust?