Me again. Thank you for your replies. This thread has been helpful to me.
I think a lot of what I went through boils down to what they neighbor dudes used to say..."f@ggots don't matter." I mean, that was harsh and cruel, but the deal is...I was a flamer from a working class family in The Bible Belt ("1,000 miles wide, 1 inch deep"). My so-called "humbling experiences" mainly involved mean spirited people being...well...mean. Imagine that.
The neighbors talked about warrants and/or probation violations today a bit. I didn't listen to most of it, thankfully. Thing is, talk like that triggers a lot of "what ifs..." in my mind that I don't like to deal with. What if I get arrested? What if I have to call my dad and beg for an attorney (again) ? Ugh.
Now, I realize how low status I was, before Christ intervened. No social life in middle or HS, messed up late teens at college, electroshocked, yade yade yada. Now...I mean, I'm not Mr.Genius and I"m definitely not high status, but...I'm more masculine, I'm physically healthy and mentally healthier, and I'm smart for the 1st time in over 10 years. Even my hair grew back, which is a miracle in and of itself.
At this point, I think people have a problem with God's work in my life. That's too bad. I pray for my neighborhood and my enemies. I think...when you're low status enough, its darned if you do, darned if you don't. Get sick and sicker, too bad (loser). Get healthy and increasingly normal...what are you doing, loser? See where I'm going with this?
Ugh. At least the Dunkin Donuts people talk to me a lil bit. LOL. least my parents genuinely love me, care about me, all that...and I love them, too. My dad and I even go on long rides through the countryside on Sundays, listening to the classic vinyl station on his satellite radio., we listened to the David Bowie station, until they put a Duran Duran cover of Boys Keep Swingin on. That was just...too much. do you manage your residual paranoia and voices? Since I'm "Bipolar," they throw mood stabilizers my way. I don't know what they do except keep me calm(er), honestly. At this point...I'm not hearing voices as often, but it does happen more than I'd like. Also, I have fewer voices, but the ones I get are a bit louder and more menacing...but a lot of them are replays of stuff from the relatively recent past. Ugh. When it gets really bad, I'm supposed to take Neurontin. I don't like it tho...makes me drowsy and fuzzy headed the next day.
Hope things are going well your're in my prayers.