I much appreciate your sincerity for the truth of God's Word, regardless concerning differences of opinions (understandings), and is also what I see in many others on this and other sites. The Lord keep us persevering to know and rightly understand His truths!
Concerning Colossians 3:9, The intention of the passage, and many others like it, is not the complete avoidance of putting off the sinful nature, which no man can do either by his own will, nor by the Spirit who has not made such provisions; nor is the complete removal of the sinful nature designed, which is one of the greatest deceits of not only the Enemy, but the nature itself.
Whether or not we intend or do not intend to be prideful about not sinning, I believe it is pridefulness at the root. Desiring the complete avoidance of sinning is honorable and genuine within the believer, but I'm convinced conceiving it to be performed is a misunderstanding. Regardless of how Scripture reads pertaining to this subject, it designs the concept of never sinning willfully, and more so, that the sinful nature (old man) will not be allowed to rule or dominate the believer (Rom 6:12, 14). Sin-dominion is the state of living in continuous willfull sinning, which is the state of the unbeliever (Tit 1:15).
If the believer were rid of the old man's presence, there would be no need of Scripture often admonishing against it, seeing that the admonishments are never to the unbeliever. We can know that it's never our will to sin, which God works in us (Phil 2:13), but we can "walk circumspectly" (Eph 5:15) in being aware of how God is dealing with the sin nature in the believer (Rom 5:20). One of the primary reasons for Christ's Cross-work was to annul the guilt of sin within the believer (Rom 8:3).
I seldom AMEN a post here, but the above is worthy of such.
I am a bit harsher on my own "sin,"
particularly when I think I don't have any, as that is the essence of demonic deception and hypocrisy. The same hypocrisy that abode in the Pharisees, which was DEMONIC John 8:44, which Jesus was the harshest on and delivered His most vehement Words.
And, remarkably, so is God in Christ, against "our sin." It's problematic for any believer to engage the fact that "our/my" sin is in fact of the devil. 1 John 3:8. In that light one eventually comes to understand the deep needs of Christ for all people, self foremost, because of our sin, AND the rebuke of Christ to the other working/worker. If we perceive, even the slightest temptation for what it is, of the devil, we become repulsed by any intrusion. Nevertheless to believe is to enter into that battle and engagement with that internal foreign enemy agent. Eph. 6:11-13
It is under His rebuke that few care to stand or engage, personally. Christianity has wallowed under the "good side" of the Word for quite awhile now, becoming great hypocrites, dividing, placing Gods rebuke freely and openly
on everyone else and insulating ourselves from the rebuke of God to the enemy, which is not us, yet we are engaged, internally, with that enemy. We ARE personally engaged, internally, with the enemy of our souls,
regardless of our sights of it or not.
It is under the rebuke of Christ that brings the pain of birth. And yes, it is gut wrenching pain, once perceived.
As powerful as every Word of Love IS,
so is the hatred to our spiritual enemies, powerful under God in Christ. The enemies that "attack" us ALL internally. And by this same attack, we do NOT perceive them as engaging us, within. They are crafty enemies. Unworthy adversaries. Yet they too have their forms of adverse powers, one of which is to "hide" their presence.
The Light of God in Christ
WILL reveal all things. Even the hidden things of darkness. Matt. 10:26, Luke 12:2
2 Corinthians 4:
1 Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;
2 But have renounced
the hidden things of dishonesty,
not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
God in Christ is not impressed by any claims of believers thinking they are not still sinners, or even worse that it is in fact our sins too that are of the devil. There is no exercise of any religious act that will COVER and HIDE this matter, as much as we try to make it so. The very essence of salvation is to deliver us a NEW BODY that is not subject to dishonor, corruption, weakness and death. 1 Cor. 15:42-49. And this God in Christ WILL DO, when the TIME comes to do so.
The "delivery" however comes with the PAIN of childbirth. This is our "collective" pain under the suffering of sin. If the pain of a woman in birth comes with great deep screams and agonizing pain,
how much more the delivery of the world?
It is a very hard thing to come to the understanding that "man" shall LIVE by Every Word of God. Yes, Every. Even the bad Words. Matt. 4:4, Luke 4:4.
We have all long been in DENIAL,
failing to perceive His Rebuke, which is precisely delivered to GIVE BIRTH to the LAST MAN, Christ.
So, while we have love for one another, may we also look upon ourselves honestly, in anticipation of the slaughter of our enemies, which will transpire 'within' us all, in pain. One of the more difficult aspects of scripture to come under.
The dichotomy here, in these sights is extreme. On one hand, those in Christ
shall NOT come into condemnation. And on the other hand, the very enemies that we deal with, internally in our minds and hearts,
come into EVERY condemnation. It is on this ground that every believer is currently "divided,"
by not wanting to be divided themselves in facing Gods rebuke. And we all scurry to insulate and hide from the harsher aspects of Gods Workings,
even while we are in fact being slowly destroyed by same.
Revelation 3:19
As many as I love,
I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
No one in the "church" teaches believers to stand up and receive the rebukes of God in Christ, as it is personally offensive, and doesn't pay the bills well. We all just like "the good stuff." The reality is, that Gods Words are far more powerful than any "lasers" we can conceive of,
shedding extreme LOVE from One Eye and
extreme Hatred from The Other Eye. We ARE meant to receive
BOTH sides of the equations of God in Christ.
This is
the LIGHT that divides us.
Our labor is not in vain,
but it IS in pain.
The prophet Isaiah saw these matters
AFTER he was made to see his own "woe is me" condition, Isaiah 6:5.
THEN he saw the FINAL ACTION of The Collective Birth of the Final Spiritual Man, Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 13:
7 Therefore
shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt:
8 And
they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames.
9 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh,
cruel both with
wrath and
fierce anger, to lay the land
desolate: and
he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
We, presently, fail to see that this comes upon "all" of us.
IF we anticipate our NEW BODY,
then we should understand the destruction meant for the corrupt, dishonorable, weak vile old natural body, fated for the dust
of after birth,
dead from the habitation of SIN.
Final Birth comes in the Day of Wrath. And everyone says, OH, NO! Surely NOT upon, ME! Even as our collective belly's swell with the sins of hypocrisy and divisions, they also swell with The Spirit of Christ, seeded in the natural failing temple, readying for the PAIN of delivery.
Unlikely I'll hear any shouts of amen, in the above. No one takes pleasures in the sights of destruction. It is only natural to look away and to "preserve" ourselves, to save our natural hide, in which sin presently dwells. Remember Lot's wife. Luke 17:32-33
"Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it"