The writer of Hebrews is quoting Jeremiah 31, showing with whom the covenant is made -- the House of Israel and Judah. The fault with the first covenant is that the people strayed from it. So God will renew the first covenant by writing Torah on their hearts this time and not on tablets. Which Law is written on our hearts?
Hebrews 8:13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.
This verse comes at the conclusion of two whole chapters devoted to showing the superiority of Jesus's "Melchizedek' priesthood to that of our earthly Levitical priesthood. So what is 'ready to vanish' must be taken in the context of what has just been discussed! It is the earthly temple and the earthly priesthood ready to vanish, to be rendered inoperational (as did occur a few years later in 70 CE). What is about to vanish away here is NOT Torah; it can only mean the just-discussed temple & associated priesthood. Why?
"And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. Luke 16:17 Have heaven and earth ended? The law will not fail! The only thing about to vanish away here is the earthly temple and priesthood.
Now notice that the need for a priesthood doesn't change, merely the means of provision for the priesthood. Torah is upheld, the provision for the priesthood is upheld. But instead of earthly priests we will now have a perfect high priest instead. Likewise with sacrifices -- the need for a sacrifice doesn't fade away (if it did, Jesus would have died in vain since the Torah covenant requiring sacrifice would be made void!) Torah remains valid, what changed was only the means of how the sacrifice was provided. Torah is upheld, God makes provision for both a priest and a sacrifice even though the temple cult is about to disappear.
We're not going there.
Absolutely not. In what part of my language have I been divisive? I stated biblical facts, supported by scripture. Did I not quote Ephesians 3:6? Romans 11? We are all one body, but recognizing the covenants came through Israel, not a separate entity that was based on an idea "the church" began in Acts 2.
Oh dear Allen. You outed me. Have you forgotten the message I gave you back some time ago? Here it is as a refresher, and where I am coming from.
Hey allenwynne,
I prefer if I had my way, to just label myself as being a believer in Jesus. I am Jewish and attend a Messianic congregation, so you could call me a Messianic Jew. That is sometimes how I introduce myself to others. Sometimes to establish common ground, or sometimes to illicit thought and further discussion.
My 10 year old daughter asked if we were Jewish or if we were Christian. I told her it doesn't matter what we call ourselves, as long as we love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, strength, and love one another as we would love ourselves. I told her whatever she wanted to call herself, as long as she loves Jesus more then anything is the most important thing.
Labels like Christian or Messianic Jew or Protestant or Baptist, etc, etc only further serve the separation and the walls that our individual theology put up against each other. I put Christian as a No based on even if one doesn't label themselves as a Christian, they are no less a believer, or have any less passion for serving our Lord. When I pray, I pray for all believers in Jesus, not by the labels we want to place on each other. Labels are what we use to judge each other, and that is something I try to avoid. Hope that answers your question.
**[edited, off topic]**
God Bless and Shalom,
Just for clarification though. We have Jewish blood and lineage after my dad did genealogy work and blood tests. Wasn't raised in a Jewish home, but in an evangelical type background and churches we attended. Does this sound as wanting to put up further walls? Even Messianic Jews would say I have no right to call myself a Messianic Jew. But I like Paul's words here in 1 Corinthians 9:22-23 "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak.<SUP class=crossreference value='(
AJ)'></SUP> I have become all things to all people<SUP class=crossreference value='(
AK)'></SUP> so that by all possible means I might save some.<SUP class=crossreference value='(
AL)'></SUP> <SUP class=versenum>23 </SUP>I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings."