Sam, I don`t know if we are in danger. We are told everything is fine and not to worry. Our health is not at risk even with all that`s happened with the nuclear plants. But on the other hand we`re told radiation has leaked and to avoid breathing the air if possible and to stay inside as much as possible.
Jason, you asked some posts back if we were told to wash when we come in from outside. We are now being told to do that, but again we are told all is fine.
Nick, my computer access is becoming limited and my electricity will soon cut off so I probably won`t have to time to watch the videos for now.
Praise God I was able to get some food today. The experience was both strange and pleasing. Strange in that when I went to get money at the ATM it was closed so I could not have access to my money. (Fortunately I had $50 in my purse so I could still shop.) Also, when I got to the store 4 things struck me
1) it was dark. Grocery stores are always well lit and have music but now all the stores I went to turned out the lights to conserve energy. So on a cloudy day I shopped in a dark store.
2) so many shelves were empty. There`s no bread, rice, batteries or paper products. A neighbor told me he saw someone on the street selling 4 batteries for $40. I mean normally we can buy 4-6 batteries for $1 so it gives you an idea of what is going on.
3) The prices of groceries are up but still affordable thanks be to God.
4) the lines of people went all the way to the back of the store
But the pleasant side of it all was despite the shelves being empty and so many people wanting to buy food, no one was running and greedily grabbing. Everyone just got what they needed for their family and left for others. And everyone was casually walking. I think everyone was able to buy something. It was a very calming experience to see the need but how civil everyone was, but I expected that from the Japanese. If the Japanese ever start shoving then things are bad, but for now all are civil.
Also I saw an old woman buying flowers somehow in this chaos that was so lovely to me. The food is short, but she bought flowers. The men of course were buying beer which didn`t surprise me either.
This afternoon there was some gas to be bought but the line was long.
Mike, thank you for your continued prayers. We truly appreciate them.