Which interpretation claims we don't need to be ready? As long as one is saved and seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and His righteousness above all else, what does it really matter?
Thank you, XTruth!
Don't you think that, say, out of 1000 born again Christians who die, there are a proportion of them who are going out into eternity with some unrepented, even unknown sin on them? As the redeemed do not stand in the GWT judgment, how do you reconcile this?[/B]
That is a great question!
I'll direct you to the answer; with that answer you will better be ab le to SEE the original post.
I'm not directing you to a website that portrays anothers work b/c I feel like they can better explain what I believe. I am going to direct you to a book on a website that has five free online books that all explain this simple answer, but it is my site and those are my books.
"Once Saved, Always Saved" Destroying A Doctrine Of Demons - Â Salvation Books
1) The Billions Who Lost Salvation
From Genesis Through Revelation
2) Eternal Laws From God
And Christian Warnings
3) Eternal Security's Evidence,
Conditional Salvation's Verdict
4) Tough Christian Questions,
Tough Biblical Answers
5) The Lost Pillars of
Conditional Salvation
An easy one to find exactly what answer you have would be book NUMBER 4.
Here is the table of content:
1. What is a Christian according to Scripture?............................................................6
2. Isn't everyone a Christian that professes Christ?...................................................14
3. What are the 3 "deaths" of Scripture?....................................................................23
4. Can one be born again more than once?................................................................30
5. Once you're a child of God, aren’t you always a child of God?............................42
6. Can names be taken out of the book of life?..........................................................51
7. Can the Holy Spirit be taken from you?................................................................70
8. Doesn't the seal of the Spirit mean I'm always saved no matter what?.................76
9. What happens when the righteous sin?..................................................................82
10. Isn't everyone's righteousness as filthy rags in God's sight?..................................87
11. Didn't God say He would never forsake me? .......................................................93
12. Aren't all my past, present and future sins forgiven?.............................................99
13. How far does grace go?........................................................................................111
14. Doesn't the Bible say that nothing can separate me from God because I'm in His
15. Doesn't the Bible say that nothing can separate me from God’s love?................125
16. Can a believer go to hell, or is hell just for unbelievers?.....................................129
17. I heard salvation is faith alone, what about our works? ………………………..138
18. Is obedience necessary for salvation?..................................................................148
19. Aren't we all still sinners?....................................................................................158
20. Wasn't Paul still struggling with sin and falling short?.......................................166
21. Wasn't David a man after God's own heart, a murderer and an adulterer, yet still
22. Are homosexual Christians saved? What about straight Christians who
23. What is the unforgiveable sin? …………………………………………………191
24. Isn't it true that a person must have never been saved if they fall back into a life of
25. Are we supposed to be perfect? Isn’t that legalism? …………………………...210
26. What's the difference between an apostate and a backslider? ............................218
27. Are there worse sins than others or are they all the same?..................................228
28. Can you still operate in Spiritual giftings and be condemned?...........................241
29. Are there any specific examples of lost salvations?............................................248
30. What about predestination and what exactly is that?...........................................256
31. What about sanctification and what exactly is that?............................................265
32. Doesn't God promise eternal life by putting your faith in Jesus?........................269
33. Are there really conditions to all God's promises and blessings...even
34. How were people saved in the Old Testament?...................................................286
35. Why is the Old Testament used as an example to Christians when it is before