Respectfully, you have misunderstood many things I say, and while it could be asserted that for some reason you have freely chosen not to hear me, yet in all honesty before God, I know that you have not freely chosen to do so. You have listened to me willingly and courteously, and yet you have not heard what I say so as to understand it. Respectfully and forthrightly, it appears to me that you don't actually understand what Freewill means and the implications thereof.
Prov 8:12 I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion. I have even given scripture showing God hiding valuable wisdom from otherwise wise and prudent people, and revealing it to little children, so that little children can sometimes know better than those who are wise and prudent adults. Hence my moniker childeye. My point was to show that people don't choose to listen or not listen in a scenario where God is hiding information from some, and revealing it to others.. Information is the knowledge that we reason upon, we then make our conclusions based upon that information, and ultimately decide accordingly. Vanity should be curtailed by such revelation that God can do this. But rather than agree that God is able to change what people will choose according to His power illustrated by this scripture and many more, instead, in vanity many overlook this, and instead insist that we still make the choice to listen and not listen as though this is applicable in a situation where God hides and reveals wisdom.
People who insist that they have a freewill, and that all people do, tend to conflate choice with choice, without even realizing it. For the term 'choice' has two different meanings, with only one meaning being applicable to proceeding from the will of the person. The two different meanings are choice/option, and choice/decision. In the moral purview, there is a choice/decision between the two directions/options. But since there is no such thing in the moral purview as a freely made option/choice, the existence of good and evil cannot be proof that the will of the person who decides between the two is a freewill. So it is, that freewill believers tend to convince themselves that they and others have a freewill by conflating the term choice/option with choice/decision. Respectfully, above it appears that you do this very thing, by saying that since there is a choice/option to listen or not listen, then it makes no sense that we don't have a freewill. Or as you said concerning King Solomon, "he still had choices", as if therefore it must necessarily follow that his will is free.
But you and I do agree that all men are subject to vanity and that is enough Truth, to then prove that men do not have a freewill. For if you recall, I have earlier pointed out, that the reason why people choose not to listen to the call to repentance is because of this vanity.
Vanity alters the will and corrupts the way a person sees things and the thought process. To think that I can voluntarily choose to not listen to God, and miss nothing, is vanity. This is somewhat hard to ponder due to semantics. For to think I might inadveratantly choose to not listen to God and miss something very important, is humility.
Childeye, thanks for posting and for the information you are sharing.
When I post, I try to pick up something that I think a comment is worth making on, so I don't usually comment on everything a person posts. And in general the point I think is most important to make is that God wants a relationship with His creation. So the biggest problem I generally have with many that focus on predestination is that they miss that God does indeed want a relationship with His creation. So while I realize that God knows that some people will not ever turn to Him, because He knows because He created them, that does not mean that He does not want them to turn to Him! That is in general the problem I have with your postings. It's not that all your posting and thinking is like that but some of it.
It is written that God desires that none should perish. That is in the Scriptures, and no matter whatever other Scriptures you have, it goes along with that Scriptures and does not conflict it. So if for example God hides Himself, and He does do that at times, that hiding is an effort by God to get the person to turn to Him. I'm not sure that is clear in your post!
So the post is good, but is missing this understanding that God does not want any to perish. And when I talk to the Lord and listen to what He tells me daily, it becomes impossible to miss how He feels about people. He really really does care for them, so He really really wants all people to seek Him, talk to Him, and especially listen to Him. And He gave us life, which means we can choose. And He gives us freedom. It is Satan that does want us to have freedom. So we have with God a freewill. We can seek Him and He said all those who seek find.
Yet the person with a lot of pride (and we all have some vanity) tends to lean on his own understanding. That keep them from seeking God, and giving their attention to God. So what might you do to get someone's attention who doesn't want to give it to you. How about a game of hide and seek, or what we might call "Peek-a Boo". So God doesn't hide to not be found, but God hides so that He might be sought after. If a person reads and studies the Scriptures but does not regularly talk to and listen to the Lord, they might not understanding this. Because it is the Lord who gives understanding, not our interpretation of the Scriptures.
The Lord once told me, "Karl people don't have understanding because they don't read the Scriptures with understanding but their understanding, understand?"
So childeye, you write that Salvation belongs to the Lord and so it does and you are correct to right that. But the writing also gives an impression to people that God may not want all people to turn to Him, or perhaps God made it so that they can not turn to Him, and that conclusion is desperately wrong. We never want to give them that impression. And perhaps you never meant to give such and impression, but when preaching predestination it is important to note that He wants all people listening to Him and He said that all who seek find. All who seek find. That is to say, that all who seek find. So I tell them to seek, because they will find Him, and they will then find that He always cared for them, no matter who they are or have been. He wants that none should perish. That is my point.
So childeye, I like your posts and especially your thread, and I am not against you but I am fully committed to get people to seek the Lord our God. They and we can hear from Him everyday and are told to encourage each other day after day as long as "Today is called today". I'm sorry if I don't say it as well as the Lord, but Today we can hear from the Lord. Not just you and I childeye, but even the person that God is hiding from and turn to God and He will say something like "Peek-a boo" and will surprise them who He was hiding from. I know that because I know God. I also know that some will never turn to God, and that breaks my heart. So I post.
Thanks again for your threads