- Jul 5, 2011
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- #21
science and all the other scholarly pursuits (i.e. 'the wisdom of man") has reared an evil head and deceived the whole world , including in the usa (including as in rockefeller and capote and so on , yeah, carnegie) ....
admittedly, a few scientists have studied and published and revealed the truth (though they get lost/buried/black-listed) --- the truth is not acceptable to the world government / powers that control the media.
consider this - in africa, over a hundred miles from any hospital, more people are healed(and yes, raised from being dead 3 days or longer, and shorter times too) by prayer or command in the Name of Yeshua than anywhere 'civilized' where almost everyone is cowed into giving into medico powers that be, 'officially'....
A lot of things happen nowadays. Those who believe, no matter how minute thier faith is, get the best from the Father.