I have no issues with Catholics.
I have issues with their doctrine.
It lies.
It deceives.
Its created to do this.
You probably dont know this, but according to the current Pope's theology, ....If anyone believes that "faith alone, is accepted by God as all that is required to be saved and have eternal life"......Then this person, according to the Pope, and according to Catholic Theology....is "anathema".
(Cursed of God).
So, with all the beauty, the drama, the statues, the incense, and the fact that until 1961, Catholics were told not to read their bible, but to "see a Priest for answers to bible questions"......with all this for you to adore regarding the CC......the fact that what saves a person, "Faith In Christ, alone" is....according to the Catholic Doctrine, = not true,...... and in fact a person who believes this, is "anathema" according to the Catholic CHURCH.
"""""But speak of the Greek!
Check out John 6:54a. In Greek it means TO CHEW. Jesus is saying that we are to chew his flesh to have eternal life. They DO base their theology on facts - maybe facts we may not agree with, but facts nonetheless."""""
That is not what it means, and "to chew", is a Catholic misconception of the word "eat".
To Eat the Flesh of Jesus, is to BELIEVE.
That's what it means.
And also, to take communion is a symbolic gesture, similar to water baptism.
Neither are literally to be understood as the redemptive agent.
"""""""So they want to believe Mary was a virgin forever. What does that take away from Jesus? """""""
It takes away from the Truth, Wondering.
It denies it.
It recreate a new one, for the benefit of deceiving so that Catholics are led into Mary worship.
And, so, the truth kinda matters when you are dealing with these issues.
You seem to feel that if the CC has many issues with doctrine, with truth, then this is acceptable because you approve with a sort of "live and let live" pov..
Well, i dont share that with you.
And i certainly dont approve of the CC creating packs of lies, that masquerade at truth designed to fool and to deceive.
This is Satanic.
""""""""You don' like transubstantiation? .""""""""
My opinion regarding transubstantiation is irrelevant.
What matters is that this concept is a farce, its a make believe deception.
And THAT is what is wrong with it.
If you feel that its ok, then thats ok with me.
However, You dont seem to feel that doctrine really matters, but what matters instead, is that we all just get along and accept lies, deceit, and phony baloney.
I understand you want to be accepting and considerate and "do unto others".......But, there is a line we must draw, regarding twisting bibles, and accepting make believe theology, = that is designed to create followers who end up dead and in hell.
I dont think that is acceptable.
Does God?
Does Christ?
Did Jesus shed his blood so that Catholics are offered water baptism instead?
Have you considered this, at all?
I think if the CC teaches you to believe that priests can magically by Hocus Pocus, recreate a cookie taken from a bag full of them into the Literal Body of Jesus, then this needs to be exposed as the dirty rotten deception that it is....and always will be.
And if Mary had children, and if one of the writers of the NT was the brother of Jesus, then ither that is true, or the CC is correct and the bible is a lie.
You can choose your preference, Wondering.
I already have.
I'll leave that to you to decide If James the writer of the Book of James is Christ's brother, or if this is not true and the CC's teaching that Mary is a "perpetual virgin", is the real deal and the bible is just kidding......
And finally, if the CC teaches and believes that Mary is the Queen of Heaven, and is able to atone for the sins of sinners just like Jesus, and you dont feel that you need to reject this and expose it, then what can i say.
Thx for the discussion.
Lets stop now.