Actually I'm saying that there exists a such thing as purity of heart, mind and soul, and also there exists a corruption of that purity. Hence when the heart is corrupted, so is the will. As I have said before, I'm trying to point out that there is no such thing as free-will in.... the moral/immoral purview. And that is according to the dictionary definition of the term free will. You therefore would first have to understand what the term free-will actually means, and then apply it to the moral purview, before you could adequately evaluate my claim.
The dictionary definition of Free will means to be self-determined, independent, insubordinate. Now apply it to the moral/immoral purview, so as to say, that we don't need the one True God to be righteous because we are self determined or independent. Therefore I am claiming that we do indeed need the Spirit of the One True God to be righteous, and therefore we are not self determined nor independent in the moral/immoral purview.
Respectfully, this is a logical fallacy called circular reasoning. It happens by conflating choice/option with choice /decision and is the product of reasoning upon free will as a substantive Truth rather than an equivocation. For example you could have just as easily concluded the exact opposite of your initial claim based on the same free will reasoning, "I have to reject the reasoning that men can turn back to God simply because they don't". This is why free will does not exist in the moral/immoral purview and is therefore proof of God's existence. Here are more examples of this phenomenon:
The reason why people can choose to do good is because they can choose to do good.
The reason why people choose to do evil is because they could have chosen to do good.
The reason why some people don't choose God is because they chose not to.
We know that some people don't choose God because they had a choice.
We know that all people can choose to accept Christ because some people do.
We know that some people don't choose to follow God, therefore they could have chosen to.
We know that some people have chosen not to believe, therefore they had a choice.
The reason why some believe and some don't is because anyone can but they don't.
The reason why Eve could have chosen not to eat is because there was a choice.
The reason we know that Eve freely chose to eat is because there was a free choice.
We know why people obey because they chose to.
We can choose to disobey therefore we can choose to obey.
I could choose to obey therefore they could choose to not disobey.
I can believe that God's a liar, but I have chosen to believe He is not.
It seems you gone a bit off on this. You quoted in your prior post a Scripture that Satan blinds men.
2 Corinthians 4:4
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Now you ignore what you wrote.
Satan would have no reason to blind men if men could not resist him with their will.
It's like men held captive in prison. You say that since they are captive they don't have a freewill to choose to escape. But that is silly, because the prison proves the fact that they probably do will to escape and would use their freewill to escape if clearly given the opportunity to escape. Or at least that is what the ones keeping them captive believe simply because the prisoners are kept as prisoners instead of being allowed to run around freely.
So you are saying men don't have freewill because they are kept captive. Well, I would agree they don't have freedom but I can't agree they don't have freewill because if not kept captive they might choose to escape. The very fact the prison exists proves that. They can still choose to escape, but are not allowed to escape. Of course they were imprisoned because they did something wrong. And that is what happen to men.
And the awesome thing is that God will set them free if only they repent and turn to God by faith. The heavens and the earth still belong to God not the one who runs the prison. Of course that may not be what all men want. Some would rather stay in prison because they don't want to repent and turn to God, but even that is a choice they could make but perhaps won't
Is 45:13 - I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways: he shall build my city, and he shall let go my captives, not for price nor reward, saith the LORD of hosts.
So you say they are in prison and thus don't have a freewill. I say they are in prison and don't have freedom but have a freewill. They could choose God but don't. You note that "definition of Free will means to be self-determined", but men have a self-determined will, what they might not have is freedom - Legal Definition of freedom. 1 : the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion,
You have confused freewill with freedom.
Jesus came to set the captives free. That doesn't mean they didn't have a self-determined will, it means they didn't have the freedom to fully use it because of the necessity of coercion. They are held captive.
I can choose to do wrong or right. I can choose to keep following my ways, which are selfish, or I can choose Jesus Christ and repent of my ways and be set free. I might have been blinded, so the blinders needed to be taken off, and thanks be to God that He can and does that, but we still have self-determination to choose God or not. Some men to and some men do not. So we preach the gospel, and we have instructions to do that so that some might repent and turn back to God.
And sense you like definitions, here is one on the subject from Merriam -Webster
Examples of freewill in a sentence
- <a freewill confession of guilt made by the suspect during police interrogation