Where does the Bible state this explicitly?
You do realize that sheep don't need to die to provide clothes, right?
It appears that this is a secondary focus of the text, since there is no mention of sacrifice there. It could be debated whether that would even be a sacrifice, since Adam or Eve didn't offer the animal, God provided it (presuming God killed the animal).
Are you still having vampire withdraws from Halloween? NOWHERE does the Bible state that Cain's offering was not accepted because it was not blood!!!
This is just idiotic...
Jesus blood has nothing to do with the Mosaic Law. The former phrase states that BLOOD ITSELF does not forgive sins. GOD HIMSELF does!!! Shedding blood does not forgive sins!!!! Is this sinking in???
The blood, in of itself, has no value to God. It is the relationship that offers that blood that makes it valuable to God.
People who have a relationship with God, rather than a legal "get out of hell free" card know this.
It is not a matter of squeemish, it is a matter of your false gospel that can't figure out a fundamental aspect about God and how He acts towards humans...
Scriptures, please. That Jesus WOULD SACRIFICE Himself has little to do with a "perfect lamb requirement" FROM GOD HIMSELF before He could act!!!!
Because you are wrong and such little "quibbles" force one into a complete misunderstanding of what God did, what God wants to do, and Who God is...
You know, little quibbles...
Can you please show me where God demands a sacrifice for sin before He forgives sins?
Of course. Who would be so daft to think that God HAD to have a sacrifice when Jesus spoke parable after parable that states that God DID NOT need satisfaction, perfection, sacrifices, etc., before He was ready to forgive...
Didn't Jesus make that clear over and over again?
Have you even READ the Gospels???