Is that not required?
When you make the inside of the cup clean, doesn't the outside also become clean?
Uh, no. We "all," down to the last one of us, come before God in Christ with a factual "evil conscience."
Paul tells us, directly, that the law against lust prompts "indwelling sin" to openly RESIST the LAW, internally, in Romans 7:7-13. This is a factual internal working that transpires in everyone, and is the 'source' of our factual "evil conscience."
YES, a person can love their neighbor, but they will do so as factual sinners.
NOW, you have people, perhaps such as yourself, supposedly LOVING other believers, but simultaneously condemning them to potential hell, for not "doing like they [the factual sinner] does in the external senses." In that kind of action not loving whatsoever, but two timing the subject matter and condemning and accusing believers while "excusing" themselves.
And the sad part is, the "victims" are blind to what is happening to them, internally. They are merely being turned into ripe dead hypocrites, acting legally, denying they are sinners, condemning, accusing. ALL the actions of the "accuser" of the brethren. And THIS by the Actions of God in Christ working AGAINST the power of sin within them, turning them into DENIAL and HYPOCRISY.
Temptation is not a sin. If it is, Jesus is not the perfect Lamb of God (). And if he is not the perfect Lamb of God we are all still in our sins.
Every action of the tempter IS a sin and that "action" transpires internally IN ALL.
You're doing it again. You're discouraging believers from knowing and believing that they can be holy.
Read it and weep:
Philippians 3:21
Who shall change
our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
If you think DEAD FLESH is holy, you see nothing. The vile body IS DEAD because of the presence of indwelling sin, and that includes the MIND and HEART, because of the presence of EVIL internally.
Any honest believer will come to an honest conclusion, that they DO HAVE evil thoughts.
In this, they see their VILE BODY. They don't "give excuses" for it, or even less, claim IT holy. That is utter religious nonsense, and a deception of evil working in such dead bodies.
We DO have a vile body and that body is vile because of the presence of indwelling sin. Romans 7:17-21.
Dress it up all you please. It is in fact slated for destruction.