The controversial 2 Thes. chapter 2...
Hi fellow escapees in Christ!
I used to have difficulty with 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Because it
seemed to say so
clearly that certain things… including the arrival of anti-christ and the abomination of desolation… the anti-christ’s defiling of the temple of Israel would come first BEFORE the rapture.
But not any longer, as a matter of fact, now this scripture only serves to back up the Pre-Trib view of rapture and makes it even stronger than before in my understanding. :D
Okay a little historical background I think is necessary…
Paul had only three weeks with the Thessalonians, and he spent that time teaching them about prophecy. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and by the heart of Christ~ he schooled them in (end-times) bible prophecy.
I wonder why?
Maybe it is partly because 27% of the Bible deals with Bible prophecy… I believe Paul was wise and wanted to give them a good solid understanding about a subject that was pertinent to their time. We see in this in this second letter he writes to them, that they had been attacked for their dependence on the word that the rapture was yet to come. Paul is clearing up their confusion in this letter.
Besides, almost a third of the word or God is prophecy, and every single prophecy concerning the Lord Jesus’ first coming was literally full-filled, so the Thessalonians (like us) were to expect it’s literal fulfillment, and it’s eminency!
There are 774,770 words in bible, and one word so comforts me (
especially in this mess of a world we are living in, and headed for today) that word is
Maranantha… and I believe the Thessalonian Christians took heart and courage to endure by these precious words of the Lord’s SOON return!
There are 300 plus prophecies in the OT of the Lord Jesus Christ’ first coming… and many teachers, and rabbis, and writers, said it is not to be taken literally. These prophecies were said to be only allegorical, or figurative, or symbolic. However, every single one of these hundreds of prophecies literally happened! Jesus really was:
*Born of virgin
*In Bethlehem
*Of the house of David
*Stripped for our transgressions
*Bruised for our iniquities
*Buried in a rich man’s tomb
*Rose again on the third day
*Ascended to heaven
*Is seated on the throne of God
And on this list could and does go..................................................................... :nod
So we move ahead with the (literal interpretation) of scripture in 2 Thessalonians 2…
Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 2 Thes. 2:1+2
So if all the prophecies were literally fulfilled of his first coming then we can trust that our God who is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow will fulfill every prophecy literally.
In the Post Trib view, we the church, will go thru the tribulation, all of it... described in chapters 6-19. :verysad In the Mid-Trib view we will go through about half of it.
No… In a Pre Trib view rapture we leave before the tribulation begins... But how do we know this? I have started to list 18 reasons why is the Pre Trib rapture view is the only one that allows us to say it could be today. At any time, it is eminent! So have hope, and take heart.
Some background… Paul taught the Thessalonians about the rapture, the end times, future things. But between the time of first and second letters of Paul they were told that you missed it, it happened already! Oh golly~ that would be
BAD NEWS indeed! Why? Because some of them (the believing family of Christ) had died. . . They got to go, you did not was the teaching.
Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him: This clearly speaks of the rapture…
That is such
GOOD NEWS, then Paul adds this.
That you be not soon shaken... not easily shaken in mind,
by spirit, by word, or by letter… Paul was saying, don’t get shook up about this.
by spirit Some in their own fellowship were giving utterances (verbal prophecies) that were not true that their chance to be with the body taken suddenly up was already gone!
by word Also, this doctrine was being taught, by those who were allowed to teach in their fellowship. HUH?
Oh yeah, how soon the enemy comes in to steal our confidence if he can. And last,
by letter, as if from us WOW~ somebody had even forged a letter from Paul, that said
so sad too bad~ you missed it guys, you are going to face the horrible tribulation now!
Books are still being written today… But Paul warned,
Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition.
That day~ the day they were all expecting, the day of Jesus’ return,
will not come unless there be a falling away
first, an apostasy is what the King James version states it as.
Here is where the controversy is… Paul told them...
you did not miss the rapture because there has to be (
something first) and then the anti-christ will be revealed and then the following things will happen…
Now, so far~ I hope~ most can track with me on this. ;)
But here is where the Pre-Trib rapture view differs greatly. Many say that the anti-christ must go to the temple before the rapture. Naw… :bigfrown
That day will not come except ….the falling away comes first?
The word for falling away is
apostacia, which is used twice in the NT as a noun, here and in Acts 21:21. When Paul was met by the elders, who told him he was being accused that he was teaching the church to depart from Moses, and from the Jewish customs. At one time, they stood in this position of having their children circumcised, and now they were no longer to follow the shadow of circumcision enacted in the flesh, by the letter of the law, now they were to be circumcised in heart and in mind. Paul had to straighten this out. In these two places the word apostasy is used as a noun.
But the word apostasy is also used 15 times in verb form, 13 times it means
to depart physically ,from a group of people, from a geographical region, in leaving a sickness behind, all are in the verb form.
In the Greek this word can speak of either leaving a faith (apostasy) or it can mean leaving physically departing.
Liddell and Scotts Greek Lexicon is an authority of Greek usage and gives us this definition of this word, either of departure
or defection.
Kenneth “Weist Word Studiesâ€Â, of the Moody Bible College, was a most articulate Greek scholar. You can find his studies online. He renders this word in both definitions. A defection,
or a departure.
So if this word does not mean a falling away from the faith, but a departing, then who is departing? Us! Christians! This is the snatching up, the rapture, a catching up of Christians!
NOTICE this is BEFORE the anti-christ comes along. Using this cefinition the passage reads…
for that Day will not come unless the (departure) comes first,â€Â
What makes the usage of this word even more certain to Pre-Tribulation rapture believers~ is that this departure
MUST take place first and foremost! And then the man of sin will be revealed. Then the abomination of desolation takes place. These other certain prophecies that take place
mid-tribulation cannot come
UNTIL the rapture does!
Now let’s take a look at the traditional church view…
We know the Thessalonians believed that Jesus’ return was eminent that is what they were worried about. They had even been decieved into thinking they had MISSED it!
So what do the great theologians say
out of our Christian heritage?
The first seven English translations of bible phrased it as
very first English translation was from Wickliffe in 1384, his translation used the word
departure… Tyndale came next in 1526, he used the word
departure. Then Cloverdale in 1535 also rendered it
departure. Cranmer in 1539 reiterated,
departure. Breaches in 1576 as did The Besa Bible in 1583 and the famous Geneva Bible which many in Covenant Theology esteem, and the pilgrims used, produced in 1608, and defined this word
Finally, the change came when the King James 1611 version translated it “a falling awayâ€Â, with
the assumption that it was understood as a departure, and if you read any of the
commentaries of that time you see it over and over again.
Now, later translations have come along and see it as a falling away from the faith, a defection.
But still, Dr. Weist and Lyndale Scott, say it is a physical departure…
Except there come A falling away. Also, it is important to look at the
whole wording, there is a definite article used before the word departure.
A DEPARTURE, speaks of an event that will happen in the future. Not just apostasy we do not say A apostasy but we do say, A departure.
This was a
known event, not a general event. In Greek, there would be no need for the definite article unless Paul is driving home what he is saying;
Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? Since he was already speaking to them of the rapture, of his previous reference to the rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4,
this is the previous KNOWN event he means!
Second key to understanding …
IF this word IS apostasy why would Paul be warning them of its future occurrence?
Why would he talk of it as a future event? Apostasy was already rampant in the church, look at these scriptures. Acts 20:27-32, 1 Timothy 4:1-5, 2 Timothy 3:1-9, 2 Peter 2:1-3, and Jude verses 3-4, and 17-21. Apostasy
was not a future event,
it was definitely a current one (Just as it is in the church today).
***The order of events falls beautifully into the sequence that Paul wrote it in, with no twisting of sentence structure needed to see what Paul means if we take the word as departure…
1) for that Day will not come unless the (departure) comes first
2) and the man of sin is revealed,
3) the son of perdition … sits as God in the temple of God…
4) you (the Thessalonians) know what is restraining, that he (anti-christ) may be revealed in his own time.
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.
Who is the One who prevents the surfacing of anti Christ?
The Holy Spirit in the believers… we are the light of the world we are the SALT of the world. Salt keeps thing pure, makes meat and other foods impossible to spoil. :yes
It is the work of the church by the power of the Holy Spirit which is keeping anti-christ at bay today! We (by the Spirit) keep evil in check, I have evidence of that in my college classes almost every day!
YES, we live in a depraved, crude, culture, right now… But when church is no longer here~ when the great hindering force of God’s Spirit is no longer hindering. :rolling Then iniquity will abound.
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.
God would never take the Holy Spirit from any believer,
the Lord Jesus promised us He would never leave us, He would never forsake us. It is by the Holy Spirit that we are indwelled by Christ Jesus. THEN only
after we are safely out of the Evil Ones way we see what God will do to His, and our, enemy.
And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. OH HAPPY DAY!
And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.
See this passage now makes the Pre-Tribulation Rapture view
very clear!
Last of all...
Am I wrong? If so, then I am guilty of the following.
I was taught by my well beloved Pastor Keith...
Never sacrifice what you know on the altar of what you do not know!
The bottom line is this, Jesus said
watch for My coming, be ready…
So even if this verse still was troublesome to me, which it no longer is… Praise God!
As Christians we are never to throw out all we know already revealed in the bible, because of a
single passage that does not make sense~ that we cannot understand just yet. No!
This is a huge mistake in spiritual life~ to throw out what you understand because of what you do not know. :crazy Besides we know all things work together for good... we can trust the Lord to work out the details of our faith. :yes
Also, there will always be people who come along and say; “Well, what about t
his passage, and what about t
hat one? Our faith is challenged from time to time. In Whom do we place our faith? In our mental reason, or in our
Great God?
But we stand on, and cling to, and keep believing in, ALL that we know to be true! I could not figure it out before…
but I learned to let go of my apprehension, because of the overwhelming certainty of scripture that tells me to keep looking for the appearing of my Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Besides, the idea of going thru any part of the tribulation is
weird ... Why? Because it does not make sense in Christianity.
Will we to get our shot guns loaded~ and our canned goods stacked up~ for the tribulation then? Then tell me, who will a Christian kill~ to survive~ the horrible tribulation?
I gotta be outta here, know why? I got
nine grand-children, I may not kill for me, but I bet I
just might for them…
In Christs wonderful powerful grace and without any condemnation at all! bonnie