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Our salvation is in Mary

And Christ (God) wilked to come thru mary!

God became flesh.

Again the flesh and blood Man was born from Mary.

God is Spirit.

Mary did not give birth to Spirit.

Mary is not the mother of God. (Spirit)

  • that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6
God became flesh.

Again the flesh and blood Man was born from Mary.

God is Spirit.

Mary did not give birth to Spirit.

Mary is not the mother of God. (Spirit)

  • that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6
Yes but still mother of God
And mother of our salvation
Yes but still mother of God
And mother of our salvation

Mary is not the mother of God.

God has no beginning or end.

If you want to be blessed even more than Mary then be among those that hear the word of God and do it.

And it happened, as He spoke these things, that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!
But He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”
Luke 11:27-28
God became flesh.

Again the flesh and blood Man was born from Mary.

God is Spirit.

Mary did not give birth to Spirit.

Mary is not the mother of God. (Spirit)

  • that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6
The flesh does not matter in your understanding?
Mary is not the mother of God.

God has no beginning or end.

If you want to be blessed even more than Mary then be among those that hear the word of God and do it.

And it happened, as He spoke these things, that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!
But He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”
Luke 11:27-28
Can you understand simple logic?

A woman has a son;

The son is president of the us.

Is woman his mother? Yes

Is she the mother of the president?

Now the problem is cause!

We associate mother with cause.

Is she the mother of the president? Yes

Is she the primary cause of Him being president? No

Is Mary the mother of our salvation yes
Is she the primary cause of our salvation? No

I did not say Mary is the source of God.

No one except God is more blessed than Mary Lk 1:28 Lk 1:45

Lk 11:27:28 Christ glorifies Mary!
Lk 1:45 she was the most faithful and the first believer (nt new covenant)

All four Marian dogma’s are in luke one!
The flesh does not matter in your understanding?

The Son of God BECAME flesh. The way He became flesh was by being born of a women.

God is Spirit. Mary did not give birth to God, she gave birth to flesh; the Man Jesus Christ.
Jn 1:16 -17

16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.

17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

And Christ (God) wilked to come thru mary!

To use your illistration of the president of America having a mother.

Mrs Biden has no influence on any policy or law introduced by president Biden.
In the same way Mary the mother of Jesus and other sons and daughters has no influence on Jesus's actions.

Like Mrs Biden she is his mother.
Not a member of the White House or a member of the trinity.
The Son of God BECAME flesh. The way He became flesh was by being born of a women.

God is Spirit. Mary did not give birth to God, she gave birth to flesh; the Man Jesus Christ.
No she gave birth to the person of Christ!

His entire person!
To use your illistration of the president of America having a mother.

Mrs Biden has no influence on any policy or law introduced by president Biden.
In the same way Mary the mother of Jesus and other sons and daughters has no influence on Jesus's actions.

Like Mrs Biden she is his mother.
Not a member of the White House or a member of the trinity.

No so, Mary is mother of God

Mary found our salvation Lk 1:30

Mary consented to our salvation Lk 1:38

Jesus is our salvation Lk 2:30

Also Jn chapter 2

The hour fixed by God for the public ministry of Christ had not come!

Mary asks Him to perform a miracle

His time has not come do the answer is No!

But He still works the miracle
cos his mother interceded, thus a higher law, “honor thy father and mother” if ANYONE else asked it would NOT have been done! The answer was no! But He honored His mother!

and cos of her intercession the disciples believed in Him!
Jn 2:11

There is another point that Jesus is making when he says: what does it have to do with you and me? My hour hath not yet come. Indicating that when “His hour” does come Mary will have a prominent role to play. See Lk 2:35
No she gave birth to the person of Christ!

His entire person!

She gave birth to the flesh and blood Man Jesus Christ.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6
She gave birth to the flesh and blood Man Jesus Christ.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6
His flesh crucified is our peace with God atonement propitiatory sacrifice

Still mother of God!
His flesh crucified is our peace with God atonement propitiatory sacrifice

Still mother of God!
Mary never was and never will be the Mother of God.

God has no beginning or end.

The flesh and blood part of Christ is the Man Jesus Christ that was crucified.

God is Spirit.

Mary never was and never will be the Mother of God.

God has no beginning or end.

The flesh and blood part of Christ is the Man Jesus Christ that was crucified.

God is Spirit.

The apostolic church possesses the authority of Christ and binds all Christians to believe the truth!

Apostolic Council Of Ephesus – 431 A.D.

(with authority from Christ to bind the faith of all Christians. Matt 16:19 & 18:18)

If anyone does not confess that Emmanuel is God in truth, and therefore that the holy virgin is the mother of God (for she bore in a fleshly way the Word of God become flesh) let him be anathema.

Theotokos: God bearer!

Mother of God!

Lk 1:43 And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

Mary is not the mother of the divinity, or the mother of the eternal father, or the mother of the Holy Spirit, nor the source of the divine nature.

Mary is the mother of God, cos Jesus Christ is God and Mary is His mother, not the mother of His body but the mother of His entire person.

"She is rightly called not only the mother of the man, but also the Mother of God ... It is certain that Mary is the Mother of the real and true God." Martin Luther

"Elizabeth called Mary Mother of the Lord, because the unity of the person in the two natures of Christ was such that she could have said that the mortal man engendered in the womb of Mary was at the same time the eternal God." John Calvin

Mother of God!

Jesus is a divine person who became man, and not a human person, that is why Mary is truly the “mother of God” Jesus is God, Mary is His mother, so she is the mother of God not to be confused with “source”, she is not the source of God or the mother of the divine nature, or the mother of the eternal Father, nor the mother of the spirit!

But mother of the Son who is God.

Only one person every has a family relationship with God, Mary; and she has three!

Daughter of the Father
Mother of the Son
Spouse of the Holy Spirit

And Jesus being our spiritual brother Mary is our spiritual mother!

God has no mother:
God is uncreated and eternal!

God the son does have a mother!
Mary is the mother of God!

It does not mean that Mary is the mother or source of the divine nature of God, or the mother of the father or the mother of the spirit.

it is a relationship between mother and child, Mary and Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is God;
Mary is His mother;
Mary is the mother of God to deny this is to deny the divinity of Christ and scripture. Lk 1:43

The apostolic church possesses the authority of Christ and binds all Christians to believe the truth!

Please show me where Jesus instructed Hs followers to go to Rome and build a Vatican with opulent wealth.

Please show me a scripture where Jesus instituted the office of a “Pope”.

Please show me from scripture where Jesus instructed His followers to pray to Mary, worship saints, make images of saints and pray to them, and burn incense….

Please show me where Jesus instructed Hs followers to go to Rome and build a Vatican with opulent wealth.

Please show me a scripture where Jesus instituted the office of a “Pope”.

Please show me from scripture where Jesus instructed His followers to pray to Mary, worship saints, make images of saints and pray to them, and burn incense….

Dont be ridiculous the last paragraph is not a reality except images which are not forbidden

For the 10,000th time only God may be worshipped!

Jn 14:2
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

blessed Peter, (matt 16-18-19) the chosen, (acts 15:7) the preeminent, the first among the disciples, (matt 10:2) for whom alone with himself the Savior paid the tribute (Matt. 17:27)

Jn 21:17 Peter entrusted with the flock or church

Isa 22:21-22 father (pope means papa) with key of authority over the kingdom

Matt 16:16-19 Peter declared blessed, head of the church (on earth) key (signs) of jurisdictional authority

No reason to give the person of Peter the keys of the kingdom, “Thee outward sign” of jurisdictional authority if not to govern and administer the kingdom until Christ returns in glory! Matt 16;18-19

To be the chief pastor and teacher of the faithful!

Matt 16:17-19
Why is Peter even mentioned?
Why does Jesus change His name?
Why does Jesus say Peter is blessed?

Christ establishes Peter in office:
God changed the patriarchs names to indicate an office or mission. Isa 22:21-22

Why does Jesus give Peter the keys of the kingdom (jurisdictional authority)

Why does Jesus give Peter power to bind and loose? Matt 16:18-19
Peter and the apostles posses Christ’s authority in the church. Matt 28:18-20

Peter standing up signifies authority in the church. Acts 1:15 & 15:7

Peter’s person is blessed not peters confession of faith!
Peter’s person received the keys not a confession of faith!

Office of authority as personal representative of Christ and head of the church on earth.

God always establishes peace and order in his kingdom by obedience to the fathers in hierarchical authority!

Do Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, in acts 5 believe it is a confession of faith that has authority or peter?

Cos there both dead by peter’s authority!

As God is the creator and Mary is a created being this claim is a total lie.
Has nothing do with it

Mary is mother of God by relationship to Her divine son

Mother of God!

Jesus is a divine person who became man, and not a human person, that is why Mary is truly the “mother of God” Jesus is God, Mary is His mother, so she is the mother of God not to be confused with “source”, she is not the source of God or the mother of the divine nature, or the mother of the eternal Father, nor the mother of the spirit!

But mother of the Son who is God.

Only one person every has a family relationship with God, Mary; and she has three!

Daughter of the Father
Mother of the Son
Spouse of the Holy Spirit

And Jesus being our spiritual brother Mary is our spiritual mother!

God has no mother:
God is uncreated and eternal!

God the son does have a mother!
Mary is the mother of God!

It does not mean that Mary is the mother or source of the divine nature of God, or the mother of the father or the mother of the spirit.

it is a relationship between mother and child, Mary and Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is God;
Mary is His mother;
Mary is the mother of God to deny this is to deny the divinity of Christ and scripture. Lk 1:43

Cannot have Jesus as your spiritual brother unless Mary is your spiritual Mother!

Anyone who has no mother is an orphan.

Jesus said to His disciples; “I will not leave you orphaned” and “behold Thy mother”!
Jn 19:26 spiritual mother
Rev 12:17 spiritual mother

It is Mary who gave birth to the mystical Body of Christ!

We must obey the 4th commandment, “honor Thy father and mother”!

We must obey scripture and call Her “blessed”! Lk 1:48

Our salvation is in Mary!

Mother of our salvation!

The Lord is with Her!

simple logic?

A woman has a son;

The son is president of the us.

Is woman his mother? Yes

Is she the mother of the president?

Now the problem is cause!

We associate mother with cause.

Is she the mother of the president? Yes

Is she the primary cause of Him being president? No

Is Mary the mother of our salvation yes
Is she the primary cause of our salvation? No

I did not say Mary is the source of God.

But she is the mother of God!
