I would strongly suggest that true christians here and their families get out of the U.S.A. and North America while the getting is good. There is a destruction coming; and North America WILL bear the brunt of it.
Revelations 13 1-3 (Jerusalem Bible)
“Then I saw a beast emerge from the sea: it had seven heads and ten horns, ... the dragon had handed over to it his own power and his throne and his worldwide authority. I saw that one of its heads seemed to have had a fatal wound but that this deadly injury had healed ...â€Â
Revelations 17 3-5 (Revised Standard Version)
“And he carried me away in the Spirit to a wilderness, and I saw a woman (arrayed in purple and scarlet and bedecked with gold and jewels) sitting on a scarlet beast ... and it had seven heads and ten horns ... and on her forehead was written a name of mystery: ‘Babylon the great, ...’.â€Â
Revelations 17 7-8 (Revised Standard Version)
“... the angel said to me, ‘... I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her. The beast that you saw was, and is not ...’ .â€Â
Revelations 17 9-11 (Revised Standard Version)
“... the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other is not yet come, and when he comes he must remain only a little while. As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, ...’.â€Â
Try sticking the seven headed beast on the G7, and see what you get. 7 Heads, = 7 voting members. 5 Heads that are mountains that are kings who have fallen = 5 voting members that are ex world great powers : France, Italy, Germany, Japan, and England. 1 Head that is a mountain that is a king that is = 1 voting member that is a currant world great power : The United States. 1 Head that is a mountain that is a king that has not yet come = 1 voting member that has never been a world great power : Canada. 1 Head that has recovered from a mortal wound = split into four parts and put back together : Germany. The beast that was and is not that is an eighth that is one of the seven = The non voting, (observer status), eighth member of the G7 : Russia, which as the U.S.S.R, was a world great power; but as Russia is not accounted as such.
NOTE : Who is the "Harlot" that rides the seven headed beast ? Who controls the G7 ?
Isaiah 13 19 (Jerusalem Bible)
“Babylon the pearl of the kingdomsâ€Â
Isaiah 47 5 (New International Version)
“Queen of kingdomsâ€Â
Isaiah 47 5 (Jerusalem Bible)
“Sovereign lady of the kingdomsâ€Â
Revelations 17 1 (Jerusalem Bible)
“... the great prostitute who rules enthroned beside abundant waters, ...â€Â
Revelations 17 16-18 (Revised Standard Version)
“...the great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth.â€Â
Revelations 17 16-18 (Revised Standard Version)
“And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the harlot; they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose†... “And the woman which you saw is the great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth.â€Â
Isaiah 47 7-8 (New American Standard Version)
“...you said, ‘I shall be a queen forever’... ‘I am , and there is no one beside me. I shall not sit as a widow, nor shall I know loss of children’.†("The World's Only Superpower")
Revelations 18 7 (New International Version)
(of Babylon) “... in her heart she boasts, ‘I sit as a queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.
Revelations 18 8 (King James Version)
“Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire ...â€Â
Revelations 18 4-5
(Revised Standard Version)
“Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of her my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; for her sins are heaped as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.â€Â
Revelations 16 17 (Revised Standard Version)
“The seventh angel poured his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying ‘It is done!â€Â
Revelations 16 21 (Revised Standard Version)
“and great hailstones, heavy as a hundredweight, dropped on men from heaven, till men cursed God for the plague of hail, so fearful was that plague.
Revelations 18 9-10 (Revised Standard Version)
“And the kings of the earth, who committed fornication and were wanton with her, will weep and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning; they will stand far off, ... and say ‘Alas! Alas! Thou great city, thou mighty city, Babylon! In one hour has thy judgement come.
Revelations 18 11 (Darby Translation)
“And the merchants of the earth weep and grieve over her, since no one buys their lading (or Merchandise) anymore,â€Â
NOTE : The Foregoing passage is followed by a list of every luxury know to the ancients.
Revelations 18 15-17 (Revised Standard Version)
“The merchants of these wares, who gained wealth from her, will stand far off, ... weeping and mourning aloud, ‘Alas, alas, for the great city ... bedecked with gold, with jewels, and pearls! ... In one hour all this wealth has been laid waste.â€Â
NOTE : Those who are closer do not survive to mourn
Revelations 18 17-19 (Revised Standard Version)
“And all shipmasters ... and all whose trade is on the sea, stood far off and cried out as they saw the smoke of her burning, ‘What city was like the great city?’ ... ‘Alas, alas, for the great city where all who had ships at sea grew rich by her wealth! In one hour she has been laid waste.â€Â
Isaiah 47 14 (Revised Standard Version)
“...and the fire consumes them; they cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame. No coal for warming oneself is this, no fire to sit before!
NOTE : Think Nukes, ("Great Hailstones Heavy As A Hundredweight" that destroy by fire, sent by the beast that is an eighth that is one of the seven), and you will understand why this is no fire to sit and warm yourself by.
NOTE: When the Iraqis set the Kuwaiti oilfields on fire, the temperature in Kuwait dropped 20 degrees Fahrenheit, because the smoke from the fires blocked the sun. This despite the fact that there were massive uncontrolled fires burning; and the fact that the phenomena was local, so there was still warm air being transferred by wind currents from unaffected adjacent countries. This is the same principle on which the “Nuclear Winter†theory put forward by Carl Sagan is based.
Photos of the Kuwaiti Oilfields burning :
Darkness at Midday, March 12, 1991
As Dark as it Gets, Mid-morning, March 24, 1991
Inside the compound at Camp Freedom. There was no daylight visible horizon to horizon.
Other "Broad Daylight" photos
Matthew 24 20-22 (King James Version)
“But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day: for then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should be no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
Question: If the air temperature in Kuwait dropped 20 degrees Fahrenheit because of local oilfield fires, how much would the temperature drop if there were a global nuclear exchange, wherein the whole world was covered in smoke, and there was no warm air from unaffected areas to alleviate the temperature drop? How long would it take for the atmosphere to clear enough for temperatures and growing seasons to return to normal?
Isaiah 13 9-10 (Jerusalem Bible)
“The day of Yahweh is coming, merciless with wrath and fierce anger, to reduce the earth to a desert and root out the sinners from it. For the stars of the sky and Orion shall not let their light shine; and the sun shall be dark when it rises, and the moon shall not shed her light.â€Â
Joel 4 15 (Jerusalem Bible)
“The Day of Yahweh - Sun and moon grow dark, the stars lose their brilliance.â€Â
Amos 8 9 (Jerusalem Bible)
“Prediction of a mysterious punishment: darkness and mourning - ‘That day – it is the Lord Yahweh who speaks – I will make the sun go down at noon, and darken the earth in broad daylight. ...’â€Â
NOTE : Consider a world which is pitch dark and bitterly cold, where there is no electricity or fuel oil deliveries, because the sources and means of delivery have all been destroyed or disrupted. Consider too, that there is no food grown for a period of months; and perhaps even years; because there is no sunlight for photosynthesis. Consider a world where it is every man for himself. How many people will survive such a catastrophe?
Isaiah 13 12 (Jerusalem Bible)
“I will make men scarcer than pure gold, human life scarcer than the gold of Ophir.â€Â
NOTE : And yet as promised in Matthew 24 22, those days have been shortened. The Americans and Russians at one time had 22,000 nuclear weapons each; but since “nuclear disarmament†they have reduced their stockpiles to 3,000 and 3,500 respectively, assuming neither has been cheating.
NOTE : Were all this not enough, for Babylon, there is more.
Revelations 18 21 (Revised Standard Version)
“Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, ‘So shall Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and shall be found no more.’â€Â
Revelations 16 18-19 (Revised Standard Version)
“And there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as had never been since men were on the earth, so great was that earthquake, The great city was split into three parts, ...â€Â
Jeremiah 51 41-42 (Jerusalem Bible)
“An elegy for Babylon - What! Is she captured and conquered, the admiration of all the world? What! Babylon become a thing of horror throughout the nations? The sea has risen over Babylon, she sinks under its boisterous waves.
I have also found coded messages which support this interpretation. Please take what I am saying seriously, my IQ is in the 99.99 percentile. That means 1 in 10,000. Not by any means the best in the world, but way better than average; and my reading comprehension has been tested as high as the 99.997 th percentile or 3 in 100.000. So I think I understand it better than most.
The Message
As the gathering gloom of darkness; stole over the evening sky;
Empty streets echoed with rustling leaves; and a lonely seagull's cry;
Here in the land of Lilith1; where never shall wedding bells ring2;
But islands left of Chaldea3; who'd ever have thought such a thing?
Stark skeletal trees; bent to the breeze; that moaned and soughed in the night;
O'er remnants of cars; cold glittering stars; shed pale unearthly light;
With little alive; this crumbling hive; gutted by flames in its fall;
Is left from the days; of men's evil ways; when Babylon’s surpassed them all.
Note : the foregoing verse gives a limited description of conditions in “Babylon “ and “Chaldea†after they have been destroyed. Isaiah 47, whole chapter, is devoted to the destruction of the "Daughter of Babylon" and the "Daughter of Chaldea".
Isaiah 47 1 (Revised Standard Version)
"Come and sit down in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans !"
Isaiah 47 14 (Revised Standard Version)
"Behold they are like stubble, the fire consumes them; they cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame. No coal for warming oneself is this, no fire to sit before!
Note : Think “Nukes†and you will understand why this is no fire to sit and warm yourself by.
Note also : No longer the original Babylon, (Iraq), but rather the latter day spiritual descendant i.e. “The Daughter of Babylon†and “The Daughter of the Chaldeansâ€Â. Who might that be ?
1) Note : The Book of Isaiah chapter 34 deals with the destruction of “Edom†which was part of the Babylonian empire; and gives a list of creatures that will live in the remnants of the land as well as describing conditions there.
See Isaiah 34 : Subtitle Jerusalem Bible
The end of Edom a
See Footnote 34 a
34 a : This apocalyptic poem on the end of Edom belongs to the cycle of anti-Babylonian compositions. It is seemingly later than ch. 40-46 on which the author draws. It perhaps forms a whole with ch. 35.
See Isaiah 34 : 8-10 (Revised Standard Version)
Isaiah 34 8-10 For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion. And the streams of Edom shall be turned into pitch, and her soil into brimstone; her land shall become burning pitch. Night and day it shall not be quenched; its smoke shall go up forever. From gerneration to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever.
Note : “Its smoke shall go up forever†Forever is a very long time. Even if all the oil in the Middle East were set on fire, its smoke would not go up “foreverâ€Â. What then would logically explain Isaiah 34 9?
Note : I would point out that Texas is the world's sole source of helium. Scientists say that it somehow, (magically), got trapped there when the planet was formed; and has been there ever since. These same individuals also claim that the bulk of the earths radio-actives are locked up in the crust; basing this piece of "Brilliance" on calculations involving how much heat the earth absorbs of that received from the sun and how much heat the earth radiates into space; thereby concluding that the core is not generating much heat. (At best a very rough set of estimates in my opinion.)
There are however a number of inconvenient facts which make those statements nonsense.
a) Helium is so light that if released, the earth's gravity cannot retain it. It floats off into space.
b) Scientists also say, (correctly in this case), that the core of the earth is primarily molten iron. (Atomic Weight = 107)
c) The earth is approximately 7800 miles in diameter. That part of it which we call the "Crust", (i.e. the part which is solid, as opposed to either heated to "Plasticity" or out and out liquid), is nowhere more than 20 Miles thick. By far the bulk of the planet is either plastic, (i.e. it flows, if slowly), or molten. Given those circumstances, it is ridiculous to claim that the bulk of the radio-actives are in the crust.
d) The major radio-actives, (Uranium 238, (Non Fissile Atomic Weight = 238); Uranium 235, (Fissile Atomic Weight = 235), and Thorium 232, (Non Fissile Atomic Weight = 232), are all far more dense than iron, and would sink in molten iron like a stone sinks in water.
e) If a substance is said to be fissile, it means that it's radioactive decay rate is high enough, (i.e. it is sufficiently unstable), to support a chain reaction. So if 1 atom splits, and in so doing emits highly energetic neutrons, and these neutrons strike two other atoms and split them, and those two emit neutrons which split 4 other atoms, what you get, because of the instability of the fissile material, (easy to split), is a chain reaction of events where more and more atoms are splitting with each new cycle, which results in a massive explosion called the "Atomic Bomb" provided there is a .sufficient amount or “Critical Mass†of the substance in a sufficiently pure state present.
f) When a planet "Differentiates", (i.e. the various components get gravitationally sorted into layers according to density, when there is sufficient heat generated by radioactive decay to cause the interior to become molten), the heaviest components go to the centre and the lighter to the surface. This is because gravitational attraction is stronger between heavy objects than it is between light objects. So since 2 heavy objects attract each other more strongly than say a heavy object and a light object, then the second heavy object being attracted more strongly will push the light object out of it's way to come in contact with the other heavy object.
g) So what you wind up with is a sphere of U238 at the very centre, surrounded by a thin shell of U235, surrounded by a thick shell of T232, all this with very thin layers of rare elements separating them . That ladies and gentlemen is a "Fast Breeder Reactor", which is what keeps the core molten.
Note : Ask a "Scientist" why the core is still molten after 4.6 billion years, and they will say "Pressure"; which is NONSENSE! Pressure does cause temperature to rise, yes, BUT it is a one time phenomena. i.e. Pressure does cause the temperature to rise when it is applied, but it DOES NOT go on causing the temperature to rise, or even maintain the original rise. So with only pressure what you get is a temporary increase in heat which dissipates over the course of time; and you wind up with a solid body like the moon.
h) A fast breeder reactor creates more fuel than it consumes. This is achieved by surrounding the reactor core with a blanket of either non fissile Thorium 232 or non fissile Uranium 238. While the 235 in the core is splitting, it gives off neutrons same as always; and because 232 and 238 don't split easily, when they are struck by a neutron instead of splitting they capture the neutron, thus converting Thorium 232 into Uranium 233 ;or converting Uranium 238 into Plutonium 239. Both of which are fissile, - (even the ancient Greeks knew that "Pluto" was the "God of the Underworld"). In the case of a "Fast Breeder Reactor" like that at the core of the Earth, it does both.
Note : Thus far we have been talking about nuclear fission. Helium comes into existence through "Fusion". When two hydrogen atoms are forced to join together, (Fuse), they create 1 Helium atom. Stars are one example of "Hydrogen Fusion" and Hydrogen Bombs are another. "Fusion" also gives off energy, (10 times as much as "Fission"), and consequently "Scientists" have been working on trying to design a successful "Fusion Reactor" for some time. To date the best they have achieved has been the "Tokamak Reactor" which almost breaks even. That is to say that the "Tokamak Reactor" requires slightly more energy put into it to compress the hydrogen to the point at which it will "Fuse" than it generates in terms of output.
Note : Which brings me to the point : Where do you suppose the Helium found in Texas oilwells really comes from ? The answer is obviously : The Core, which is apparently powering an inefficient, (energy absorbing), fusion process generating helium. And apparently there is a plume rising from the core under Texas.
i) The "Halflife" of Uranium 238 is 4.46 Billion Years .
j) The "Halflife" of Thorium 232 is 14.05 Billion Years .
See Isaiah 34 : 8 -10 (Revised Standard Version)
Isaiah 34 8 -10 : For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion. And the streams of Edom shall be turned into pitch, and her soil into brimstone; her land shall become burning pitch. Night and day it shall not be quenched; its smoke shall go up forever. From generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever
Note : The lists of creatures that will survive in the remnants of the land, found in Isaiah 34, are useful when attempting to identify “The Daughter of Babylon†and “The Daughter of Chaldea†that are to be destroyed. Unfortunately this is a case where the meaning of the original Hebrew words has been lost according to the translator’s footnotes . Checking seven different versions of the Bible we find seven different lists as follows:
Isaiah 34 : 11
(KJV) = Cormorant & Bittern
(RSV) = Hawk & Porcupine
(NASV) = Pelican & Hedgehog
(Jerusalem) = Pelican & Hedgehog
(Darby) = Pelican & Bittern
(NRSV) = Hawk & Hedgehog
(NIV) = Desert Owl & Screech Owl
Isaiah 34 : 11 (Second part)
(KJV) = Owl & Raven
(RSV) = Owl & Raven
(NASV) = Owl & Raven
(Jerusalem) = Owl & Raven
(Darby) = Great Owl & Raven
(NRSV) = Owl & Raven
(NIV) = Great Owl & Raven
Isaiah 34 : 12
(KJV) = Nobles & Princes
(RSV) = Princes
(NASV) = Nobles & King
(Jerusalem) = Satyrs & Nobles
(Darby) = Nobles & Princes
(NRSV) = Princes
(NIV) = Nobles & Princes
Isaiah 34 : 13
(KJV) = Dragons & Owls
(RSV) = Jackals & Ostriches (Nobles)
(NASV) = Jackals & Ostriches (Nobles)
(Jerusalem) = Jackals & Ostriches
(Darby) = Wild Dogs & Ostriches
(NRSV) = Jackals & Ostriches
(NIV) = Jackals & Owls
Isaiah 34 : 14
(KJV) = Beasts of Desert & Beasts of the Island
(RSV) = Beasts & Hyenas
(NASV) = Desert Creatures & Wolves
(Jerusalem) = Wildcats & Hyenas
(Darby) = Beasts of Desert & Jackals
(NRSV) = Wildcats & Hyenas
(NIV) = Desert Creatures & Hyenas
Isaiah 34 : 14 (Second Part)
(KJV) = Satyr & Screech Owl
(RSV) = Satyr & Night Hag
(NASV) = Hairy Goat & Night Monster
(Jerusalem) = Satyrs & Lilith
(Darby) = Wild Goat & Lilith ( Night Spectre)
(NRSV) = Goat Demons & Lilith
(NIV) = Wild Goats & Night Creatures
NOTE : "Night Hag", "Night Monster" & "Night Creatures" = Lilith (Night Spectre)
Note : With respect of “Dragons†which shows up only in the King James Version, I used to take some comfort from that, (No Dragons here). - But then the Toronto Zoo put up those billboards saying "The Dragons are Here" in reference to the Komodo Dragons they imported. Komodo dragons are pretty ugly customers, with very nasty teeth, - big, sharp, and lots of them. They are big enough to kill people; and I get the impression that they will be among the "survivors". In a primitive society, with no weapons more advanced than spears, they would be a hazard . They are egg layers, breeding fairly large clutches, they have a taste for rotten meat, and consequently would not be short of food in the initial mass die off period, which would see their numbers explode. That in turn would be a considerable hazard in a dark world. I went to zoo and explained about Isaiah, urged them to get rid of their Komodos; but of course they didn't, One way or another the prophesies will be fulfilled.
Note : With respect of “Ostrichesâ€Â, they are now being raised here in North America as a substitute for "Beef", because unlike most birds, Ostriches have "red meat", and they are cheaper to raise than "Cattle"; and we all know how "Capitalism" works, don't we ?
Note : It is in Isaiah 34 that one finds the sole reference to “Lilith†that is in the Bible.
See Isaiah 34 : 14 Jerusalem Bible.
Isaiah 34 14 Wild cats will meet hyenas there, the satyrs will call to each other, there too will Lilith take cover seeking rest.
Note : Although “Lilith†appears but once in the Bible, she appears five times in the Talmud, once in the Dead Sea Scrolls and once in the Gilgamesh epic. So who or what was “Lilithâ€Â? It seems that according to ancient Hebrew legend, she was created from the dust of the earth like Adam; and that she was Adam’s first wife before Eve. Further it seems that she and Adam fought over who got to be “On Topâ€Â. And that she eventually fled from Adam. Apparently three angels were sent after her to bring her back but she refused to come, threatening harm against children if forced to return. She is apparently regarded by modern day feminists as a “Liberated Womanâ€Â, which is one of the reasons why I believe the reference to the destruction of “Edom†does not refer to that part of the Middle East which was the site of ancient “Edom†but rather to the destruction of that part of “The Daughter of Babylonâ€Â, (The modern day Babylon), which corresponds in nature to “Edom†in ancient Babylon. After all, one finds a whole lot more “liberated women†here than you will anywhere in the Middle East.
2) Note : Somewhere in my studies I encountered a reference that indicated that although there would be survivors in the remnants of “The Daughter of Babylon†and “The Daughter of Chaldea†after they have been destroyed; God would ignore them when he returned; and that there would never be any marriages among them. Question : Bearing in mind the judgement accorded Sodom and Gomorrah; do you think God would allow “Marriage†to take place in the remnants of a land that had ruled “Same S-E-X Marriage†to be legal ? (Canada = Chaldea U.S. = Babylon)
See Revelations 18 21, 16 18 -19 (Revised Standard Version), and Jeremiah 51 41 - 42 (Jerusalem Bible)
Revelations 18 : 21 “Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, ‘So shall Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and shall be found no more.’â€Â
Revelations 16 : 18-19 “And there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as had never been since men were on the earth, so great was that earthquake, The great city was split into three parts, ...â€Â
Jeremiah 51 : 41-42 “An elegy for Babylon - What! Is she captured and conquered, the admiratiol the world? What! Babylon become a thing of horror throughout the nations? The sea has risen over Babylon, she sinks under its boisterous waves.
Note : It would appear therefore that the landmass occupied by “The Daughter of Babylon†and “The Daughter of Chaldea†is to be struck by the greatest earthquake in history which will split said landmass into three parts and that some of said landmass will subside underwater. Be it noted that a “Millstone†is not just a term used to describe a piece of rock shaped to grind grain. It is also a term used to describe a “Hindrance†or “Deadweight†as in “A millstone round ones neckâ€Â. Given that interpretation of “Millstone†which country with 6% of the world’s population consumes 53% of the world’s production, and therefore might be considered a “Millstone“ around the neck of the world ? And what other country with a smaller population consumes a similar disproportionate amount per capita ?
Revelations 13 1-3 (Jerusalem Bible)
“Then I saw a beast emerge from the sea: it had seven heads and ten horns, ... the dragon had handed over to it his own power and his throne and his worldwide authority. I saw that one of its heads seemed to have had a fatal wound but that this deadly injury had healed ...â€Â
Revelations 17 3-5 (Revised Standard Version)
“And he carried me away in the Spirit to a wilderness, and I saw a woman (arrayed in purple and scarlet and bedecked with gold and jewels) sitting on a scarlet beast ... and it had seven heads and ten horns ... and on her forehead was written a name of mystery: ‘Babylon the great, ...’.â€Â
Revelations 17 7-8 (Revised Standard Version)
“... the angel said to me, ‘... I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her. The beast that you saw was, and is not ...’ .â€Â
Revelations 17 9-11 (Revised Standard Version)
“... the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other is not yet come, and when he comes he must remain only a little while. As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, ...’.â€Â
Try sticking the seven headed beast on the G7, and see what you get. 7 Heads, = 7 voting members. 5 Heads that are mountains that are kings who have fallen = 5 voting members that are ex world great powers : France, Italy, Germany, Japan, and England. 1 Head that is a mountain that is a king that is = 1 voting member that is a currant world great power : The United States. 1 Head that is a mountain that is a king that has not yet come = 1 voting member that has never been a world great power : Canada. 1 Head that has recovered from a mortal wound = split into four parts and put back together : Germany. The beast that was and is not that is an eighth that is one of the seven = The non voting, (observer status), eighth member of the G7 : Russia, which as the U.S.S.R, was a world great power; but as Russia is not accounted as such.
NOTE : Who is the "Harlot" that rides the seven headed beast ? Who controls the G7 ?
Isaiah 13 19 (Jerusalem Bible)
“Babylon the pearl of the kingdomsâ€Â
Isaiah 47 5 (New International Version)
“Queen of kingdomsâ€Â
Isaiah 47 5 (Jerusalem Bible)
“Sovereign lady of the kingdomsâ€Â
Revelations 17 1 (Jerusalem Bible)
“... the great prostitute who rules enthroned beside abundant waters, ...â€Â
Revelations 17 16-18 (Revised Standard Version)
“...the great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth.â€Â
Revelations 17 16-18 (Revised Standard Version)
“And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the harlot; they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose†... “And the woman which you saw is the great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth.â€Â
Isaiah 47 7-8 (New American Standard Version)
“...you said, ‘I shall be a queen forever’... ‘I am , and there is no one beside me. I shall not sit as a widow, nor shall I know loss of children’.†("The World's Only Superpower")
Revelations 18 7 (New International Version)
(of Babylon) “... in her heart she boasts, ‘I sit as a queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.
Revelations 18 8 (King James Version)
“Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire ...â€Â
Revelations 18 4-5
(Revised Standard Version)
“Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of her my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; for her sins are heaped as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.â€Â
Revelations 16 17 (Revised Standard Version)
“The seventh angel poured his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying ‘It is done!â€Â
Revelations 16 21 (Revised Standard Version)
“and great hailstones, heavy as a hundredweight, dropped on men from heaven, till men cursed God for the plague of hail, so fearful was that plague.
Revelations 18 9-10 (Revised Standard Version)
“And the kings of the earth, who committed fornication and were wanton with her, will weep and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning; they will stand far off, ... and say ‘Alas! Alas! Thou great city, thou mighty city, Babylon! In one hour has thy judgement come.
Revelations 18 11 (Darby Translation)
“And the merchants of the earth weep and grieve over her, since no one buys their lading (or Merchandise) anymore,â€Â
NOTE : The Foregoing passage is followed by a list of every luxury know to the ancients.
Revelations 18 15-17 (Revised Standard Version)
“The merchants of these wares, who gained wealth from her, will stand far off, ... weeping and mourning aloud, ‘Alas, alas, for the great city ... bedecked with gold, with jewels, and pearls! ... In one hour all this wealth has been laid waste.â€Â
NOTE : Those who are closer do not survive to mourn
Revelations 18 17-19 (Revised Standard Version)
“And all shipmasters ... and all whose trade is on the sea, stood far off and cried out as they saw the smoke of her burning, ‘What city was like the great city?’ ... ‘Alas, alas, for the great city where all who had ships at sea grew rich by her wealth! In one hour she has been laid waste.â€Â
Isaiah 47 14 (Revised Standard Version)
“...and the fire consumes them; they cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame. No coal for warming oneself is this, no fire to sit before!
NOTE : Think Nukes, ("Great Hailstones Heavy As A Hundredweight" that destroy by fire, sent by the beast that is an eighth that is one of the seven), and you will understand why this is no fire to sit and warm yourself by.
NOTE: When the Iraqis set the Kuwaiti oilfields on fire, the temperature in Kuwait dropped 20 degrees Fahrenheit, because the smoke from the fires blocked the sun. This despite the fact that there were massive uncontrolled fires burning; and the fact that the phenomena was local, so there was still warm air being transferred by wind currents from unaffected adjacent countries. This is the same principle on which the “Nuclear Winter†theory put forward by Carl Sagan is based.
Photos of the Kuwaiti Oilfields burning :
Darkness at Midday, March 12, 1991
As Dark as it Gets, Mid-morning, March 24, 1991
Inside the compound at Camp Freedom. There was no daylight visible horizon to horizon.
Other "Broad Daylight" photos
Matthew 24 20-22 (King James Version)
“But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day: for then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should be no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
Question: If the air temperature in Kuwait dropped 20 degrees Fahrenheit because of local oilfield fires, how much would the temperature drop if there were a global nuclear exchange, wherein the whole world was covered in smoke, and there was no warm air from unaffected areas to alleviate the temperature drop? How long would it take for the atmosphere to clear enough for temperatures and growing seasons to return to normal?
Isaiah 13 9-10 (Jerusalem Bible)
“The day of Yahweh is coming, merciless with wrath and fierce anger, to reduce the earth to a desert and root out the sinners from it. For the stars of the sky and Orion shall not let their light shine; and the sun shall be dark when it rises, and the moon shall not shed her light.â€Â
Joel 4 15 (Jerusalem Bible)
“The Day of Yahweh - Sun and moon grow dark, the stars lose their brilliance.â€Â
Amos 8 9 (Jerusalem Bible)
“Prediction of a mysterious punishment: darkness and mourning - ‘That day – it is the Lord Yahweh who speaks – I will make the sun go down at noon, and darken the earth in broad daylight. ...’â€Â
NOTE : Consider a world which is pitch dark and bitterly cold, where there is no electricity or fuel oil deliveries, because the sources and means of delivery have all been destroyed or disrupted. Consider too, that there is no food grown for a period of months; and perhaps even years; because there is no sunlight for photosynthesis. Consider a world where it is every man for himself. How many people will survive such a catastrophe?
Isaiah 13 12 (Jerusalem Bible)
“I will make men scarcer than pure gold, human life scarcer than the gold of Ophir.â€Â
NOTE : And yet as promised in Matthew 24 22, those days have been shortened. The Americans and Russians at one time had 22,000 nuclear weapons each; but since “nuclear disarmament†they have reduced their stockpiles to 3,000 and 3,500 respectively, assuming neither has been cheating.
NOTE : Were all this not enough, for Babylon, there is more.
Revelations 18 21 (Revised Standard Version)
“Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, ‘So shall Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and shall be found no more.’â€Â
Revelations 16 18-19 (Revised Standard Version)
“And there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as had never been since men were on the earth, so great was that earthquake, The great city was split into three parts, ...â€Â
Jeremiah 51 41-42 (Jerusalem Bible)
“An elegy for Babylon - What! Is she captured and conquered, the admiration of all the world? What! Babylon become a thing of horror throughout the nations? The sea has risen over Babylon, she sinks under its boisterous waves.
I have also found coded messages which support this interpretation. Please take what I am saying seriously, my IQ is in the 99.99 percentile. That means 1 in 10,000. Not by any means the best in the world, but way better than average; and my reading comprehension has been tested as high as the 99.997 th percentile or 3 in 100.000. So I think I understand it better than most.
The Message
As the gathering gloom of darkness; stole over the evening sky;
Empty streets echoed with rustling leaves; and a lonely seagull's cry;
Here in the land of Lilith1; where never shall wedding bells ring2;
But islands left of Chaldea3; who'd ever have thought such a thing?
Stark skeletal trees; bent to the breeze; that moaned and soughed in the night;
O'er remnants of cars; cold glittering stars; shed pale unearthly light;
With little alive; this crumbling hive; gutted by flames in its fall;
Is left from the days; of men's evil ways; when Babylon’s surpassed them all.
Note : the foregoing verse gives a limited description of conditions in “Babylon “ and “Chaldea†after they have been destroyed. Isaiah 47, whole chapter, is devoted to the destruction of the "Daughter of Babylon" and the "Daughter of Chaldea".
Isaiah 47 1 (Revised Standard Version)
"Come and sit down in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans !"
Isaiah 47 14 (Revised Standard Version)
"Behold they are like stubble, the fire consumes them; they cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame. No coal for warming oneself is this, no fire to sit before!
Note : Think “Nukes†and you will understand why this is no fire to sit and warm yourself by.
Note also : No longer the original Babylon, (Iraq), but rather the latter day spiritual descendant i.e. “The Daughter of Babylon†and “The Daughter of the Chaldeansâ€Â. Who might that be ?
1) Note : The Book of Isaiah chapter 34 deals with the destruction of “Edom†which was part of the Babylonian empire; and gives a list of creatures that will live in the remnants of the land as well as describing conditions there.
See Isaiah 34 : Subtitle Jerusalem Bible
The end of Edom a
See Footnote 34 a
34 a : This apocalyptic poem on the end of Edom belongs to the cycle of anti-Babylonian compositions. It is seemingly later than ch. 40-46 on which the author draws. It perhaps forms a whole with ch. 35.
See Isaiah 34 : 8-10 (Revised Standard Version)
Isaiah 34 8-10 For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion. And the streams of Edom shall be turned into pitch, and her soil into brimstone; her land shall become burning pitch. Night and day it shall not be quenched; its smoke shall go up forever. From gerneration to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever.
Note : “Its smoke shall go up forever†Forever is a very long time. Even if all the oil in the Middle East were set on fire, its smoke would not go up “foreverâ€Â. What then would logically explain Isaiah 34 9?
Note : I would point out that Texas is the world's sole source of helium. Scientists say that it somehow, (magically), got trapped there when the planet was formed; and has been there ever since. These same individuals also claim that the bulk of the earths radio-actives are locked up in the crust; basing this piece of "Brilliance" on calculations involving how much heat the earth absorbs of that received from the sun and how much heat the earth radiates into space; thereby concluding that the core is not generating much heat. (At best a very rough set of estimates in my opinion.)
There are however a number of inconvenient facts which make those statements nonsense.
a) Helium is so light that if released, the earth's gravity cannot retain it. It floats off into space.
b) Scientists also say, (correctly in this case), that the core of the earth is primarily molten iron. (Atomic Weight = 107)
c) The earth is approximately 7800 miles in diameter. That part of it which we call the "Crust", (i.e. the part which is solid, as opposed to either heated to "Plasticity" or out and out liquid), is nowhere more than 20 Miles thick. By far the bulk of the planet is either plastic, (i.e. it flows, if slowly), or molten. Given those circumstances, it is ridiculous to claim that the bulk of the radio-actives are in the crust.
d) The major radio-actives, (Uranium 238, (Non Fissile Atomic Weight = 238); Uranium 235, (Fissile Atomic Weight = 235), and Thorium 232, (Non Fissile Atomic Weight = 232), are all far more dense than iron, and would sink in molten iron like a stone sinks in water.
e) If a substance is said to be fissile, it means that it's radioactive decay rate is high enough, (i.e. it is sufficiently unstable), to support a chain reaction. So if 1 atom splits, and in so doing emits highly energetic neutrons, and these neutrons strike two other atoms and split them, and those two emit neutrons which split 4 other atoms, what you get, because of the instability of the fissile material, (easy to split), is a chain reaction of events where more and more atoms are splitting with each new cycle, which results in a massive explosion called the "Atomic Bomb" provided there is a .sufficient amount or “Critical Mass†of the substance in a sufficiently pure state present.
f) When a planet "Differentiates", (i.e. the various components get gravitationally sorted into layers according to density, when there is sufficient heat generated by radioactive decay to cause the interior to become molten), the heaviest components go to the centre and the lighter to the surface. This is because gravitational attraction is stronger between heavy objects than it is between light objects. So since 2 heavy objects attract each other more strongly than say a heavy object and a light object, then the second heavy object being attracted more strongly will push the light object out of it's way to come in contact with the other heavy object.
g) So what you wind up with is a sphere of U238 at the very centre, surrounded by a thin shell of U235, surrounded by a thick shell of T232, all this with very thin layers of rare elements separating them . That ladies and gentlemen is a "Fast Breeder Reactor", which is what keeps the core molten.
Note : Ask a "Scientist" why the core is still molten after 4.6 billion years, and they will say "Pressure"; which is NONSENSE! Pressure does cause temperature to rise, yes, BUT it is a one time phenomena. i.e. Pressure does cause the temperature to rise when it is applied, but it DOES NOT go on causing the temperature to rise, or even maintain the original rise. So with only pressure what you get is a temporary increase in heat which dissipates over the course of time; and you wind up with a solid body like the moon.
h) A fast breeder reactor creates more fuel than it consumes. This is achieved by surrounding the reactor core with a blanket of either non fissile Thorium 232 or non fissile Uranium 238. While the 235 in the core is splitting, it gives off neutrons same as always; and because 232 and 238 don't split easily, when they are struck by a neutron instead of splitting they capture the neutron, thus converting Thorium 232 into Uranium 233 ;or converting Uranium 238 into Plutonium 239. Both of which are fissile, - (even the ancient Greeks knew that "Pluto" was the "God of the Underworld"). In the case of a "Fast Breeder Reactor" like that at the core of the Earth, it does both.
Note : Thus far we have been talking about nuclear fission. Helium comes into existence through "Fusion". When two hydrogen atoms are forced to join together, (Fuse), they create 1 Helium atom. Stars are one example of "Hydrogen Fusion" and Hydrogen Bombs are another. "Fusion" also gives off energy, (10 times as much as "Fission"), and consequently "Scientists" have been working on trying to design a successful "Fusion Reactor" for some time. To date the best they have achieved has been the "Tokamak Reactor" which almost breaks even. That is to say that the "Tokamak Reactor" requires slightly more energy put into it to compress the hydrogen to the point at which it will "Fuse" than it generates in terms of output.
Note : Which brings me to the point : Where do you suppose the Helium found in Texas oilwells really comes from ? The answer is obviously : The Core, which is apparently powering an inefficient, (energy absorbing), fusion process generating helium. And apparently there is a plume rising from the core under Texas.
i) The "Halflife" of Uranium 238 is 4.46 Billion Years .
j) The "Halflife" of Thorium 232 is 14.05 Billion Years .
See Isaiah 34 : 8 -10 (Revised Standard Version)
Isaiah 34 8 -10 : For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion. And the streams of Edom shall be turned into pitch, and her soil into brimstone; her land shall become burning pitch. Night and day it shall not be quenched; its smoke shall go up forever. From generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever
Note : The lists of creatures that will survive in the remnants of the land, found in Isaiah 34, are useful when attempting to identify “The Daughter of Babylon†and “The Daughter of Chaldea†that are to be destroyed. Unfortunately this is a case where the meaning of the original Hebrew words has been lost according to the translator’s footnotes . Checking seven different versions of the Bible we find seven different lists as follows:
Isaiah 34 : 11
(KJV) = Cormorant & Bittern
(RSV) = Hawk & Porcupine
(NASV) = Pelican & Hedgehog
(Jerusalem) = Pelican & Hedgehog
(Darby) = Pelican & Bittern
(NRSV) = Hawk & Hedgehog
(NIV) = Desert Owl & Screech Owl
Isaiah 34 : 11 (Second part)
(KJV) = Owl & Raven
(RSV) = Owl & Raven
(NASV) = Owl & Raven
(Jerusalem) = Owl & Raven
(Darby) = Great Owl & Raven
(NRSV) = Owl & Raven
(NIV) = Great Owl & Raven
Isaiah 34 : 12
(KJV) = Nobles & Princes
(RSV) = Princes
(NASV) = Nobles & King
(Jerusalem) = Satyrs & Nobles
(Darby) = Nobles & Princes
(NRSV) = Princes
(NIV) = Nobles & Princes
Isaiah 34 : 13
(KJV) = Dragons & Owls
(RSV) = Jackals & Ostriches (Nobles)
(NASV) = Jackals & Ostriches (Nobles)
(Jerusalem) = Jackals & Ostriches
(Darby) = Wild Dogs & Ostriches
(NRSV) = Jackals & Ostriches
(NIV) = Jackals & Owls
Isaiah 34 : 14
(KJV) = Beasts of Desert & Beasts of the Island
(RSV) = Beasts & Hyenas
(NASV) = Desert Creatures & Wolves
(Jerusalem) = Wildcats & Hyenas
(Darby) = Beasts of Desert & Jackals
(NRSV) = Wildcats & Hyenas
(NIV) = Desert Creatures & Hyenas
Isaiah 34 : 14 (Second Part)
(KJV) = Satyr & Screech Owl
(RSV) = Satyr & Night Hag
(NASV) = Hairy Goat & Night Monster
(Jerusalem) = Satyrs & Lilith
(Darby) = Wild Goat & Lilith ( Night Spectre)
(NRSV) = Goat Demons & Lilith
(NIV) = Wild Goats & Night Creatures
NOTE : "Night Hag", "Night Monster" & "Night Creatures" = Lilith (Night Spectre)
Note : With respect of “Dragons†which shows up only in the King James Version, I used to take some comfort from that, (No Dragons here). - But then the Toronto Zoo put up those billboards saying "The Dragons are Here" in reference to the Komodo Dragons they imported. Komodo dragons are pretty ugly customers, with very nasty teeth, - big, sharp, and lots of them. They are big enough to kill people; and I get the impression that they will be among the "survivors". In a primitive society, with no weapons more advanced than spears, they would be a hazard . They are egg layers, breeding fairly large clutches, they have a taste for rotten meat, and consequently would not be short of food in the initial mass die off period, which would see their numbers explode. That in turn would be a considerable hazard in a dark world. I went to zoo and explained about Isaiah, urged them to get rid of their Komodos; but of course they didn't, One way or another the prophesies will be fulfilled.
Note : With respect of “Ostrichesâ€Â, they are now being raised here in North America as a substitute for "Beef", because unlike most birds, Ostriches have "red meat", and they are cheaper to raise than "Cattle"; and we all know how "Capitalism" works, don't we ?
Note : It is in Isaiah 34 that one finds the sole reference to “Lilith†that is in the Bible.
See Isaiah 34 : 14 Jerusalem Bible.
Isaiah 34 14 Wild cats will meet hyenas there, the satyrs will call to each other, there too will Lilith take cover seeking rest.
Note : Although “Lilith†appears but once in the Bible, she appears five times in the Talmud, once in the Dead Sea Scrolls and once in the Gilgamesh epic. So who or what was “Lilithâ€Â? It seems that according to ancient Hebrew legend, she was created from the dust of the earth like Adam; and that she was Adam’s first wife before Eve. Further it seems that she and Adam fought over who got to be “On Topâ€Â. And that she eventually fled from Adam. Apparently three angels were sent after her to bring her back but she refused to come, threatening harm against children if forced to return. She is apparently regarded by modern day feminists as a “Liberated Womanâ€Â, which is one of the reasons why I believe the reference to the destruction of “Edom†does not refer to that part of the Middle East which was the site of ancient “Edom†but rather to the destruction of that part of “The Daughter of Babylonâ€Â, (The modern day Babylon), which corresponds in nature to “Edom†in ancient Babylon. After all, one finds a whole lot more “liberated women†here than you will anywhere in the Middle East.
2) Note : Somewhere in my studies I encountered a reference that indicated that although there would be survivors in the remnants of “The Daughter of Babylon†and “The Daughter of Chaldea†after they have been destroyed; God would ignore them when he returned; and that there would never be any marriages among them. Question : Bearing in mind the judgement accorded Sodom and Gomorrah; do you think God would allow “Marriage†to take place in the remnants of a land that had ruled “Same S-E-X Marriage†to be legal ? (Canada = Chaldea U.S. = Babylon)
See Revelations 18 21, 16 18 -19 (Revised Standard Version), and Jeremiah 51 41 - 42 (Jerusalem Bible)
Revelations 18 : 21 “Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, ‘So shall Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and shall be found no more.’â€Â
Revelations 16 : 18-19 “And there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as had never been since men were on the earth, so great was that earthquake, The great city was split into three parts, ...â€Â
Jeremiah 51 : 41-42 “An elegy for Babylon - What! Is she captured and conquered, the admiratiol the world? What! Babylon become a thing of horror throughout the nations? The sea has risen over Babylon, she sinks under its boisterous waves.
Note : It would appear therefore that the landmass occupied by “The Daughter of Babylon†and “The Daughter of Chaldea†is to be struck by the greatest earthquake in history which will split said landmass into three parts and that some of said landmass will subside underwater. Be it noted that a “Millstone†is not just a term used to describe a piece of rock shaped to grind grain. It is also a term used to describe a “Hindrance†or “Deadweight†as in “A millstone round ones neckâ€Â. Given that interpretation of “Millstone†which country with 6% of the world’s population consumes 53% of the world’s production, and therefore might be considered a “Millstone“ around the neck of the world ? And what other country with a smaller population consumes a similar disproportionate amount per capita ?