Scowly Old Ladies!


May 13, 2024
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This is something I have noticed for several years now as hubby and I approach our 30th anniversary this winter. When we're out and about, I notice that older ladies gravitate towards my husband and try to get a smile or a look from him. When he doesn't respond to them, they then scowl at me! Not only do they do this to me, but also our daughter. It's baffling to see, really. Are these ladies so entitled that they think they're deserving of all men to be smiling at them? It's really annoying because it happens alot more than it seems it should.

Do I say something to them? Do I scowl back or just laugh at them? Also.... what to do with the flirty waitress? I dread eating out anymore because this has also gotten ridiculous. Is it me, or is it the world in general going absolutely crazy?
This is something I have noticed for several years now as hubby and I approach our 30th anniversary this winter. When we're out and about, I notice that older ladies gravitate towards my husband and try to get a smile or a look from him. When he doesn't respond to them, they then scowl at me! Not only do they do this to me, but also our daughter. It's baffling to see, really. Are these ladies so entitled that they think they're deserving of all men to be smiling at them? It's really annoying because it happens alot more than it seems it should.

Do I say something to them? Do I scowl back or just laugh at them? Also.... what to do with the flirty waitress? I dread eating out anymore because this has also gotten ridiculous. Is it me, or is it the world in general going absolutely crazy?


Well, hang in there sister : ) This is likely a spirit that is driving these women, specifically to target you. Whenever you see patterns like this it is usually not an accident but something the enemy is deliberately trying to drive home in an effort to create division between you and your husband.

Just kick the enemy in the teeth with it. Say something nice to your husband and then lean over and kiss him on the cheek and then grin back at them, LoL. Tap him on the hind end and let them know who it belongs to. :)
What would be super nice is if hubby did that to me! lol I'm the one who's always trying to cover for any of the flirts out there. A switch would be great!

It's just so weird that these are old grannies, though. We've had to deal with this for a long time. When we were out in a restaurant over the weekend he got a "free drink" from the waitress even though he didn't even drink it. He was the only one being spoken to, as well. I know waitresses often flirt for extra cash, but that is just not OK. Told hubby to just stop tipping all together. Pretty sure it's already in the massive price inflation, anyway. The flirting just sours the entire eating out experience.
What would be super nice is if hubby did that to me! lol I'm the one who's always trying to cover for any of the flirts out there. A switch would be great!

It's just so weird that these are old grannies, though. We've had to deal with this for a long time. When we were out in a restaurant over the weekend he got a "free drink" from the waitress even though he didn't even drink it. He was the only one being spoken to, as well. I know waitresses often flirt for extra cash, but that is just not OK. Told hubby to just stop tipping all together. Pretty sure it's already in the massive price inflation, anyway. The flirting just sours the entire eating out experience.

No idea what else to tell you.

Maybe work the waitresses to death so they avoid both of you from now on, LoL. Act like you wish to be treated like royalty. When she brings the appetizer, say, "Oh, and I'd like some more napkins please," and then when she returns with the napkins say, "I'm sorry, I need a new fork. This one looks dirty. Maybe a couple just I'm case," and then when she returns with the forks say, "My husband has requested that we be moved to a different table if it's not too much trouble. Oh! and I need a different drink. This one tastes funny... and could you wear a different outfit maybe? That one makes you look like a tart." :)

Note: Maybe do all this only after she has served you your food. :thumb
The saying goes "kill them with kindness". The both of you and your daughter just need to smile back and wish them a good day. Way back in the day a woman would walk past a man as she smiled at him and he would tip his hat and smile back as a greeting. It meant nothing for the most part. As long as you and your husband are secure in your love for each other then don't worry about it. As far as the flirty waitress I would report her to the management as that is so inappropriate.
Maybe the old ladies need to realize that we don't live in those quaint older days anymore. lol My husband is super friendly to most and I think women in general, pick up on this. It's one of his very annoying traits. Like, dude, you don't know them and you don't owe them your winning smile! I know we're to entertain strangers and I've seen how many are probably fallen angels. So be aware!

The restaurant was so quiet that day and there weren't many people in there, so we really didn't want to raise a fuss if we didn't have to, so we just left what we had, paid for it and got up to leave. I know it seems wasteful, but I think that also sends a message without being obnoxious about it. I understand waitresses need an income, but they need to think more about their morals. What is OK and what is not. Do we pay to flirt with other's spouses? I don't think so.
I think its not a problem to smile at passers by unless they are trying to ruin your relationship. It seems you have haters who are jealous of your companionship. I know how that feels. To be scowled at and hated by strangers. Just keep walking. As long as your husbands eyes stay on you most of the time. There are no issues.
Good post and answers. Humane nature. Trying to get attention? Or having fun ? Matthew chapter 12. Tells us that a good person produces good words from good heart. And a evil person produces evil words from evil heart. Philippians chapter 4. For your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Some people think flirting is harmless. I think its about self respect. Christian people set a example of serving Jesus. Peace.
This is something I have noticed for several years now as hubby and I approach our 30th anniversary this winter. When we're out and about, I notice that older ladies gravitate towards my husband and try to get a smile or a look from him. When he doesn't respond to them, they then scowl at me! Not only do they do this to me, but also our daughter. It's baffling to see, really. Are these ladies so entitled that they think they're deserving of all men to be smiling at them? It's really annoying because it happens alot more than it seems it should.

Do I say something to them? Do I scowl back or just laugh at them? Also.... what to do with the flirty waitress? I dread eating out anymore because this has also gotten ridiculous. Is it me, or is it the world in general going absolutely crazy?
Ignore them. You're being insecure and perhaps even possessive.
This is something I have noticed for several years now as hubby and I approach our 30th anniversary this winter. When we're out and about, I notice that older ladies gravitate towards my husband and try to get a smile or a look from him. When he doesn't respond to them, they then scowl at me! Not only do they do this to me, but also our daughter. It's baffling to see, really. Are these ladies so entitled that they think they're deserving of all men to be smiling at them? It's really annoying because it happens alot more than it seems it should.
I am a man very happily married since 1996. When we are out and about, although my focus is my sweet Lori, I greet ladies if they greet me, whether they be older or younger, whether I know them or not, if they do not attempt to motivate either of us with sexual distraction. I do this and have done this, except in those relatively rare moments when I have cause to think that Sweet Lori might be feeling a bit insecure about me or about us.

My question then, becomes why your husband does not respond to them. It is of Christ to be neighborly. But it is of Christ to take care of those to whom one is closest. So I'll think that is what he is doing.
Do I say something to them? Do I scowl back or just laugh at them? Also.... what to do with the flirty waitress? I dread eating out anymore because this has also gotten ridiculous. Is it me, or is it the world in general going absolutely crazy?
I don't have any way to know your history, but this has nothing to do with recent change in the world. If you wish to do well, I'll suggest that you either be neighborly, or ignore them. It sounds so far like your husband does very well indeed, that you have simply not understood, that he does not know how to help you understand. This follows whether or not you are in fact surrounded by female predators against your marriage, or not.

I have been in a place or two where I could imagine that might happen. We know one such predator who has run multiple restaurants in this town. Very friendly...and Sweet Lori knows my purposes, and has carefully helped me recognize what she is. I partly missed it at least twice, but the third time the Holy One caused me to realize what was going on. Three times over years, she walked up to us in her restaurant, in very casual, gentle, friendly, neighborly manner, and mentioned that she does sex work on the side sometimes. I'll just say she walks the part, in the most softly deceptive manner I have ever encountered, reminding me of "courtesans" one can read about, of old Italy, France, China, and other places. The Holy One brought the thought, I suggested it afterwards to Lori, and she gave me the smiling nod. Grave and terrible that situation was, and I'm no longer surprised at all that that "lady" has opened and closed at least three popular restaurants in this area over the last ten years or so.
I am a man very happily married since 1996. When we are out and about, although my focus is my sweet Lori, I greet ladies if they greet me, whether they be older or younger, whether I know them or not, if they do not attempt to motivate either of us with sexual distraction. I do this and have done this, except in those relatively rare moments when I have cause to think that Sweet Lori might be feeling a bit insecure about me or about us.
Good for you, sir, God bless. I could never understand how a man and a woman meet and fall in love, despite of all the other cares, pleasures and pursuits in life.That's the biggest mystery to me in the entire world. There's this unspoken cultural narrative called "amatonormativity", which is an assumption that all human beings naturally pursue romantic love, especially by means of a monogamous long-term sexual relationship; and that's all that is - an assumption, with little truth in it. Most single people have far greater things to worry about, dating is at bottom of their priority list. I might be able to relate with you and share your experience had I been raised in the same era and culture you were, like, in an alternative universe, but as for this one, well, I'm left in the dark. Just ranting, sorry about that, nothing personal.
Good for you, sir, God bless. I could never understand how a man and a woman meet and fall in love, despite of all the other cares, pleasures and pursuits in life.That's the biggest mystery to me in the entire world. There's this unspoken cultural narrative called "amatonormativity", which is an assumption that all human beings naturally pursue romantic love, especially by means of a monogamous long-term sexual relationship; and that's all that is - an assumption, with little truth in it. Most single people have far greater things to worry about, dating is at bottom of their priority list. I might be able to relate with you and share your experience had I been raised in the same era and culture you were, like, in an alternative universe, but as for this one, well, I'm left in the dark. Just ranting, sorry about that, nothing personal.
Glad to read your experiences. I had never run into that word "amatonormativity," but certainly I agree, it has been an awful presumption by a great many for a very long time. And yet most certainly, it has never been universal, and is never considered so by any voices quoted in the New Testament. I have been reading quite a lot of reporting that in this age we are in, for a large proportion of people, things are very different, and I can see it happening too. I wonder what the Holy One is doing in that. I am sure He drives it, for His reasons.
Glad to read your experiences. I had never run into that word "amatonormativity," but certainly I agree, it has been an awful presumption by a great many for a very long time. And yet most certainly, it has never been universal, and is never considered so by any voices quoted in the New Testament. I have been reading quite a lot of reporting that in this age we are in, for a large proportion of people, things are very different, and I can see it happening too. I wonder what the Holy One is doing in that. I am sure He drives it, for His reasons.
There's a saying by Andrew Breitbart - “Culture is downstream of religion, politics is downstream of culture.” And this "amatonormativity" narrative can be traced back to the Protestant revolution, former monastaries and convents were dissolved, church properties confiscated by the state, and former priests and nuns who had formerly taken a sacred vow of celibacy were free to marry, and for many of them, they had to for social and financial reasons. As a result, they developed this "complementarianism" theology to justify their situation, that you're incomplete, you're in need of an opposite sex partner, your "other half", "soul mate", "significant other" to complete you through a monogamous, exclusive and life long relationship, it's the only normal state and the only path to happiness, even though Jesus is the only path to salvation; it's God's heavenly mandate to get married and make babies, even though it's a higher calling, the great commission to get baptized and make disciples. Amatonormativity might be the norm for the boomers and their parents' generation, but now for better or worse, it has fallen apart.
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