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Being a real disciple, .........

So, first..... lets qualify "REAL"

Everyone who is born again, has become a disciple.
This is like, everyone who has joined the army, gets a uniform, and learns how to march.

A disciple of God and Christ, "works out their salvation", not to stay saved, but because you already ARE SAVED, if you are born again.
So, to work it out, is to learn the spiritual principles involved regarding being born again into the Kingdom of God.

To be REAL., as a disciple, is all about utter devotion.
This is a disciple who is sold out, 100% committed, .... all in.
This is a disciple who filters thoughts all day long, and is available to God at all times.
This is a Christian who understands that TIME is LIFE, and if you are wasting your TIME, you are not giving it to God, which is to waste your life.

Reader, do you ever think about what you are thinking about, and filter it through the idea that God is in you, watching you from the inside where your motives and intent live ???? And we are to please God with all of us, including what we THINK about and what we don't allow ourselves to think about.
Are you THERE?
Is that your mind? Are you controlling your thought life ?
You should be in that mind from the day you are born again till the day you get your new body, as a REAL disciple filters choices all their life, day by day.
Choices like, "what am i thinking about right now, and why".
This real disciple makes practiced discerned decisions regarding what they do& what they think, .....all of this, based on holiness, love, and pleasing God.
This MIND should be in you, and turned on, all the time.

Let me give you a little cleaner thought, that will show you something that will help your holy walk.

Its this..
God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, are IN YOU.
Right now.
What does that mean?
It means that if you watch porn, they are right there also.
If you watch filthy cable TV, ........then realize that God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are right there with you, while you do.
So, we have to realize that if we get into some darkness, then we are taking God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit into it with us, every single time.
Are they pleased?
Are you making them happy, if you do that to them?
Give that a few thoughts as It'll do you good the next time you reach for that "R" rated movie that has your favorite actor in it, or that "Rated MATURE" TV show that is going to have some sexuality in it, same as the last 50 episodes.
God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are right there IN YOU< should you turn on that program or look as SITES online that are not for God's EYES, nor Yours.

Do you have a position, job, or similar, that allows you to be any type of administrator? Do you ever use this position to do something spiteful, or hateful, or vengeful, knowingly..... to someone you dont agree with or you don't like?
If you ever do this to a born again child of God you have just done it to Christ, who told you that what you do to the least, you have personally committed against Him.
Who are the "least"? Its everyone who has no ability to stop you.
Be careful of playing that game, as Jesus will rebuke you for it .
Fair warning.

So, a REAL Disciple......will find you """in the world but not of it."""
Saint, if you are real.... then You're not going to fit in, and you will be made to feel that you are the problem.
And the reason that happens, is because The world is Dark, Spiritual darkness, and wants it that way, and we the born again are LIGHT.
Light, possesses Heat.
Heat in the Kingdom of God, is righteousness and conviction and truth.
The world wants none of this. The world wants to bathe in decadence and pretend its moral.
The world wants 2 "married" homosexual men to adopt baby boys as a "civil right".
The world presents wrong as right, and dark as light.
Spiritual Darkness is the Devil's Light.

And Jesus gives us a warning that is found in Hebrews 13:9
Jesus tells us to be careful that the light that is in us, is not darkness. Luke 11
This means that a believer can become deceived, and their deception to them, is the truth.
That's a bad situation, and a difficult one to escape.
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Being a real disciple, .........

So, first..... lets qualify "REAL"

Everyone who is born again, has become a disciple.
This is like, everyone who has joined the army, gets a uniform, and learns how to march.

A disciple of God and Christ, "works out their salvation", not to stay saved, but because you already ARE SAVED, if you are born again.
So, to work it out, is to learn the spiritual principles involved regarding being born again into the Kingdom of God.

To be REAL., as a disciple, is all about utter devotion.
This is a disciple who is sold out, 100% committed, .... all in.
This is a disciple who filters thoughts all day long, and is available to God at all times.
This is a Christian who understands that TIME is LIFE, and if you are wasting your TIME, you are not giving it to God, which is to waste your life.

Reader, do you ever think about what you are thinking about, and filter it through the idea that God is in you, watching you from the inside where your motives and intent live ???? And we are to please God with all of us, including what we THINK about and what we don't allow ourselves to think about.
Are you THERE?
Is that your mind? Are you controlling your thought life ?
You should be in that mind from the day you are born again till the day you get your new body, as a REAL disciple filters choices all their life, day by day.
Choices like, "what am i thinking about right now, and why".
This real disciple makes practiced discerned decisions regarding what they do& what they think, .....all of this, based on holiness, love, and pleasing God.
This MIND should be in you, and turned on, all the time.

Let me give you a little cleaner thought, that will show you something that will help your holy walk.

Its this..
God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, are IN YOU.
Right now.
What does that mean?
It means that if you watch porn, they are right there also.
If you watch filthy cable TV, ........then realize that God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are right there with you, while you do.
So, we have to realize that if we get into some darkness, then we are taking God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit into it with us, every single time.
Are they pleased?
Are you making them happy, if you do that to them?
Give that a few thoughts as It'll do you good the next time you reach for that "R" rated movie that has your favorite actor in it, or that "Rated MATURE" TV show that is going to have some sexuality in it, same as the last 50 episodes.
God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are right there IN YOU< should you turn on that program or look as SITES online that are not for God's EYES, nor Yours.

Do you have a position, job, or similar, that allows you to be any type of administrator? Do you ever use this position to do something spiteful, or hateful, or vengeful, knowingly..... to someone you dont agree with or you don't like?
If you ever do this to a born again child of God you have just done it to Christ, who told you that what you do to the least, you have personally committed against Him.
Who are the "least"? Its everyone who has no ability to stop you.
Be careful of playing that game, as Jesus will rebuke you for it .
Fair warning.

So, a REAL Disciple......will find you """in the world but not of it."""
Saint, if you are real.... then You're not going to fit in, and you will be made to feel that you are the problem.
And the reason that happens, is because The world is Dark, Spiritual darkness, and wants it that way, and we the born again are LIGHT.
Light, possesses Heat.
Heat in the Kingdom of God, is righteousness and conviction and truth.
The world wants none of this. The world wants to bathe in decadence and pretend its moral.
The world wants 2 "married" homosexual men to adopt baby boys as a "civil right".
The world presents wrong as right, and dark as light.
Spiritual Darkness is the Devil's Light.

And Jesus gives us a warning that is found in Hebrews 13:9
Jesus tells us to be careful that the light that is in us, is not darkness. Luke 11
This means that a believer can become deceived, and their deception to them, is the truth.
That's a bad situation, and a difficult one to escape.
In a way you're saying I have to be perfect...
Can salvation be forfeited?
In a way you're saying I have to be perfect...
Can salvation be forfeited?

Not at all.
God does not accept us based on us.
He accepts only His own righteousness that He provides us, as "the gift of righteousness".

See, God came here, to provide our only means of acceptance.
We have to become as righteous as He is, SPIRITUALLY, to be accepted by Him.
When you read 1 John 3:9, that is talking about your born again Spirit, and not your mind or body. (flesh).

There is no sin in Heaven. Lucifer tried this, and Jesus said that He watched him fall as lighting.
So, for a sinner to end up in Heaven, we have to be "made righteous".
We have to be born again SPIRITUALLY equal to the righteousness of God.

The Cross is why this happens to all who "believe".
The Cross is God's offer of a Divine Exchange.
On the Cross, Jesus became our sin 2 Corinthians 5:21. and the born again become "the righteousness of God, in Christ". 2 Corinthians 5:21
This is "the gift of Salvation". "the Gift of Righteousness". and "eternal life".
God literally births our SPIRIT into His Own, after He redeems all our sin, with Christ's Blood.

Salvation is 2 parts.

1.) God's blood (Christ on the Cross) resolves all your sin
2.) God then births your SPIRIT into His Spirit by the Holy Spirit. = born again.

The born again, become this......"As Christ are the born again, in this World".

Where the confusion comes in, is when a believer does not understand that their SPIRIT has become "the righteousness of GOD....In Christ".
See, most believers do not realize that their body and their mind is not the Real you.
The body is your house, and the Spirit that lives in the house, is the Real you.
So, its your Spirit that is Born again, inside the body, that God has "made righteous" by the Divine Exchange.

Real faith, is to get this revelation of who you have become, "in Christ", as a "new creation" "born again Spiritually".
We have to become as righteous as He is, SPIRITUALLY, to be accepted by Him.
Wow... that is quite the claim... and it boils down to WORKS... rather than RESTING in HIS promises and focusing on
our relationship with HIM... It is our love relationship that "causes" us NOT to want to hurt HIM/sin. You seem to take pieces of truth and twist it into something that is ADDITIONAL.

Anyways... I am convinced that you are who I suspected... so I will respectfully agree to disagree with you... and not read your posts.
Wow... that is quite the claim... and it boils down to WORKS..

There is no work you can do to cause your spirit to be born again.
Thats God's work, in us.
The only work we are to do to become God's is this....>"The work of God is that you believe on Jesus, whom God sent'.... John 6:29
Salvation is what we receive, its a free "gift" which is to become born again, Spiritually.
There is no work you can do to cause your spirit to be born again.
Thats God's work, in us.
The only work we are to do to become God's is this....>"The work of God is that you believe on Jesus, whom God sent'.... John 6:29
Salvation is what we receive, its a free "gift" which is to become born again, Spiritually.
Like I said... I am convinced that this is who I suspected... and I have been reading a bit of what you have stated.
Grace is very simple... what you are teaching is GRACE plus something I can't quite put my finger on because you refuse to be CLEAR... which is where you and I left off about a year ago.
It's all good... I will not bother you. I am actually grateful to see that I did not misunderstand those months ago.
Be blessed.
Everyone who is born again, has become a disciple.
One can be a disciple without rebirth, right? A disciple is just a student or follower. Or do you believe born again and disciple are one and the same?
One can be a disciple without rebirth, right? A disciple is just a student or follower. Or do you believe born again and disciple are one and the same?

Here is the harsh reality.
Jesus says..>"depart from me, i never knew you".
And He is saying this to church members, water baptized, carrying a big bible, and have a Jesus pin on their coat .
They lift hands during the worship service, and they give $$$$$$$$$$$ to the church.
They name their kids....John, Paul, Peter, Jude, Nehemiah, and Thomas, because "thats a bible name".
They do all the RIGHT CHRISTIAN STUFF< just like a disciple.....and die and go straight to Hell.
Because Jesus said..."you must be born again" SPIRITUALLY, or you can't become a part of God's eternal SPIRITUAL Family.

We have to be born again into God's family by Spiritual Birth., and that is GOD doing that for us, not us earning it or pretending it, or trying to keep it.
Salvation is GOD Giving birth to a human SPIRIT, and this has nothing to do with "presenting your body a living sacrifice" or "take up your cross".,.... as you can do that and not be born again.'

"didnt we cast out demons in your name Jesus"......"DEPART FROM ME" !!
"didnt we do all the Christian Stuff"......>"Depart from ME". !!

"I never knew you", means...>I never lived in were never MINE......You never belonged to God.....You were never born again.

Here is a mystery.
People understand that.....>"all my good works, before im saved, cant save me".....Yet, once they are saved, they start relying on those same useless works, (commandment keeping) to try to stay saved".
That's a mystery, that Paul defines as .....>"who has BEWITCHED YOU< that you no longer obey the TRUTH".
(commandment keeping)
Do you believe we should keep these commandments mentioned here by Jesus in Matthew Ch. 22 ?

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Do you believe we should keep these commandments mentioned here by Jesus in Matthew Ch. 22 ?

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

The law and commandments are holy.
Their issue, and why God gave us the New Covenant, is because the law and commandments can't produce righteousness,......they can only show us how unrighteous we are.....and by this revelation, we are to go to the Cross and find God's Grace..... Galatians 3:24,25

Paul said that had he not known the law, he would have not have known sin.
Thats the problem with the law and commandments.
The law and commandments reveal us as sinful.
God has provided the way out of that..."curse of the Law".....its this.."the Gift of Salvation"....>"The Gift of Righteousness".

How do you get that? Jesus said...."you must be born again"

Here is the harsh reality.
Jesus says..>"depart from me, i never knew you".
And He is saying this to church members, water baptized, carrying a big bible, and have a Jesus pin on their coat .
They lift hands during the worship service, and they give $$$$$$$$$$$ to the church.
They name their kids....John, Paul, Peter, Jude, Nehemiah, and Thomas, because "thats a bible name".
They do all the RIGHT CHRISTIAN STUFF< just like a disciple.....and die and go straight to Hell.
Because Jesus said..."you must be born again" SPIRITUALLY, or you can't become a part of God's eternal SPIRITUAL Family.

We have to be born again into God's family by Spiritual Birth., and that is GOD doing that for us, not us earning it or pretending it, or trying to keep it.
Salvation is GOD Giving birth to a human SPIRIT, and this has nothing to do with "presenting your body a living sacrifice" or "take up your cross".,.... as you can do that and not be born again.'

"didnt we cast out demons in your name Jesus"......"DEPART FROM ME" !!
"didnt we do all the Christian Stuff"......>"Depart from ME". !!

"I never knew you", means...>I never lived in were never MINE......You never belonged to God.....You were never born again.

Here is a mystery.
People understand that.....>"all my good works, before im saved, cant save me".....Yet, once they are saved, they start relying on those same useless works, (commandment keeping) to try to stay saved".
That's a mystery, that Paul defines as .....>"who has BEWITCHED YOU< that you no longer obey the TRUTH".
A disciple by definition is one who follows or is a student of another. Is it not possible to be a student and yet not be a believer? I believe so, therefore, I believe one can be a disciple without being born again.
Being a real disciple, .........

So, first..... lets qualify "REAL"

Everyone who is born again, has become a disciple.
This is like, everyone who has joined the army, gets a uniform, and learns how to march.

Everyone who first joins the army must remain in the army when the fighting starts.

If a member of the army decides to desert the army while in battle, and join the other side, then they are no longer in the that army.

They are deserters.

Not at all.
God does not accept us based on us.
He accepts only His own righteousness that He provides us, as "the gift of righteousness".

See, God came here, to provide our only means of acceptance.
We have to become as righteous as He is, SPIRITUALLY, to be accepted by Him.
When you read 1 John 3:9, that is talking about your born again Spirit, and not your mind or body. (flesh).

There is no sin in Heaven. Lucifer tried this, and Jesus said that He watched him fall as lighting.
So, for a sinner to end up in Heaven, we have to be "made righteous".
We have to be born again SPIRITUALLY equal to the righteousness of God.

The Cross is why this happens to all who "believe".
The Cross is God's offer of a Divine Exchange.
On the Cross, Jesus became our sin 2 Corinthians 5:21. and the born again become "the righteousness of God, in Christ". 2 Corinthians 5:21
This is "the gift of Salvation". "the Gift of Righteousness". and "eternal life".
God literally births our SPIRIT into His Own, after He redeems all our sin, with Christ's Blood.

Salvation is 2 parts.

1.) God's blood (Christ on the Cross) resolves all your sin
2.) God then births your SPIRIT into His Spirit by the Holy Spirit. = born again.

The born again, become this......"As Christ are the born again, in this World".

Where the confusion comes in, is when a believer does not understand that their SPIRIT has become "the righteousness of GOD....In Christ".
See, most believers do not realize that their body and their mind is not the Real you.
The body is your house, and the Spirit that lives in the house, is the Real you.
So, its your Spirit that is Born again, inside the body, that God has "made righteous" by the Divine Exchange.

Real faith, is to get this revelation of who you have become, "in Christ", as a "new creation" "born again Spiritually".
Post # 3 You say and I quote you" This is "the gift of Salvation". "the Gift of Righteousness". and "eternal life".

Then you contradict yourself by saying and I quote you "We have to become as righteous as He is, SPIRITUALLY, to be accepted by Him."

This would mean we would have to work for our salvation and our righteousness in order to be as righteous as God. This is why you need to provide scripture for what you say as this goes against scripture.

Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

2Cor 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
2Cor 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
2Cor 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
2Cor 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.
2Cor 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

Real faith is our belief in Christ Jesus in whom we first believed in and from there we build upon that faith for the end of faith and discipleship is eternal life with Him and the Father.
There is no work you can do to cause your spirit to be born again.
Thats God's work, in us.
The only work we are to do to become God's is this....>"The work of God is that you believe on Jesus, whom God sent'.... John 6:29
Salvation is what we receive, its a free "gift" which is to become born again, Spiritually.
How does believing become a work? Do we have to work in order to believe?

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Rom 10:5 For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them.
Rom 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)
Rom 10:7 Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)
Rom 10:8 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Rom 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Rom 10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
Discipleship means those who follow the doctrines of Christ through Gods word and servitude means to wait on or serve. It often denotes people who dedicate themselves voluntarily to the service of another. The servants of God are devoted to his service.

Faithfulness: True and trustworthy in the performance of duty

Our works are not our own, but the works that Jesus started and left for us to continue. When we follow in the steps of Jesus we maintain a faithful heart and others will come to the Lord by us allowing the light of Christ shine through us as we help meet the needs of those who are struggling with their own lives and need our help. There is no one that is unworthy of the love of Christ as we are all his creation, but not all will hear his calling.

Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in heaven.

Proverbs 13:17 A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health.

John 14:15 If ye love me keep my commandments.

John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews who believed on Him, if ye continue in my word then are ye my disciples Indeed.
How does believing become a work?

Would you mind no longer posting verses that have nothing to do with your statement that precedes them?

Keep in mind that when Jesus and Paul taught, they seldom used bible verses when they would teach.
Why? Because Teaching is not posting verses, its teaching them.
Try to understand that.
...and think about what i just told you about Jesus and Paul, and you could begin to understand what you dont understand yet. ... for_his_Glory.
See, the real spiritual learning does not happen in the Seminary.......I've had all that.
it happens at the feet of a teacher, who has been taught by the School of God's Spirit.

Now, let me answer your question.

"How does believing become a work"...

So, in the context of Salvation, there is Grace and there are works.
Grace is God's mercy, and Works are people trying to do for themselves, as self effort, what only God can provide by Grace.

Salvation is not related to works.
Salvation is JESUS.

Now, here is what i run across all time in this world.., and its rampant on forums.

"well, as long as i dont lose my FAITH, i wont go to Hell".

Ever hear that one?
Have you ever believed that as long as you hold unto your FAITH, you keep your self saved by doing that?
Were you taught this lie? Many were, and many continue to be taught it.

Notice what i just said? "as long as i hold unto my FAITH, i keep myself saved by holding unto my FAITH".

Reader, is that you?
Do you believe this?
So, is that trusting in FAITH........ or is that trusting in Jesus.
Its not both......believe it.

See, when you are trusting in Jesus, when you have real faith, then you understand that God took your faith the moment you believed and made you righteous. So, ITS DONE.
How does a person know? Because being born again is proof that God has accepted your faith to SAVE YOU.
He does not accept you holding unto it to save you....>He accepted it already, because you gave it to Him on the DAY HE SAVED YOU.
See it?

Now look at this word.....>"Saved".... see that "D" on the end? That means its FINISHED.
Salvation is not a process that you complete unless you are Jesus dead on the Cross.
Are you?
Check for nail prints.

LISTEN........ Salvation is God on the Cross, shedding blood, and dying for your sin.
There is SALVATION .....God did it...... for you, as a GIFT.

So here is the final answer.

A.) Faith is NOT the Savior . The verse says..."God saved you THROUGH your faith".
So, = GOD is the Savior....>Not faith.

"im holding onto my faith, to stay saved".... .= You have faith in Faith, instead of Faith in CHRIST to keep you saved.
See that?
See that broken faith?
Real faith, is Faith in Christ.. Broken Faith is...>"i BELIEVE that if i hold unto my FAITH, ... my savior FAITH, will get me into Heaven".

A.) No it wont, as FAITH didnt die on the Cross for you.

So, if you are a "i have faith in faith"....then STOP. And RESTART your faith, and put it in CHRIST to keep you saved.
Learn to believe this TRUTH....>"God's blood of Jesus that saved you, keeps you saved".
Keeps you saved.
Keeps you saved.
Keeps you saved.
"The blood of Jesus, is GOD's blood, and it Keeps YOU SAVED".

Thats real faith.
Accept no substitutes.
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Would you mind no longer posting verses that have nothing to do with your statement that precedes them?

Keep in mind that when Jesus and Paul taught, they seldom used bible verses when they would teach.
Why? Because Teaching is not posting verses, its teaching them.
Try to understand that.
...and think about what i just told you about Jesus and Paul, and you could begin to understand what you dont understand yet. ... for_his_Glory.
See, the real spiritual learning does not happen in the Seminary.......I've had all that.
it happens at the feet of a teacher, who has been taught by the School of God's Spirit.

Now, let me answer your question.

"How does believing become a work"...

So, in the context of Salvation, there is Grace and there are works.
Grace is God's mercy, and Works are people trying to do for themselves, as self effort, what only God can provide by Grace.

Salvation is not related to works.
Salvation is JESUS.

Now, here is what i run across all time in this world.., and its rampant on forums.

"well, as long as i dont lose my FAITH, i wont go to Hell".

Ever hear that one?
Have you ever believed that as long as you hold unto your FAITH, you keep your self saved by doing that?
Were you taught this lie? Many were, and many continue to be taught it.

Notice what i just said? "as long as i hold unto my FAITH, i keep myself saved by holding unto my FAITH".

Reader, is that you?
Do you believe this?
So, is that trusting in FAITH........ or is that trusting in Jesus.
Its not both......believe it.

See, when you are trusting in Jesus, when you have real faith, then you understand that God took your faith the moment you believed and made you righteous. So, ITS DONE.
How does a person know? Because being born again is proof that God has accepted your faith to SAVE YOU.
He does not accept you holding unto it to save you....>He accepted it already, because you gave it to Him on the DAY HE SAVED YOU.
See it?

Now look at this word.....>"Saved".... see that "D" on the end? That means its FINISHED.
Salvation is not a process that you complete unless you are Jesus dead on the Cross.
Are you?
Check for nail prints.

LISTEN........ Salvation is God on the Cross, shedding blood, and dying for your sin.
There is SALVATION .....God did it...... for you, as a GIFT.

So here is the final answer.

A.) Faith is NOT the Savior . The verse says..."God saved you THROUGH your faith".
So, = GOD is the Savior....>Not faith.

"im holding onto my faith, to stay saved".... .= You have faith in Faith, instead of Faith in CHRIST to keep you saved.
See that?
See that broken faith?
Real faith, is Faith in Christ.. Broken Faith is...>"i BELIEVE that if i hold unto my FAITH, ... my savior FAITH, will get me into Heaven".

A.) No it wont, as FAITH didnt die on the Cross for you.

So, if you are a "i have faith in faith"....then STOP. And RESTART your faith, and put it in CHRIST to keep you saved.
Learn to believe this TRUTH....>"God's blood of Jesus that saved you, keeps you saved".
Keeps you saved.
Keeps you saved.
Keeps you saved.
"The blood of Jesus, is GOD's blood, and it Keeps YOU SAVED".

Thats real faith.
Accept no substitutes.
I will always use book, chapter and verse for those to go study them as well as you and everyone are to do according to the ToS 2.7 that you need to go read.

The Apostles are the ones who wrote that of what we find in books, chapter and verse that have been compiled into what we call the Bible as they wrote as letters to each other and the church. I see you have a problem with that and refuse to give the book, chapter and verse so how can any of us believe you for what you say. We would be foolish to do so if we can not find and read that of what you say. I have told you a few times now you are in violation of the ToS 2.7.
Would you mind no longer posting verses that have nothing to do with your statement that precedes them?

Keep in mind that when Jesus and Paul taught, they seldom used bible verses when they would teach.
Why? Because Teaching is not posting verses, its teaching them.
Try to understand that.
...and think about what i just told you about Jesus and Paul, and you could begin to understand what you dont understand yet. ... for_his_Glory.
See, the real spiritual learning does not happen in the Seminary.......I've had all that.
it happens at the feet of a teacher, who has been taught by the School of God's Spirit.

Now, let me answer your question.

"How does believing become a work"...

So, in the context of Salvation, there is Grace and there are works.
Grace is God's mercy, and Works are people trying to do for themselves, as self effort, what only God can provide by Grace.

Salvation is not related to works.
Salvation is JESUS.

Now, here is what i run across all time in this world.., and its rampant on forums.

"well, as long as i dont lose my FAITH, i wont go to Hell".

Ever hear that one?
Have you ever believed that as long as you hold unto your FAITH, you keep your self saved by doing that?
Were you taught this lie? Many were, and many continue to be taught it.

Notice what i just said? "as long as i hold unto my FAITH, i keep myself saved by holding unto my FAITH".

Reader, is that you?
Do you believe this?
So, is that trusting in FAITH........ or is that trusting in Jesus.
Its not both......believe it.

See, when you are trusting in Jesus, when you have real faith, then you understand that God took your faith the moment you believed and made you righteous. So, ITS DONE.
How does a person know? Because being born again is proof that God has accepted your faith to SAVE YOU.
He does not accept you holding unto it to save you....>He accepted it already, because you gave it to Him on the DAY HE SAVED YOU.
See it?

Now look at this word.....>"Saved".... see that "D" on the end? That means its FINISHED.
Salvation is not a process that you complete unless you are Jesus dead on the Cross.
Are you?
Check for nail prints.

LISTEN........ Salvation is God on the Cross, shedding blood, and dying for your sin.
There is SALVATION .....God did it...... for you, as a GIFT.

So here is the final answer.

A.) Faith is NOT the Savior . The verse says..."God saved you THROUGH your faith".
So, = GOD is the Savior....>Not faith.

"im holding onto my faith, to stay saved".... .= You have faith in Faith, instead of Faith in CHRIST to keep you saved.
See that?
See that broken faith?
Real faith, is Faith in Christ.. Broken Faith is...>"i BELIEVE that if i hold unto my FAITH, ... my savior FAITH, will get me into Heaven".

A.) No it wont, as FAITH didnt die on the Cross for you.

So, if you are a "i have faith in faith"....then STOP. And RESTART your faith, and put it in CHRIST to keep you saved.
Learn to believe this TRUTH....>"God's blood of Jesus that saved you, keeps you saved".
Keeps you saved.
Keeps you saved.
Keeps you saved.
"The blood of Jesus, is GOD's blood, and it Keeps YOU SAVED".

Thats real faith.
Accept no substitutes.
Sorry, but what Jesus taught verbally and gave to Paul and all the Apostles are that of what God gave them to write. Even Jesus could not go above that which God gave Him to speak, John 12:49-50.

Our faith is that of believing in Christ Jesus who is our faith come bt God's grace, Hebrews 12:1-2, Ephesians 2:8-10.

Our works are the continued works of the Lord by His greatest commandment of love as we continue in them being obedient to His commands, Matthew 25:31-40, 1 John 5:1-5.

Without faith we have nothing and are none of His own as faith without works is dead faith, James 2:14-26.

Faith helps us to endure unto the end as we will then be saved from the lake of fire when Jesus returns as our names are written in the Lambs book of life, Matthew 24:3-13, Rev 21:7

Conclusion: Christ Jesus is our faith that we believe and trust in for all the promises of God as by the grace of God are we saved through Christ Jesus.
Sorry, but what Jesus taught verbally and gave to Paul and all the Apostles are that of what God gave them to write. Even Jesus could not go above that which God gave Him to speak, John 12:49-50.

I have no idea what you are trying to explain.
I told you that the Apostles and Jesus, when talking to the body or to jews or to unbelievers, generally didnt quote the Torah.
And as no NT was written, they also could not quote that one.