Clearly society, or social economic structures, customs, norms and mores have changed since I was a kid, and I'm sure they will continue. I was born in the mid 60's during a time where I could clearly distinguish between changes in attitudes of the youth and older generations then. That continues today.
A lot of it is brought bout by political climates, technology and social economics. What's changed?
1) "deinstitutionalizing" Christ
When I was a kid everyone was a Christian. This, of corse, is not true but It seemed that way. We had prayer in school lead by the principal over the load speaker, and before certain events. In Texas, and many other states, we had "Blue laws" which controlled what business could be open on Sunday and what items could be sold. Public schools served "fish" on Fridays.....just a few more obvious examples.
Today, anti-Christian attitudes prevail as society shifts more and more away from a Judeo Christian traditional idea, or foundation, within our established institutions, Law, Government, Education, Marriage and so forth. What we have somewhat replaced that with "Humanist" relativism in a post Christian society. Good or bad? I see some good in it actually. I see it as a separation, not so much of Church and state, but wheat and chaff.
2) Crime
It's hard to say if crime is on the rise today vs times past, but I'd say it is per capita. We are in what seems to be an ever increasing violent age. Part of that might be the spread of information, but no one can deny the influence media has had on the subject of crime. I think we tend to be more aware of the potential for being a statistic of crime than we once did.
3) Sexual issues,deviations and norms
This is probably one of the biggest changes since the 50's up to now. Society practically worships sex and the right individuals have to be sexual or express themselves sexually. This is nothing all that new. Societies have done this through the ages. There are temples in India older than the days of Christ with explicate sexual scenes carved in the walls. Tons of Asian, Roman and Greek art dedicated to it. Many more.