Orion said:I would perceive, in that scenario, . . . a LOT of grateful people. I see a lot of people leaving empty faiths for such a wonderful entity. War would have no more place. Happy people rarely cause trouble in the world. :roll:
Orion, yet there would arise a rebel who would want to ascend to the throne that is equal to the most high. He would want to be like the most high. You assume that if you give everyone everthing they want, there would be no more trouble. What people want, is to be like God, sovereign. If you give them what they want, you must be their servant, and they will rule. At some point there would be disagreement concerning what is best for the world. There would be war.
I could go on with the scenario, but you already know my view of all mankind. There is none righteous, not even one. We are all rebels, we all have this innate drive to stand over others. If you will excuse the repition, we are all Hitlers. Humans will never build a utopia. If left to ourselves, we would destroy ourselves. There is no home in human nature. We build, only for another man to destroy. There is no hope for man, the best we can do is go to work, and come home and enjoy the fruit of our labor. We can have good families, fun friends, but the hope for utopia is completely vanity because of the nature of man.