No one, least of all me is claiming that we do not continue to sin, but Paul wrote what he wrote:
6God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” 7To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. [
Romans 2:6-7, NIV]
Let's be clear: You have been repeatedly asked to explain what Paul meant by these words, but you have not answered.
I'm going into this exercise one more time.
I detailed this, clearly, prior.
Here is Paul, on earth, in flesh:
2 Corinthians 12:7
And lest
I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to
me a thorn
in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
There are two parties present in the above. Paul, and the messenger of Satan in the flesh of Paul.
Paul was saved. The messenger of Satan, not. Paul was awarded eternal life, based on the merits of Grace through faith in Christ, which he could not lose. And the messenger of Satan will answer for every adverse evil that messenger made in the flesh of Paul and WILL land permanently IN HELL forever.
This is the Judgment of the TWO parties. It is the identical depiction that Paul provided in Romans 9:18-24 and again, in 2 Tim. 2:20-21, showing that it is 'we' who must divide and purge ourselves of the "other vessel" in order to not be ruled and reigned over, while we are here, in the flesh.
You seem to think that we need to be sinless to get eternal life.
Pretty hilarious. I've never made such a claim here, ever. Only the opposite. Nice try though. If you can show me one post where I ever said that a believer in the flesh made themselves sinless in the 12 years I've posted here, you're welcome to trot it out.
Again, the fundamental issue is that here in Romans 2, and elsewhere as well, Paul writes of eternal life being granted according to good works.
I have no issues with Romans 2. One, the believer will be saved on the Sole Merits of faith in Christ's sufficiency to save them, and the messenger of Satan, the tempter, operating in the flesh of all believers via temptations and lusts, will provide an answer in the judgment for such actions, and fail at the end, for every sin in every believer, and will land in hell forever for it.
There are the two measures of Divine Judgments. These measures are fixed. One for the believer, and one for the works of the tempter in the flesh. There is no way to condemn the believer. There will be no justification for the tempter (or any of his own) who operate in the flesh.
Those who, like you, do not believe this need to explain precisely why Paul wrote these particular words.
So I give you the opportunity once more to do so.
And I give you the opportunity, once more, to read what's been said, at length. Every thought will be examined in the final judgment of every believer. Evil thoughts will be found. Even evil actions. There will be no mixing of the two parties. The tempter operates in the flesh, and those who are led and deceived by same are his pawns. But in the end, they will go free, and their captor, uh, no, not so much. The messenger of Satan in the flesh of Paul, will pay the price of adverse permanent judgment. Paul however did not, and will not.