I'm reading, "open their eyes", "so that they may turn from darkness to Light", "and from the dominion of Satan to God". It reads to me, that without first having their eyes opened, they cannot be turned from darkness to Light, from the dominion of Satan to the dominion of God.
Luke 11:34.
One time there was this young Muslim man I met at a friends house. He was a foreigner attending school here. And when I saw him, I could see he was clearly drunk, and exceedingly drunk. He staggered and he slurred all his words. The next time I visited my friends house, there he was again, as drunk as could be just like before. So I was in the kitchen alone and he came staggering in with eyes that were dilated and without any focus. And so being moved by God, I asked him, "why is it every time I see you, you're always drunk?" And he lifted his head in my direction and without looking at me, he answered, "in America, there is too much freedom. In my country my people would never allow me to be like this". So I said, "you need to know Jesus so that you can be free without bondage of the law". And immediately upon saying that, his eyes widened because he was having an epiphany. And he grabbed his heart with both hands and he literally was tossed backwards without any control over his body. He turned over the table and chairs sending everything flying everywhere and ended up sitting on the floor with his back to the wall. And with his eyes completely clear and full of wonder, he looked up and begged me, "Please, tell me more about this Jesus".
Then there was this time I was preaching the Gospel, and the person looked me straight in the eye and said, "will you please shut up?"
I like the testimony. In it we see that you told Him about Jesus. That God moved on Him. And that He made a decision to find out more about the Lord.
Now you noted that you felt moved by God to talk to Him about Jesus, and that would make sense. It especially makes sense when we consider we are asked to preach the gospel to all the world. We are moved and even commanded to preach the Word.
Now if we reference back at the verse:
Acts 26 17,
18 .... I am sending
you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.
You the Lord sent Paul to open their eyes! Like He sent you to open their eyes. This guy probably didn't or rarely heard about Jesus. You talked to him about Jesus, and the Lord confirmed His words with signs and wonders.
Mark 16:20 Then the disciples went out and preached
everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.
So your preaching opened his eyes, and Jesus confirmed it, and he made a decision to find out more.
Now you seemed to be saying that their eyes couldn't be opened unless God opened them, because of the power over them. But if that was the case Acts would have to read something like, 'I am sending you so that when I (God) opens their eyes, you will be there to preach and so that they might receive forgiveness of sins.' And in the testimony you gave the man would have to been moved on by God and the drunkenness removed before you told him about Jesus. But it happened the other way, with you telling him about Jesus then God moving on him to confirm the word.
Now there was still a decision made for Jesus and in your testimony that came after you opened his eyes and God move on him. But does that have to be the case. There is not evidence that Jesus moved on the thief next to him before the thief made a decision for Jesus. The basic knowledge of Jesus apparently was enough for the thief to consider and make a decision that saved him. And what about the man with Legion tormenting him? Jesus did go into the grave yard looking for him but rather the man came running up to Jesus asking for help. And what about Zacchaeus? He just heard about the Lord, climbed a tree because he heard about Jesus.
So I am staying with just telling people, all people, about Jesus. I believe they can make a choice for Him even if they are a thief, or demonized, or a money grabbing tax man, or even if they are a drunken Muslim man like in your story. If they can be all those things and make a decision for Jesus, then were they unable to make the decision because they didn't have free will, or simply because they didn't know all the choices they could make with their freewill? If they didn't know all the choices, that doesn't change the fact that God gave them a freewill; it only means they didn't have all the information. Which brings me to this interesting verse.
2 tim 3:15 and how from infancy you have know the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
The Scriptures, ink on paper, are able to make us wise fro salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Now the Pharisees read the Scriptures but they didn't make a choice for Jesus, but others read the very same Scriptures and do make a choice for Jesus, and the Scriptures explain that all man have sinned, so regardless of the fact that all were under sin, some choose the Lord when given the information and some didn't. Apparently some regardless of move of the Spirit, because Jesus told those from the area He did most of His miracles that they were not going to be in heaven. So the move of God which we would think would open their eyes didn't.
Mat 11:21 Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.
So I don't see how your testimony and the Bible match up with the idea that man may have a will but not a freewill because they are oppressed and blinded until God opens their eyes. Instead we are sent to open the eyes by preaching the Word of God, and God confirms our preaching, yet the good news can be accepted or not accepted based upon what I call a persons freewill that was given to man by God. Thus the oppression or even the miracles might influence a person but the person still has the freedom to choose God or not.
The Israelites were told that He had put in front of them both good and evil with the instructions to choose good that they might live. So they had the ability to choose even though evil was also in front of them or even though good was in front of them.
Duet 30:15See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;
But they could still turn away and not listen to God.
Duet 30:17 But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear...
So we have a choice to make despite having both good and evil in front of us!!!