destiny said:
peace4all said:
I have met many "christians" like richard, and they are very nice people. They can be nice to you, or be your friend, REGARDLESS of what your beliefs are. They are truly nice people, that give christianity the loving, reaching out, kind of name, that some think it has.
I have met man "christians" that are liek other memebrs on this forum, that preach discrimination (although they wont call it that) and hate (or that either) and refuse to accept people that are not the same as them.
Both call themselves christians, and there are hundreds of thousands on both sides, that think THEY are the true christians, and the other half arent.
Its funny, because, either all of them are wrong, Or half of them are wrong :-P
I personally like to think christians are more like the first type. That way, I can actually stand dealing with them :-P
If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.
If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world,
since I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.'
John 15:18-19
Not in every case, but sometimes it's just a simple case of one worldly person recognizing a another worldly person. And they are brethren.
I see a lot of so-called 'christians' joined at the hip with nonbelievers on forums, mostly because they are equally yoked together and likeminded.
sometimes it is so obvious.
as some christians say, we are all brothers, and we are all given the same oppurtunities and chances by God, however, it is up to you, to follow the correct path.
There may be incidents where non believers, and believers alike, follow the same path (its evident that pretty much anyone, regardless of religion, agree's that murder, and theft, and rape, are all wrong)
It is not surprising that some christians agree with soem atheists, as some atheists agree with some christians. We are all still humans.
I have met christians that "pretend" to fit into either o the categories i listed, sure. There are the ones that are all nice to sinners on teh outside, just to draw them to jesus, but will turn right around and insult and preach hate against them, Just as their are christians that attend anti-gay rallies, that, they themselves, struggle with being in the closet, or dealing with homosexuality. Sure. However, the amount of either of those, are soo much smaller, I left them out of my generalization. Sorry.
That's because the World and even some Christian despise having that mirror put in front of them. They don't like their transgressions reflected back on them, so they turn a blind eye.
I absolutely agree. There are Christians, and atheists, on BOTH sides, that will preach hate, and then turn around and secretly sin teh same way (or do what they hate) or that will preach love, and will turn around and trashtalk it behind its back. Absolutely. No Person likes to believe that THEY are at fault. Look at people liek Pat Robertson. He gets rich, off of condeming people for sin, while he is just filling his greedy sins through all of the donations he recieves. Same as Falwell, ore even Michale Moore.
Why bother posting scripture?
That's because the World and even some Christian despise having that mirror put in front of them. They don't like their transgressions reflected back on them, so they turn a blind eye.
For behold, they had rather sacrifice their lives than even to take the life of their enemy; and they have buried their weapons of war deep in the earth, because of their love towards their brethren.
4.Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Book of Mormon, Alma 26.32
or, one of my favorite, because it is very, well, to say the least.. creepy
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God; for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." No, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for by doing so you will heap burning coals upon his head."
17.Christianity. Romans 12.19-20
(these quotes pertain more to the discussion as a whole, than to people being blind of their own sins.