hello smaller, dirtfarmer here
Is the "spirit of disobedience" still in control of our soul?
Scripture expressly states that sin indwells our flesh and evil is present with us. Romans 7:17-21. There is little use running away from these facts. And, because of this, there is WARRING internally just as Paul explicitly states in Romans 7:23.
Those who claim they are "exempt" from this war, I might consider have merely been sidelined by the "opposition movement."
It is not we ourselves that renders the "spirit of disobedience" powerless, it is Christ in whom is our life.
I would say that is not the case. Scriptures tell us again, clearly, that the Laws of God were quite precisely meant to provoke, empower and expose sin, so that we would know the reality of the warring in our own flesh. Romans 7:13, 1 Cor. 15:56 point in the opposite direction you are attempting to posture.
The law is NOT the ally of sin and evil's presence in the flesh, but it's exposer AND empowerer, because IT resists Gods Laws.
This resistance remains active "in the flesh." Anyone who has ascended to their happy happy cloud has no idea what is going on. There is in fact WAR. Romans 7:23, Gal. 4:29, Gal. 5:17, Eph. 6:11-12 and many others
speak precisely to this war of oppositions.
The spirit of disobedience remains to engage and to capture us, and this is COURTESY of our adversary:
2 Timothy 2:26
And that they may recover themselves out of
the snare of the devil, who are
taken captive by him at his will.
People of faith who have dropped their battle gear and claim they have no warring transpiring have simply been disarmed and blinded by the enemy. They sit, happy happy CLUELESS.
What you need to understand is that salvation has 3 parts.
1) we have been saved from the penalty of sin.
2) we have been saved from the power of sin
3) we shall be saved from the presence of sin when and only when we are in the presence of our savior.
And as usual, all of the above only speaks to "one side" of the equations.
NO, God in Christ does not "execute" His Warriors NOR will He condemn them.
But we can be taken captive in the flesh by numerous deceptions of the enemies. Particularly when we "disregard" them in these equations.
Paul put ZERO confidence in his flesh for very good reasons and cause. Phil. 3:3. We don't EXCUSE "evil's presence" in Gods Name, nor do we confuse it as "only ourselves"
because it's NOT. It is the presence of spiritual opposition. It was not because of the flesh,
but because of the presence of evil and the sin dwelling therein.
Paul KNEW the power of God
from the opposite side of the equations, SEEING this "enemy" take hold in his own mind, for example in Romans 7:7-13, which is a good EXPOSE' of what happens internally when LAW meets SIN and EVIL present.
Anyone who examines their own thoughts honestly will find WARRING therein. Jesus also tells us that we, in our current state, because of "evil thoughts," stand "defiled" in the flesh.
Whether any believer cares to see it or not, this is an internal reality. NOT an "option."
Matt. 5:28, Matt. 15:19-20 and Mark 7:21-23
Paul quite entirely HONESTY saw his own body as "vile" because of the internal warring with indwelling sin and evil's presence therein, IN HIS OWN mind. Phil. 3:21.
I think this is rather easy to see myself. But evil's presence does blind believers to these "internal quotients" quite easily, it seems.
Pity, really. We all sit vainly trying to justify what God condemns.
We STAND on a battlefield with adverse to The Spirit workings in our own flesh. When we heap the things of God in Christ on our enemies, justifying, covering, claiming what is ours unto them,
we have been deceived.
This is a hard thing to see,
but the CONDEMNATION of Christ is in fact "our ALLY."