any jew who was in the torah and under its weight often wants nothing to do with the idea of kosher laws and et all. its a real heavy burdern. so likely its unsaved gentiles that read the torah and or meet another that is into what they do.
if I did kosher laws it wouldn't be cheap. I have been told by a jewess that you don't want to be under the torah. women cant teach nor read the torah. it must be read to them.
I would say the majority of Messianic are Gentiles. I guess at our place, the numbers are probably 20% Jewish, 80% Gentile. And of those 20%, maybe only a handful actually grew up in a true Jewish background and upbringing. Course it's different wherever you go. Coming to embrace a Torah observant lifestyle has truly not been difficult. When I first became saved, I remember eating 2 pounds of bacon with my son as a meal. Now, it's another meal and healthier. The true laws of the Torah are easy, or God would never have said this: Deuteronomy 30:11 "For this commandment which I command you today is not too
difficult for you, nor is it out of reach." Some of the rabbinical stuff after the fact is what was the yoke of bondage Jesus was admonishing the Pharisees about. If it's a heavy burden, I would ask why, cause God's Word says otherwise.
As far as women not being able to teach or read the Torah. That as well in unbiblical. Deborah and the Prophetess Anna are two I can think of now. One a leader, the other a prophetess.
As far as the Law being a shadow. Think of it as someone having a lamp being illuminated onto a wall and making animals, or other assorted stuff with their fingers. It takes all the person's digits to make various "stuff" for lack of a better word. But it showed to something that was beautiful and wonderful.
John 1:14 And <SUP class=crossreference value='(
A)'></SUP>the Word <SUP class=crossreference value='(
B)'></SUP>became flesh, and dwelt among us, and <SUP class=crossreference value='(
D)'></SUP>we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of <SUP class=crossreference value='(
E)'></SUP>grace and <SUP class=crossreference value='(
Jesus was the walking Torah and the walking Word. He was the revelation and manifestation of the Torah. However, if you look at a shadow of your hands there are 10 fingers (hopefully). You look at the real thing and you can see the detail, fingerprints, etc. However the theology that has gripped Christianity for hundreds of years has taught that some of the fingers are taken away now. Done with, burdensome, annuled, reversed. So in essence, the real thing is no longer the shadow of what was to come. It's missing a finger or two. Taking away his commandments, we have taken bits and pieces of his character of the revelation that was revealed to us in Jesus.